If Islam is really bad, why ON EARTH then all these westerners are converting ????

Re: Re: Re: I have religious license to inslut the hell out of you.

Originally posted by Flores
Just a demonstration that you are an idiot with a pee size memory.
I'm a mother of two.

Ps. What the hell am I wasting my time on. a Zero.....???? Multiply yourself with infinity, and you might just compare to one of me.


Then act womanly. Like all good women should. You don't sound like a good mother at all. Shame on you. You must be one of those women who think feminism is still alive. Go be a good wife to your hubby! :D
Flores sez:

strength is not in the number of members to the faith, it's in the quality of the members.

If by “quality” you mean ilk such as Allahs/Jihad/Ghassan, Abdullabomber, Proud Syrian and yourself, who do little more than continually berate and insult other people while showing a complete lack of intelligence, then you and yours can have Islam.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I would think those who follow Islam would not want you and yours as their spokespersons.

And if the Western view of Islamic followers were one of barbarism, violence and ignorance, you’ve done a splendid job of upholding that vision.

Originally posted by (Q)
Perhaps I am wrong, but I would think those who follow Islam would not want you and yours as their spokespersons.

What an oxymoron you are....You think for Islam followers and outline their agendas now.....Have you checked the content of your own underwear lately......Get your nose out of others business.
(Insert Title Here)

I don't think the rate of growth should be evidence for truthhood or falsehood.
In the end, while this is correct, it seems rather beside the point. After all, we just did endure a topic in which it was asserted that the problem of Islamic nations was that Islam was fundamentally defective in a way that other cultures aren't.

I think the topic title puts it very well. I've asked the same question of Islam's critics.

In general, it's not that Islam is above reproach, but that the people criticizing it the loudest don't seem to have much of a clue.

Some people around here should learn about what they fear. A rational fear is easily managed; an irrational fear can possess a person.

Look, I'm hardly an expert on Islam, but I do know that the reading I do on religions and similar social phenomena, as with politics, transcends common issues. I recommend for any non-Muslim (and, perhaps, Muslims as well) Martin Riesebrodt's Pious Passions, which is a relatively recent (ten or twelve years old) attempt to examine religious fundamentalism in a comparative perspective. Beyond that, I've found that information on Islam available in the West falls into several broad categories:

- Universally sympathetic pop scholarship: I'm actually a huge fan of this kind of literature because books like Armstrong's A History of God or Pagels' The Origin of Satan, or, indeed, Russell's books on the Devil, while presenting a highly-compressed tertiary examination of religions, leaves those who wish to move forward with diverse bibliographies to explore.

- Evangelization and pseudo-evangelization: Whether it's Sheikh Nazim or the local chapter of CAIR, there seems to be an evangelical aspect about the presentation of Islam that irritates Westerners. Sure, God may be great, but twenty other religions tell me that daily, too. Dispense with the devotionals and let us see the results of Islam.

- Ethnopolitik: You know, how did public discourse come to be accusation/counteraccusation? Oh, yeah ... relatively free markets. We've all seen FOX News, CNN, and the other newstalks ....

- Radicalist: Enough with the explosions, already. You can martyr yourself with a rope in the privacy of your own basement. Oh, wait ... you don't have a basement, do you? Garage? Ceiling fan in the parlor? Exposed hot water pipe in the bathroom? Come on, throw me a bone .... No, I said throw ... oh, sh@t!

- Internecene academic: Really this sort of stuff is more useful if I'm a Muslim, and it's hard to put myself through it just for the exposure to the mechanics.

- Sufi vagaries: These are my favorite; they provide a link between what I get from other information sources and the inuitive. In fact, Sufi essays laden with vagary generally tend to address that link directly.

- Fiction: Salman Rushdie ... um ... er ... I'm sure I've ... uh ... (damn)

Most of Islam's critics tend to focus on radicalist ethnopolitik without giving much consideration to other ideas. And yet, despite this focus, how exactly should we regard the fact that Islam is growing such as it is?

Zero ... can the second-tier hater routine. It sucks like a twelve year-old Ugandan girl.

