If God shows Himself, will you obey Him?

If God shows Himself, and command you to obey Islam rule, will you obey Him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Don't know / other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Again, everyone would; God controls your will, if he exists, thus you would want to obey him.
This reminds me of a scene in a book called ring-world where people automatically obey the Gods when in their presence (the Gods in that book were one of three kinds of advanced aliens).
and spend my eternity in Hell with the other people I have respect for.

My aplogies.
That last bit came out wrong in my hot-headed tear.
I did not mean to imply that I have no respect for those who believe in thsi God - I know many people who do beleive in Hell whom I have a great deal of respect for.
I have no respect, however, for a God who is so lacking in compassion.
i said no, just because i'd need him to explain a lot of things to me before i would obey him. i wouldn't worship something simply cos its powerful.
i said no, just because i'd need him to explain a lot of things to me before i would obey him. i wouldn't worship something simply cos its powerful.

How will you even know he's powerful ?
It could be me walking up to you and say "Hi, I am God. Now obey me !".

Suppose God shows Himself, and He declares that He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?
If God, the supreme being who created all things and can destroy all things, appeared to me, hell yeah I'd do what he told me. Its called survival.

Oh, unless he pulled that Abraham/Isaac crap on me. Sorry, I'd throw myself on that knife before I'd kill my kid.
If God, the supreme being who created all things and can destroy all things, appeared to me, hell yeah I'd do what he told me. Its called survival.

Oh, unless he pulled that Abraham/Isaac crap on me. Sorry, I'd throw myself on that knife before I'd kill my kid.

How will you know it is god ?
That's how you read it. Difference of opinion.
He shows himself to me in the way God showed himself to Bruce and I'd be his.
I don't. So then I would be following the devil or a stroke induced hallucination. Either way, I'll think its god and follow.

So you would be happy to follow him even though you are not sure whether it's even God ? Blindly ?
I don't think that question makes sense.
Life is neither fair nor unfair - it just is.

Yes I do - absolutely.
Does that man I am more merciful than God?

I believe that much of who we are is due directly to our experiences in our life.
For any God to not understand that and not forgive the "souls" of these people when the alternative is eternity in torture - I want nothing at all to do with that God.
I reject any God that is not loving, forgiving, understanding and benevolent.
If you beleive that God created our souls, then either he created a faulty soul or the situations we had to face in life corrupted our minds and led us to do dispicable things despite our flawless souls.
Either way, if there is a heaven, ALL our souls should be welcome there.

Sinners are the fault and responsibility of everyone - we created them.
Our social structures, our greed, our discrimination, our hatred, our unforgiving nature, our abuse, our unwillingness to address the real causes of violence and crime, our sweeping them under the rug in shame is what created them.

This is why I do not believe in Hell.
This is also why I reject any God who threatens his "creations" with eternal suffering for mistakes made in such a short time of life in a place where survival can be quite difficult and the only real guidance we have is ourselves.
Saying that someone rejected God's guidance is an absurd statement when there are many, many Gods to choose from - that still means we have no one to guide us but ourselves. How do we know which God to choose?
Should I spend an eternity in Hell because I selected the wrong God using the mind that God created me with?

That hardly sounds fair or benevolent.

I am more forgiving, merciful and benevolent than any God who created a punishment of ETERNITY in torture.
If I am better than a God why would I obey him? Why would I praise him? Why would I revere him? He is below me.
If God came to earth and said, "Yes. This is me. I created Heaven and Hell. All the Bible stries are true. If you break my rules you will spend eternity in Hell." I'd spit in his face and spend my eternity in Hell with the other people I have respect for.

I understand your logic, but I was talking in the sense of justice. In my opinion,
if God is exist, then He should be the one who is most fair.

The Islam version of God itself is that He is the most merciful. The sins are
forgiven as long as the regret is done during life time (when you're still alive).
In the afterlife, the good and bad will be weighed. If the bad outweigh the
good, it doesn't necessarily one is sent to hell. Somebody who knows Islam
better than me perhaps can help me explain about it. I'll go read something
about it later.
How will you know it is god ?

That's not what the OP said..

How do you know it's not the devil, or you brain ceasing on you ?

Enmos, the hypothetical situation in this thread is about when God can be
proven to be exist so that it does not need to be argued anymore like we usually
see in the theists vs atheists debate. What's gonna happen in this case, is the
point that I wish to see.
Enmos, the hypothetical situation in this thread is about when God can be
proven to be exist so that it does not need to be argued anymore like we usually
see in the theists vs atheists debate. What's gonna happen in this case, is the
point that I wish to see.

Hrm I was just sticking to the opening question precisely because it was hypothetical..

But ok, if god appears to me and proves he is indeed the god that created me, I would obey to follow him as long as it doesn't go against my principles.
Seeing as you obviously like this bargain, let me ask if you would also apply it to your own children.

Will you say to your child...'You must love and honour me, otherwise I will torture you'???

In the Old Testament, in the "perfect" Law of God, the children were basically told to love and honor their parents or be killed. Great family values!!! I love my parents, but this kinda makes me ill just thinking about it.

Why did it take God so long (thousands of years) to figure out that love and forgiveness were good things anyway?
This isn't about me.

No, it isn't about you, but you have shown that you are willing to obey a god who has lesser morals than yourself. :rolleyes:

The scenario is just as clearly as I put in the OP. If God
commands you to obey Him by this or that rule with this or that consequences
(afterall, He is God :shrug:) and He REALLY proof His existence, what is your take in it?

I have no idea what it would be like if God "really proved His existence" to me, so I can't say what I would do then.
I would ask him what exactly rules Islam and why he yused the word "obey" in stead of agree with?
Am I allowed to call him a donkey dick and more yust because I pray 5 times a day. Aftherall god is all so unless you forget the and more part it shouldn't be blasfemie.
Now, let me ask you questions. Do you think this life is fair? and if there is the
afterlife, do you think it is fair if Hitler end up in the same place with Mother
Theresa? Do you think it's fair that Stalin, terrorists, mass murderer, rapist,
etc deserve heaven? What about the people who kidnap children and sell
them to pedophile? What about the people who torture animal for pleasure?
What about the father who molested his own daughter? What about corruptor,
suicide bomber, serial killer? If there is no even justice in the after life, where
would you expect one? :shrug: The God that I know is the most merciful but
also the most just.

If you think that murderers, terrorists and so on justly deserve to go to hell for all eternity, then there are a few things necessary to imply in order for your stance to be indeed just:

1. Every person is independent from the social and biological environment.
2. Every action a person does is intended.
3. Every result that comes about in human action is precisely the result that was intended.
4. For humans, there is only one lifetime in the bodily form (the one lifetime of about 70 years or so).