If God shows Himself, will you obey Him?

If God shows Himself, and command you to obey Islam rule, will you obey Him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Don't know / other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It depends what He asked of me. As long as what he asked me to do didn't conflict with my personal beliefs than I certainly would obey him. I would convert to Islam and everything I mean if it really meant that much to Him. I'm a pleaser. However if he required me to do something that went against every fiber of my being I'm afraid I would have to decline his offer to paradise, the constant guilt I would feel or the constant feeling that I should feel guilty about something wouldn't be worth it to me. As I have said before I won't worship someone who blatantly wants me to violate values that are important to me.
Ok :)

Btw, what values are important to you that is very fundamental, for example?
And if God is exist, do you think He would ask you to violate those values?
Also, do you think your values are the correct one? What if yours are different
than others and even contradictive? Who should follow who? :confused:
Well, as far as I know, in this earth there is no Muslim country. So where else
should I go? :D

As far as I know you are a Christian (yes?). I actually meant to ask this question
to those who do not believe in the existence of God. It does not mean you are
not welcome to participate. ;)

There are Muslim countries where the people are 90-100% Muslim and i do have an idea of which ones i would not mind living in myself. Just based on the quality of life i would say that Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc. would be nice places to live but i find it hard to commit if i had to make a decision on what to believe. If i were born there i would not have a problem

As far as I know you are a Christian (yes?).

I am Agnostic.

I actually meant to ask this question
to those who do not believe in the existence of God.

Along with the added stipulation of:

He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to
obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?
Ok :)

Btw, what values are important to you that is very fundamental, for example?
And if God is exist, do you think He would ask you to violate those values?
Also, do you think your values are the correct one? What if yours are different
than others and even contradictive? Who should follow who? :confused:

Correctness is relative. All I can do is go with whatever feels right to me. If God truly was the God that I imagined as a child then I hope that he wouldn't ask me to do the things that violate my morals. I'm sure that my values are in contradiction to others, but I'm not them, I'm the one who has to suffer or enjoy the effects of my decisions. Even if the "right" thing to do goes against my morals I'm afraid that I still would not be able to comply. Sometimes I can be to deeply convicted in my values, but that's my price to pay, unfortunately.
There are Muslim countries where the people are 90-100% Muslim and i do have an idea of which ones i would not mind living in myself. Just based on the quality of life i would say that Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc. would be nice places to live but i find it hard to commit if i had to make a decision on what to believe. If i were born there i would not have a problem

In my opinion, a Muslim country is one where the basis of law is the Islam
rule (Quran). I don't think there is truly Muslim country. Or maybe I got it
wrong :shrug:

I am Agnostic.

You are qualified to participate in this thread then :eek:

Along with the added stipulation of:

Yea, that was my mistake. I shouldn't have put that in the first place. It came
naturally as I am a Muslim.

Oh. I am off. Bye.

Correctness is relative. All I can do is go with whatever feels right to me.

Rrr.. I would disagree with that. I think there has to be some absolute truth.

If God truly was the God that I imagined as a child then I hope that he wouldn't ask me to do the things that violate my morals.

Fair enough.

I'm sure that my values are in contradiction to others, but I'm not them, I'm the one who has to suffer or enjoy the effects of my decisions. Even if the "right" thing to do goes against my morals I'm afraid that I still would not be able to comply. Sometimes I can be to deeply convicted in my values, but that's my price to pay, unfortunately.

Can't tell what you meant, perhaps it should be discussed case by case.

Ok thank you & ciao.
I would obey his rules out of respect and the fact that he created everything in existence, so he deserves my service and love. But I would not follow the rules if it was under a threat and it seemed evil in intentions.

I would obey his rules out of respect and the fact that he created everything in existence, so he deserves my service and love. But I would not follow the rules if it was under a threat and it seemed evil in intentions.


Yes, respect would be my motivating factor as well.

Now, let me ask you questions. Do you think this life is fair? and if there is the afterlife, do you think it is fair if Hitler end up in the same place with Mother Theresa?

No that wouldnt be fair...but it has nothing to do with your question.

Your question upholds that people are sent to hell for refusing to obey the rules of Islam and worshipping Allah...not murdering six million people.
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Is he going to prove beyond any doubt that he is Allah ?
I mean.. how do i know he's not the devil ? Or just some nutcase ?
M*W: If bin Laden came down with his 72 virgins (hopefully, from his idea of heaven) and demanded all "westerners" to bow down to Muhammad, I think anyone in their right state of mind would do anything they could to save their lives if this should happen. Even as an atheist, I would pretend to 'bow down' to their impossible 'god.' Although, I hope this never comes to be, I think human nature would take control of the situation in that we will do what we have to do to perpetuate human life.

