If Jesus died for our sins


Valued Senior Member
If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn't we take full advantage of that and sin all the damn time.

I mean wouldn't it be a shame, no a travesty to have him die for our sins and not be expert sinners.
Depends on which Christian you talk to. For example Catholics believe in both faith and works-

In other words Jesus got rid of sins for those who believe, in order to believe you must have faith and do the works- so you don't have a free pass.

But Protestants do- but they have a catch- you have to 'born again'- And when you are then you will 'willingly' follow Christ and do what was commanded- But this is bs to a great degree because even if you don't that's still okay. So Protestants do have a free pass. Unless someone would like to take the test of 'born again'- I wonder if it will come out positive or negative. :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn't we take full advantage of that and sin all the damn time.

I mean wouldn't it be a shame, no a travesty to have him die for our sins and not be expert sinners.

Not exactly the message he was shooting for, but you're as close as artillery on a Sunday.
I'd like to think that the Prots recognize that you can't just pull a last minute full-field conversion and claim you're suddenly running for the Talahassee GodSlingers. I think it's implicit.
If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn't we take full advantage of that and sin all the damn time.

I mean wouldn't it be a shame, no a travesty to have him die for our sins and not be expert sinners.

We are expert sinners. Jesus' death simply means that you don't have to go out and kill a newborn lamb every time you sin, which is probably very often. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. So now you can just ask God for forgiveness instead of paying for it, by proving how sorry you really are.
I'd like to think that the Prots recognize that you can't just pull a last minute full-field conversion and claim you're suddenly running for the Talahassee GodSlingers. I think it's implicit.

Can you expand on this in words that don't make it sound like a joke.

Peace be unto you ;)
We are expert sinners. Jesus' death simply means that you don't have to go out and kill a newborn lamb every time you sin, which is probably very often. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. So now you can just ask God for forgiveness instead of paying for it, by proving how sorry you really are.

Is a blood sacrifice required for every sin... I think you're pulling that one out of thin air.

Peace be unto you ;)
Can you expand on this in words that don't make it sound like a joke.

Peace be unto you ;)

Everything's a joke, 786.

What I'm saying is that I like to think that Protestantism says that you can't get reborn if you've been banking on being a shit all your life and then getting reborn at the end. I doubt that's the way they take it.
Everything's a joke, 786.

What I'm saying is that I like to think that Protestantism says that you can't get reborn if you've been banking on being a shit all your life and then getting reborn at the end. I doubt that's the way they take it.

But who has the 'reborn' test? I would like to visit the facility. All the say is that you need to have faith in Christ and that'll do it... that should cause you to have a change of 'heart' (reborn)- and since now you are reborn you would want to do things to please Christ because you love him- it doesn't mean you're perfect- all you need is to know that you love Christ and then Hallelujah.

Peace be unto you ;)
"Reborn test"? Please elaborate.

Well, if you have a genuine change of heart, they say that God forgives. More than that, you'll have to ask Him about.
"Reborn test"? Please elaborate.

Well, if you have a genuine change of heart, they say that God forgives. More than that, you'll have to ask Him about.

I was wondering whose going to tell someone that they are 'reborn' and someone is 'not'- its a personal judgment- if they think they love Christ then Hallelujah, right?

Apparently then there is no need for Jesus- because the OT guarantees that if people repent they will be forgiven. So if they genuinely get a change of heart why would you need Christ at all? :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
Does the OT guarantee that? Perhaps Jesus was a reminder, then. Seems like a meme that would get repeated.

And, ol' JC does say that to get to the Father, you go through Him (JC, that is). Apparently you do need Him, depending on your perspective.
Does the OT guarantee that? Perhaps Jesus was a reminder, then. Seems like a meme that would get repeated.

Yes.. I'll find the verse when I have a bit more time. 2 Exams tomorrow and Friday and I'm wasting my time here!

And, ol' JC does say that to get to the Father, you go through Him (JC, that is). Apparently you do need Him, depending on your perspective.

First of all I was refering to JC 'dying for your sin' part...

But anyways, Apparently that is convenient misinterpretation of what Jesus actually said... This is classic example.

Why not read in context? (John 14)

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4 And you know the way to where I am going." 5 Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" 6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

So let me break it down:

1. Paradise ("Father's House") has many 'rooms'
2. Jesus prepares 'a room' for his followers
3. The way to those 'room' is Jesus.
4. Only through Jesus can you get to the Father.

