If Jesus was the author; are these lies?

You are correct about Einstein, it was the crazy monkies who used his brilliant work like a great white shark kills its prey.

The knowledge is in the hands of crazy monkies too, and it seems the crazy monkies always make it to the top of anything they do, strange that...

got ted haggarts, warren jeffs and popes walking around too

Funnily enough Jesus claimed to be the light...
as all life is of the light too.

same life in all

ever read darwins On the Origins of Species? Cool book, in the front few pages he drew the greatest rendition on the 'tree of life'

shares how the 'process' of 'transmutation' (he NEVER even used the word evolution in the whole book)..... offers and analogy that all life came from the same roots (the light)

John 8:12 (New International Version)

The Validity of Jesus' Testimony

12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

and why taking up the cross is so important

(electromagnetism: electric and magnetic feilds at perpendicular planes..... hold a unit of light at the 1m wavelength, and point it at someone and you would be holding a cross)

kind of neat how 'reality' works
got ted haggarts, warren jeffs and popes walking around too


as all life is of the light too.

same life in all

I disagree, I believe there is always an opposite, which in this case is darkness.

ever read darwins On the Origins of Species? Cool book, in the front few pages he drew the greatest rendition on the 'tree of life'

shares how the 'process' of 'transmutation' (he NEVER even used the word evolution in the whole book)..... offers and analogy that all life came from the same roots (the light)

Did he use the term 'light'?

I have the book gathering dust, after boredom set in about half way through, but maybe it was just my mood at the time, will no doubt read it at some point though.

and why taking up the cross is so important

What do you mean?

(electromagnetism: electric and magnetic feilds at perpendicular planes..... hold a unit of light at the 1m wavelength, and point it at someone and you would be holding a cross)

kind of neat how 'reality' works

Is this good or bad?
I disagree, I believe there is always an opposite, which in this case is darkness.
light dark are perspectives; there is no place in existence without em(light) in one of her wavelengths (you/we only see/use a few with our eyes)

Basically to comprehend that, then there is no darkness.

but that is not the importance of the matter.

If at point A of atoms and energy, atom 1 and 2 combine, then light (em) caused it (is upon that mass).

then if 'all' life is of atoms and energy (mass/light) then when cell A divides to make B and C, then all have a portion of the light from the first.

Well then follow evolution......... 'the tree of life'

Here is another:

If your mommy and daddy each gave a single cell (sperm/egg) to combine and make the new you (shade of light); then in reality, they both live in you, right now!

Then reverse that to the beginning of time; now you can know, in fact, that all your whole lineage since the beginning of time is alive (in you)

That is 'raising the fathers to the flesh' (my opinion)

as well, when you do and action (cause an action to exist) then you are 'representing' your whole lineage and mother and father.

can you see why it is so important to 'HONOR" your mother and father; you are them and representing the light of your whole lineage.

be good at all times!

Did he use the term 'light'?
i often put MY opinion in ()

I have the book gathering dust, after boredom set in about half way through,
not fair

meaning; you best not be talking bad about the man's work if you do not comprehend it; (that be false witnessing)

What do you mean?
when you understand (the light), then you will practically be able to 'walk on water'

Is this good or bad?

i was assisting you with your comprehension of the light. (revealing knowledge)

if it is GOOD; then it will 'support life to continue'

if it is BAD: then it would be a 'loss to the common'

So define for us; (answer your own question); as you now have the ability to judge.... (an live forever in 'what you do')

seems planting the seeds in good soil will live

How do you feel about that?
light dark are perspectives; there is no place in existence without em(light) in one of her wavelengths (you/we only see/use a few with our eyes)

Basically to comprehend that, then there is no darkness.

but that is not the importance of the matter.

If at point A of atoms and energy, atom 1 and 2 combine, then light (em) caused it (is upon that mass).

then if 'all' life is of atoms and energy (mass/light) then when cell A divides to make B and C, then all have a portion of the light from the first.