I've had many Muslim friends who I totally respect and enjoy, but since I've met S.A.M. on sciforums, I'm beginning to wonder what the cumulative spirit is of other Muslims. I have always loved my Muslim friends, and I won't compare them to S.A.M. My Muslim friends have always elicited my respect for them and their religion. OTOH, S.A.M. has finally proven to me how evil Islam is. I feel I should protect my Muslim friends from fundamentalists like S.A.M. That saddens me.

On another note, I have always been respectful to S.A.M., but she has proven herself to be biased against "Westerners." If S.A.M. cannot be impartial on this forum, then she needs to be removed as Mod. I feel S.A.M. has let us all down in her position as Mod. I also think she is trying subliminally to convert us all to Islam. When her beheading sword is at my neck, I will try to protect my life. Well, S.A.M.'s beheading sword is at the necks of all non-Muslim sciforums members as represented in her posts. It's about time the management of sciforums puts a stop to S.A.M.'s cyber-terrorism. If S.A.M. is that insecure with her religion, maybe she should go back to her home of origin where she might have more influence. I am really disappointed to see S.A.M.'s true colors. She's an embarassment to my Muslim friends.
I would not obey. I would demand proof and I would need to see Satan and all the other heavenly characters and a lot more.

No, I'd think God might be giving us an obedience test because who in their right mind would want to become a Muslim? Not like He'd be dangling a carrot with that choice.

I would be suspicious.
Not at all. I do not make that up. That is what is written in the Quran about
after life judgment. There are only 2 places where all of us will end up.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but you chose to convert to Islam, didn't you? :bugeye:

So if you chose to convert to this religion, wouldn't it be fair to say that the values expressed in the Quran align with your own values?
If not, why on earth would you convert? :bugeye:
People argue endlessly about the existence of God. Suppose God shows Himself,
and He declares that He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to
obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?
declaring dont mean shyt imo,,

how would he prove he is god?

and whats in it for me to obey such god?

if the worship involves hating ,killing others you know you can count me out!
If God "Showed Himself" we would all be vaporized by the magnificence of his glory.
Except me because I'd close my eyes or something.
Then I (like every one of you no matter what you say from behind the safety of your keyboard) would do just exactly WHATEVER he said out of fear.
This is precisely why God, being a good and loving God, does not show himself.
He allows free will. Not as a crude experiment, but because he wants true and loyal companions to spend eternity with. Not cowering robots.
Again, everyone would; God controls your will, if he exists, thus you would want to obey him.
Do you think this life is fair?
I don't think that question makes sense.
Life is neither fair nor unfair - it just is.

and if there is the afterlife, do you think it is fair if Hitler end up in the same place with Mother Theresa? Do you think it's fair that Stalin, terrorists, mass murderer, rapist, etc deserve heaven? What about the people who kidnap children and sell them to pedophile? What about the people who torture animal for pleasure?
What about the father who molested his own daughter? What about corruptor, suicide bomber, serial killer? If there is no even justice in the after life, where would you expect one? :shrug: The God that I know is the most merciful but also the most just.
Yes I do - absolutely.
Does that man I am more merciful than God?

I believe that much of who we are is due directly to our experiences in our life.
For any God to not understand that and not forgive the "souls" of these people when the alternative is eternity in torture - I want nothing at all to do with that God.
I reject any God that is not loving, forgiving, understanding and benevolent.
If you beleive that God created our souls, then either he created a faulty soul or the situations we had to face in life corrupted our minds and led us to do dispicable things despite our flawless souls.
Either way, if there is a heaven, ALL our souls should be welcome there.

Sinners are the fault and responsibility of everyone - we created them.
Our social structures, our greed, our discrimination, our hatred, our unforgiving nature, our abuse, our unwillingness to address the real causes of violence and crime, our sweeping them under the rug in shame is what created them.

This is why I do not believe in Hell.
This is also why I reject any God who threatens his "creations" with eternal suffering for mistakes made in such a short time of life in a place where survival can be quite difficult and the only real guidance we have is ourselves.
Saying that someone rejected God's guidance is an absurd statement when there are many, many Gods to choose from - that still means we have no one to guide us but ourselves. How do we know which God to choose?
Should I spend an eternity in Hell because I selected the wrong God using the mind that God created me with?

That hardly sounds fair or benevolent.

I am more forgiving, merciful and benevolent than any God who created a punishment of ETERNITY in torture.
If I am better than a God why would I obey him? Why would I praise him? Why would I revere him? He is below me.
If God came to earth and said, "Yes. This is me. I created Heaven and Hell. All the Bible stries are true. If you break my rules you will spend eternity in Hell." I'd spit in his face and spend my eternity in Hell with the other people I have respect for.