Tiassa :cool:
Muslim statistics

Originally posted by Flores
I'm muslim, and sometimes like the Jews, I feel selfish and wish that noone converts. It's like living with an all inclusive code book and faith that noone can obtain guidance from, why do I want to invite people like the ones in the world today, so they can corrupt it and tell me that my understanding of it is wrong......It's my Islam damn it, go get your salvation somewhere else.....Don't copycat my faith and my book.

Sorry Proud Syrian, but strength is not in the number of members to the faith, it's in the quality of the members.

I work in the medical and scientific profession with Xians, Jews and Muslims. Though they are all educated, by far the Muslims are the most intelligent and peaceful group. They don't carry the same hatred at Jews and Xians.

It's time America took a good look at their old friend Israel.
I have no doubt that most muslims are peaceful but if you take a few verses of the quran and hadith literally then I'd say they are both anti-semetic. Especially the hadith, which has a few verses that are intolerable.
Muslims are antisemitic?

Originally posted by okinrus
I have no doubt that most muslims are peaceful but if you take a few verses of the quran and hadith literally then I'd say they are both anti-semetic. Especially the hadith, which has a few verses that are intolerable.

Muslims and Jews spring from the same fountain of Semitism: both are descendants of Abraham (who was Muslim). Most people think Abraham was Hebrew or Jewish, but he wasn't. As you know, Abraham is the father of both Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was the FIRST (and possibly only) son of Abraham with Hagar. Therefore, the sons and daughters of Ishmael should inherit his legacy.

Isaac is believed to be the SECOND son of Abraham with Sarah, but there has been research in Egyptian antiquity that says Isaac is the son of Sarah with the Pharoah. Abraham knew this and accepted it. He even wanted Sarah to tell the Pharoah that she was his sister. She was in the Pharoah's harem. So Isaac is not entitled to any inheritance, and therefore he may be anti-Semitic himself.

Before we pass judgment on Muslims, we really need to learn more about their early history and how it compared with the familiar Bible stories of Xianity.

The Hebrews started out as a rather small tribe in Egypt called the Hibiru who were nomads. They wandered in the desert their entire lives. They were NOMADS--they WANDERED in the desert! It was their JOB! Moses himself was Egyptian. The Hibiru weren't enslaved--they were not being held in Egypt by the Pharaoh. Tutmosis, the Pharoah, was Moses.

Xians need to learn the truth. Salvation is here and now--not in some illusionary afterlife. Your life is what you make of it. You are given that power when you were allowed to come to Earth. If you give Jesus all the credit for making your life great and saving you from eternal death, you are missing the point.

Muslims profess peace. It's Xians that are blood-thirsty. When Xianity dies, and it will, we will all have the opportunity to learn about Islam, and then we will know the truth about the Bible.
Ok, Medicine Woman, please tell me how the hell you can say Muslims profess peace? Aren't they 1/2 of the problem in the Middle East? Yeah, they are.

Hasen't that crap been going on since Biblical times? Yeah, it has.

And just to set you ALL straight, take a look at this thread. A bunch of retarded theists talking like 9th graders. Get over yourselves and grow up.

Islam isn't responsible for anything other than war. They, at one point in history, the most advanced culture in the world. But why? Becuase they were the most barbaric, and they came in and took over other cultures more advanced than they were. Egypt wasn't Muslim at first, or at the height of their advancement in antiquity. But guess what? Islam is credited with their success.

All the Muslims ever did was conquer. They conquered these advanced cultures and stopped dead. Look at those countries today; war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression, oppression. The west had a renisance, Islam didn't. And now they couldn't keep peace in a safe. The religion prevents civilization, growth or even tolerance. The people who convert are at least giving the passive teachings a try, but they're not being truthful to the fundamental writings.

I say fine. Whatever keeps the peace, cool. But until someone drops a nuke on the entire region, nothing is going to change Islam from being the back-asswards culture that it is.
shame shame

QUOTE]And just to set you ALL straight, take a look at this thread. A bunch of retarded theists talking like 9th graders. Get over yourselves and grow up. [/QUOTE]

U sound like u are in ure schooling years ureself
u pretty much won the battle of being an idiot!! anyways lets take this debate forward.