Well then follow evolution......... 'the tree of life'

Here is another:

If your mommy and daddy each gave a single cell (sperm/egg) to combine and make the new you (shade of light); then in reality, they both live in you, right now!

Then reverse that to the beginning of time; now you can know, in fact, that all your whole lineage since the beginning of time is alive (in you)

That is 'raising the fathers to the flesh' (my opinion)

as well, when you do and action (cause an action to exist) then you are 'representing' your whole lineage and mother and father.

can you see why it is so important to 'HONOR" your mother and father; you are them and representing the light of your whole lineage.

be good at all times!

What if your ancestor was a murderer?

i often put MY opinion in ()

not fair

meaning; you best not be talking bad about the man's work if you do not comprehend it; (that be false witnessing)

I didn't talk bad about him personally or his work.

when you understand (the light), then you will practically be able to 'walk on water'

So can you walk on water?

i was assisting you with your comprehension of the light. (revealing knowledge)

if it is GOOD; then it will 'support life to continue'

if it is BAD: then it would be a 'loss to the common'

So define for us; (answer your own question); as you now have the ability to judge.... (an live forever in 'what you do')

seems planting the seeds in good soil will live

How do you feel about that?

I think you talk a lot of sense.
What if your ancestor was a murderer?
which one?

My favorite so far, is Roger Bacon and i would be proud to have Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon) in that line too, but i don't spend much time in that type of work

Antoni before coming across to the US was a 'serf' outside of Poznan; killed a german soldier defending a neighbor; packed up and moved to the US on that note.

I didn't talk bad about him personally or his work.
offering applicable advice, in which you can judge yourself

So can you walk on water?
absolutely! (when frozen)

I think you talk a lot of sense.

the truth sets you free (mankind)

keep in mind the "last word"

If existence only operates ONE way; then the math is the 'name' to know.

then if 'we' are all of (within) existence; then we are of HIM (the garden)

then ask yourself;

Is existence defining itself?


and thanx, (you allowed rational to be applied to the revealing by your inquiry (even curiosity))

Keep in mind something a little fat guy once said:

"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world."

or better yet

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
I like it :)

Pleasure speaking with you, we might clash heads again sometime ;)

may i ask you a question?

are you a real christian?

I mean; is 'creed' your mindset or are you a real follower of what Jesus tried to convey?

And to be fair, i will say; if you are a followers of HIS teachings as well comprehended what was written herein, with all the compassion and LOVE intended.

Then i will have to say; you are the very first i have EvER come across that i would say DESERVES that so called 'rapture'

"the awakening of mind" (in my view)

You need not state your beliefs as i see more Good in what you have done herein, in all my days of religious debate.

may i ask you a question?

are you a real christian?

I mean; is 'creed' your mindset or are you a real follower of what Jesus tried to convey?

I try the best I can to follow the teachings of Jesus, and have fell on numerous occasions but I try.

How about you(if you don't mind me asking)?
I try the best I can to follow the teachings of Jesus, and have fell on numerous occasions but I try.

i would be proud to call you a christian in the sense that the J man was pretty straight up, while your seeking and evolving in awareness shows us all that 'the awakening' can be ONE will most everything GOOD the J man said; the revealing can exist within both the old and truth.

(i had to add; for the most part the LOVE and compassion within the Xtian ('X' gang) sects is there but the grave errors of allowing belief to over ride truth (discounting darwin) is horrid.

i see it as being able to false witness and expecting to be forgiven; sorry, that don't go around here!

How about you(if you don't mind me asking)?

since i see God as all of existence at the same time, then all of the works will and do have merit.

i like to consider my knowledge having come from the 4 colors (horseman) of mankind; i love most all the GOOD contributers.

Bose Thoth Zoroaster.......... and many in between and to come
Which Thoth are you referring to?

Here is one too look into


He was considered the heart and tongue of Ra as well as the means by which Ra's will was translated into speech. He has also been likened to the Logos of Plato and the mind of God (The All).