So, there are many rooms from which Jesus will prepare 'a room' for his followers and that to get to that room they need to follow Jesus- and by getting to that room you are essentially getting to the Father as you will be in Paradise or as the verse refers to 'Father's House'- So if you're in Father's House- you've gotten to the Father.. And since its a room for his followers the only way to get there is through Jesus....

This is actually a similar teaching to what Islam has.. that each Prophet will lead his people into paradise.

Every time a prophet comes you must believe in them, not doing so is equivalent to rejection and disbelief- the way to the Father is through belief- in essence you must follow your prophet for he truly is the only way for you... This is applicable to all prophets. And is evidenced by the fact that Jesus only went to prepare 'a place' out of many! Each place for each prophet and his followers.

Peace be unto you ;)
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Yes.. I'll find the verse when I have a bit more time. 2 Exams tomorrow and Friday and I'm wasting my time here!

First of all I was refering to JC 'dying for your sin' part...

But anyways, Apparently that is convenient misinterpretation of what Jesus actually said... This is classic example.

Why not read in context? (John 14)

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4 And you know the way to where I am going." 5 Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" 6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

So let me break it down:

1. Paradise has many 'rooms'
2. Jesus prepares 'a room' for his followers
3. The way to those 'room' is Jesus.
4. Only through Jesus can you get to the Father.

So, there are many rooms from which Jesus will prepare 'a room' for his followers and that to get to that room they need to follow Jesus- and by getting to that room you are essentially getting to the Father as you will be in Paradise. And since its a room for his followers the only way to get there is through Jesus....

This is actually a similar teaching to what Islam has.. that each Prophet will lead his people into paradise.

Every time a prophet comes you must believe in them, not doing so is equivalent to rejection and disbelief- the way to the Father is through belief- in essence you must follow your prophet for he truly is the only way for you... This is applicable to all prophets. And is evidenced by the fact that Jesus only went to prepare 'a place' out of many! Each place for each prophet and his followers.

Peace be unto you ;)

Do you think god knows how we lived our lives ?
Is a blood sacrifice required for every sin... I think you're pulling that one out of thin air.

Peace be unto you ;)

No not every sin required an animal or some other sacrifice. He is the reason animal or harvest sacrifices are no longer required, he was the last sacrifice. I was taught that because Jesus loved the people so much he sacrificed himself so they would no longer have to sacrifice their livelihoods in order to be forgiven by God. So if you want to be technical about it Jesus didn't die for all of our sins, just the ones that required sacrifices. You still have to wash yourself seven times after touching semen, but I don't think things like that were considered sins though. So maybe all sins did require a sacrifice, now that I think about it. :shrug:
Do you think god knows how we lived our lives ?

What does this have anything to do with what I said? Anyways yes god knows- although this is about Christianity so I'm not sure what the Bible says about this but I do believe he does as he knows every action if I read the Bible correctly.

Peace be unto you ;)
There is an inherent problem with trying to make logical sense of Christian theology (and other kinds of theology). The theology was not intelligently designed. It evolved from multiple stories from multiple authors with differing points of view over a lengthy period of time. It was compiled by people who are little known to modern believers. This process created a need for even more theology in order to explain the original statements, and the result is a mess.

One thing I'm sure of is that no theologian would allow any loopholes in the rules that allow one to sin. I would think if you accept Christian theology in the first place, that would be obvious.
What does this have anything to do with what I said? Anyways yes god knows- although this is about Christianity so I'm not sure what the Bible says about this but I do believe he does as he knows every action if I read the Bible correctly.

Peace be unto you ;)

Because, from a does this make sense standpoint. If god truly knows our actions why does it really matter if we believe in him.

I mean, does it make sense for an omnipotent being to be so concerned with someone believing in him as opposed to leading a good and decent life.

What I get from this, is that you could be an ass all your life, get re-born when you find out you have terminal cancer and get into heaven.

So why would I or any decent person want to live with all of the pedophiles, murderers and general slime of society just because they repented at the last minute.

None of it makes any sense, especially considering the power that god supposedly has.
Depends on which Christian you talk to. For example Catholics believe in both faith and works-

In other words Jesus got rid of sins for those who believe, in order to believe you must have faith and do the works- so you don't have a free pass.

But Protestants do- but they have a catch- you have to 'born again'- And when you are then you will 'willingly' follow Christ and do what was commanded- But this is bs to a great degree because even if you don't that's still okay. So Protestants do have a free pass. Unless someone would like to take the test of 'born again'- I wonder if it will come out positive or negative. :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)

Ah but as a catholic if you confess your sins your are again cleansed from sin so yes it is a free pass as long as ater you kill the person you go tell god about it and say sorry all is good.