Islam isn't responsible for anything other than war. They, at one point in history, the most advanced culture in the world. But why? Becuase they were the most barbaric, and they came in and took over other cultures more advanced than they were. Egypt wasn't Muslim at first, or at the height of their advancement in antiquity. But guess what? Islam is credited with their success

Egypt was the first country to accept Islam through invitation for ure kind information and if muslims were ever able to take on other cultures, that alone shows they were more advanced and desciplined and i dont think i need to critize u any further...ure pretty transparent


And just for the record...muslims all over the world revere their religion have blind faith in it and hold the word God sacred to their heart....its just that when they see such remarks being past in such a language, they get highly emotional and lash out at people who in their opinion really don't understand the essence of the religion...and Okinrus by the way Hadith is a collection of details in the life history of Mohammad which have been done by scholars of the time some of whom got their information from secondary, 3rd, 4th etc sources...for ex: that Hadith abt Aisha is one controversial hadith...I must admit I would stop being a muslim if i was made to admit it...but the source of that hadith was some guy who had migrated to Iraq whose father had told him that...and as to remove any misconceptions abt the quran u can email me any quranic verses u find controversial....I would look forward to discuss them with u ........:)
Egypt was the first country to accept Islam through invitation for ure kind information and if muslims were ever able to take on other cultures, that alone shows they were more advanced and desciplined and i dont think i need to critize u any further...ure pretty transparent

Winning a war doesn't mean that the winners were more advanced. Look at how the Afghans forced the Russians out of Afghanistan, or how the Americans forced the British out, or how the Vietnamese defeated the Americans. The victors in those battles were all less advanced than the losers, yet they managed to win. And what does a culture's discipline have to do with it's intelligence?

And Egypt inviting Islam into it's nation still does not make Islam responsible for it's advancement. It was before accepting Islam did the land become as technologically advanced as it was. Pyramids, Sphynx, their allignment with the stars, ect., ect.. But since then...nothing.

You didn't get ahead in this argument, Al-Ameen. So far, every Muslim on this board has come off as ignorant and violent, and you haven't changed my mind on it. This supports my theory that faith in organized religion can only be obtained through brainwashing and/or ignorance. I feel sorry for you, Al-Ameen.

I can almost understand the poor grammar and typographical errors in some of the posts. The pro-muslim/islam poster's minds are a little warped from too much religious fervor. The inherent intolerance from their religion manifests itself as angry, half thought out, knee-jerk rebuttals. Since little thought is put into these posts, it only follows that there would be so many syntax errors in them.

However, could we not at least have grammatical correct threads?
Is this too much to ask?

The reason some people are 'joining' Islam, is that it is completely foreign to them. Once they see that it is even worse than the 'local' religions, they will turn away from it as well.

Re: Re: Re: I have religious license to inslut the hell out of you.

Originally posted by Flores
I'm a mother of two.



What does this have to do with anything? You must have a reason to keep bringing your children into this? Do you feel anger towards them, or perhaps you are separated from them with guilt and/or shameful feelings? Do you expect sympathy, and if so why? Do you feel being a mother means you are particularly skilled some how? Help me to understand why this 'Mother of two' has relevance. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I just don't get why you feel it is important for you to bring this up, in so many different threads.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I have religious license to inslut the hell out of you.

Originally posted by Jeremy

What does this have to do with anything? You must have a reason to keep bringing your children into this? Do you feel anger towards them, or perhaps you are separated from them with guilt and/or shameful feelings? Do you expect sympathy, and if so why? Do you feel being a mother means you are particularly skilled some how? Help me to understand why this 'Mother of two' has relevance. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I just don't get why you feel it is important for you to bring this up, in so many different threads.

Oooops, did I forget and revealed to a total physco idiot on the internet my identity. My apologies, please don't read my posts in the future, they contain personal information.

Also, If you wish for a total idiodic non personal ciber experience, then perhaps you should fuck your doll as you do on a daily basis. Don't forget that you are interacting with real human beings with real human experiences. To not bring your personal experience is to be a shallow idiot that cuts and paste crap around.

And don't worry, the only sympathy you can have for me is for the tan I carry all year around from the Caribean Trips that we often make with the kids. We camp this weekend in Western Maryland.
Last edited:
Originally posted by Jeremy
The pro-muslim/islam poster's minds are a little warped from too much religious fervor. The inherent intolerance from their religion manifests itself as angry, half thought out, knee-jerk rebuttals. Since little thought is put into these posts, it only follows that there would be so many syntax errors in them.