Thoth, like many Egyptian gods and nobility, held many titles. Among these were "Scribe of Ma'at in the Company of the Gods," "Lord of Ma'at," "Lord of Divine Words," "Judge of the Two Combatant Gods," "Judge of the Rekhekhui, the pacifier of the Gods, who Dwelleth in Unnu, the Great God in the Temple of Abtiti," "Twice Great," "Thrice Great,"" and "Three Times Great, Great."

Thoth has been involved in arbitration, magic, writing, science and the judging of the dead.

He (it), is an oldie but goodie

Thoth was also a lunar deity, and whatever form he took he wore a lunar crescent on his head.


I like to consider the icon as the 'moon child'

Many liked the works

Socrates: I heard that in Egypt there lived one of the old gods of that country, the one whose sacred bird is called the ibis; and the name of the divinity was Thoth. It was he who first invented numbers and arithmetic, geometry and astronomy, dicing too, and, most particularly and especially, writing.
John 8:12 (New International Version)

The Validity of Jesus' Testimony

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
M*W: The "light of the world" is simply a reference to the sun.
M*W: The "light of the world" is simply a reference to the sun.

to egyptians, most any can simplify that as being applicable

but when combining many many many renditions from all over the globes renditions of 'light'

then it is real easy to combine what has been proven in science, as being of the same foundations; just further evolved.

For example: this is 2009 and light is perfectly rendered as existing and is found and defined as being electric and magnetic fields at perpendicular planes; basically a 'cross'..................... so to take up you cross and represent the 'light of life'....

is not just 'the sun' or simple the star of our solar system but the underlying frame in principle that will change mankind

pretty much what every religions has shared (my opinion)

Do you believe that the Greek pantheon of gods existed, or even still exist?

that is like asking if Jesus existed.

We all know he was not God anymore than Hades is a beast or place.

Zeus offered a fine rendition to "God" sitting on a thrown (pulling strings, creating or even throwing lighting bolts)

Much of the OLD ideology still lives within the many "Gods" as believed within all the religions.

Try a thread and ask, is the Muslim God the same as the Jewish God and watch what happens.

So in that sense it is easy to see, as ooosual, people create the 'pantheon' not the 'gods'.
that is like asking if Jesus existed.

We all know he was not God anymore than Hades is a beast or place.

Zeus offered a fine rendition to "God" sitting on a thrown (pulling strings, creating or even throwing lighting bolts)

Much of the OLD ideology still lives within the many "Gods" as believed within all the religions.

Try a thread and ask, is the Muslim God the same as the Jewish God and watch what happens.

So in that sense it is easy to see, as ooosual, people create the 'pantheon' not the 'gods'.


I guess your viewpoint is the same for all the gods of mythology inc Thoth?
i believe mankind from all over time and places have been descibing god(s)

learning from each shares 'what's a god'

So would you say that you yourself have evolved beyond those old folks to be able to comprehend what God actually exists?

Is that the 'awakening'?
So would you say that you yourself have evolved beyond those old folks
a 10 year old can text (per se) at 70 WPM while the old timers are at 7...... (a commercial made the comment)

point; the new will always know more than the old; otherwise the old failed horribly

to be able to comprehend what God actually exists?

Is that the 'awakening'?

as all mankind can experience reality

that spark was just bumped into by an individual

perhaps think of god 'as the garden' (our creator)

or maybe the incarnate (mass; the corporeal)

energy (light/em; the spirit (the energy between all mass is of one or more of HER properties; all cases)

time ....(the transcendant)

All mass, all energy, all time: ONE (existence itself; the boss; the trinity as ONE)

Then HE be "the garden", the creator, the ONE, the BOSS; GOD

and all mankind, life, everything is HIS and we all just learning HIS LAWS; how existence works.

THEN if HE be the three; the process describing how the 'three' works (how energy-mass in time work)

would be the final ToE (the name of the boss is the math defining how it works; the last word to all arguments)

If existence operates only ONE way, then the math is the 'name' to know!

Hence: Rev 22:4 and they shall see His face, and His name [is] upon their foreheads,

the last word is what the world of all disciplines is awaiting.

(my opinion)