Is this a manifestation of how a Christian is a loving creature that was taught by Jesus to turn his cheek to his attacker.

Originally posted by Jeremy
However, could we not at least have grammatical correct threads?
Is this too much to ask?
Absolutely not, go ahead and ask. But in developed countries, ones use the scores of accredited universities to guage ones competance. So, we must first ask that you remit your educational background experience and qualification. Personally, Master in Science in Civil Engineering, Water Resources from the number one school in civil in America, U of I Urbana Champaign. CumLaude, GPA=3.8, and my work is an Associate director for a county governmnet in USA, in the field of my study. I'm a licensed professional engineer in 5 states. I guess if my English and Grammer is good enough for my degrees and appointments, then who gives a shit what a nameless unpersonable idiot like you think.

Originally posted by Jeremy
The reason some people are 'joining' Islam, is that it is completely foreign to them. Once they see that it is even worse than the 'local' religions, they will turn away from it as well.

I see, so the Christian missionaries who go to Africa and Latin America are not teaching their garbage to people that know nothing of religion. I think you are confused again. Missionary is a christian chore. Islam doesn't advocate spreading the good news of the gospel.
Re: Muslims are antisemitic?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Abraham (who was Muslim).

Abraham a Muslim? The Muslim religion is believed to have begun from the descendants of Abraham.

Abraham a Muslim? The Muslim religion is believed to have begun from the descendants of Abraham.

Yes I agree How is Abraham a muslim. This doesn't make much sense at all.
Originally posted by Quigly
Yes I agree How is Abraham a muslim. This doesn't make much sense at all.

Islam is a religion with no beginning and no end. Islam was not started with Prophet Mohammed. We believe that Prophet Mohammed is continuing and the last prophet to deliver the same message that was delivered before him which is to believe in the one creater and to submit to him in knowin that our fate is in his heads and that our afterlife is a pay back to our doing on this earth.

We believe that Abraham was one of the first Prophets that professed Islam or the idea of submitting to the one god. Thus Abraham is a Muslim, for to be a muslim, it's only required that we submit to god. Jesus was also a muslim and so was Moses.
Originally posted by Zero
It is striking how Flores sounds so ... menopausal.

It's striking how Zero sound so ....... impotent.... in all aspects that is.....

PS. 29 is a long way from menopausal in my family. It starts around 55...although I wouldn't mind it now, I'm done with child bearing anyways.
Originally posted by Flores
Is this a manifestation of how a Christian is a loving creature that was taught by Jesus to turn his cheek to his attacker.

Absolutely not, go ahead and ask. But in developed countries, ones use the scores of accredited universities to guage ones competance. So, we must first ask that you remit your educational background experience and qualification. Personally, Master in Science in Civil Engineering, Water Resources from the number one school in civil in America, U of I Urbana Champaign. CumLaude, GPA=3.8, and my work is an Associate director for a county governmnet in USA, in the field of my study. I'm a licensed professional engineer in 5 states. I guess if my English and Grammer is good enough for my degrees and appointments, then who gives a shit what a nameless unpersonable idiot like you think.

I see, so the Christian missionaries who go to Africa and Latin America are not teaching their garbage to people that know nothing of religion. I think you are confused again. Missionary is a christian chore. Islam doesn't advocate spreading the good news of the gospel.

Unless I missed something, you did not answer the question about how having two kids relates to the topic at hand. I also fail to see how having a 'civ-eng' degree relates to this. But, as you brought it up, the university I attended ranked civil engineers as the lowest form of engineer, the brighter students were chemical, 'mechys' or the top of the rung were computer or systems engineers.
That does not place you in any special category. Perhaps you are a 'stationary' engineer (not a real engineer, in the profesional sense). As far as your kids go, who is watching them while you are typing your hateful posts? As far as remitting qualifications, you first. You can post a .jpg file of your supposed qualifications can't you? Personally I doubt you have any engineering credentials, or even have a job for that matter, and 29? You wish.

Your last paragraph about Islam doesn't spread the word......HELLO what do you think you are doing?
