If God shows Himself, will you obey Him?

If God shows Himself, and command you to obey Islam rule, will you obey Him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Don't know / other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Btw, thanks for the responses. I gotta go from tomorrow and be back on 22/8
(summer trip). Feel free to continue the thread. See you all around.
If he commanded like in the Bible, no way. I think, however, that our actions towards him would spring spontaneously from the nature of our relationship, and that it would be thus impossible to not obey.
Yes, its not real.

What is REAL however are your 'worship me or be tortured' values.

Are you a psychopath?

Not at all. I do not make that up. That is what is written in the Quran about
after life judgment. There are only 2 places where all of us will end up.
If he commanded like in the Bible, no way. I think, however, that our actions towards him would spring spontaneously from the nature of our relationship, and that it would be thus impossible to not obey.

Your first and second sentence is a bit contradictive.
...those who refuse will
end up in hell.

Similar words with exact meaning were first and foremost uttered by people like Hitler, Stalin, etc., who then went on to create hells of their own.

If one is forced to obey rules that demand worship or else experience eternal hellfire, then it is little more than a gun-to-the-head alternative; slavery.

I would have to be lobotomized to agree.
Your first and second sentence is a bit contradictive.

I don't think the Bible paints a realistic picture of the qualities of such a being. I think you would want to follow Him. How could you not want to follow a perfect leader with perfect wisdom and infinite charisma?
Worship me or be tortured...you mean?

That's one of the reasons I'm skeptical of many religions. How can benevolent forgiving gods send people to eternal torture without reprieve, yet humanity typically gives law breakers second, third, or more chances.
Doesn't that mean humanity is more forgiving than the gods ?
A logical fallacy of relgion.
People argue endlessly about the existence of God. Suppose God shows Himself,
and He declares that He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to
obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?

This situation is hypothetical and not mean to be another thread of whether God
is exist or not.

Please give the reasoning of your vote.

As for myself, I voted yes.

If God was "literally" the God as described in the Abrahamic faiths,in this case Islam and held people accountable to a set of what I often perceive in these faiths as a set of intolerant dogma and rules ..I would say ...hell here I come!
The God I believe in only holds to two main criteria ..to love God,yourself, and the world around you and strive to be selfless in your attitude. All other scripture for me amounts to nothing more than commentary by unknown authors. Some of it spiritually usefull and the rest of it as the bias and ignorance of man.
I have just come back from dinner, but I won't stay so long as I am preparing for trip early morning.

Yes, and you obviously like it...so.

Are you a psychopath?

That's one of the reasons I'm skeptical of many religions. How can benevolent forgiving gods send people to eternal torture without reprieve, yet humanity typically gives law breakers second, third, or more chances.
Doesn't that mean humanity is more forgiving than the gods ?
A logical fallacy of relgion.

I am not a psychopath, but I do believe in the life after death, no matter how
I dislike it. It's just part of faith.

Now, let me ask you questions. Do you think this life is fair? and if there is the
afterlife, do you think it is fair if Hitler end up in the same place with Mother
Theresa? Do you think it's fair that Stalin, terrorists, mass murderer, rapist,
etc deserve heaven? What about the people who kidnap children and sell
them to pedophile? What about the people who torture animal for pleasure?
What about the father who molested his own daughter? What about corruptor,
suicide bomber, serial killer? If there is no even justice in the after life, where
would you expect one? :shrug: The God that I know is the most merciful but
also the most just.
I don't think the Bible paints a realistic picture of the qualities of such a being. I think you would want to follow Him. How could you not want to follow a perfect leader with perfect wisdom and infinite charisma?

This perfect leader with perfect wisdom, if He is truly exist, how do you think
He suppose to act in the Judgment day? Would you think it's fair if He forgives
just about everybody no matter what they have ever done to others or to their
surrounding? :confused:
The God that I know is the most merciful but
also the most just.

Then he would not put those people in this horrible place called Hell. Is that showing mercy or or is it revenge?

There may be an afterlife but i personally never really believed in hell. Like nova900 mentioned many of these concepts have a human fingerprint on them. But people can believe whatever they want to.
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Then he would not put those people in this horrible place called Hell. Is that showing mercy or or is it revenge?

There may be an afterlife but i personally never really believed in hell. Like nova900 mentioned many of these concepts have a human fingerprint on them. But people can believe whatever they want to, just remember that you asked the question.

Let say there is no afterlife. Just think about the current real life. Do you
think people who commit crime should be sent to jail or should be let free? Do
the judge in the court doing revenge? Do you disagree with the system? :shrug:

Actually when I made this thread I did not mean to talk about the afterlife
concept. There is this endless discussion about the existence of God, and
the rejection show by atheists or agnostics are understandable. I just wanted
to see, if hypothetically God is exist, will the rejection stay the same or not.
Apparently yes. In the beginning I talk about the God of Islam, because I
thought that I should be specific. But even after I change the question into
more general God, God is still rejected. So, what for is all the discussion about
His being? :shrug:
I am sorry, i cannot validate someones beliefs and why would you care anyway? It could be anyone weather they are Muslim, Hindu, Mormon.

I do find it odd that someone who believe only Muslims get into heaven went to live in a non Muslim country. I mean they must not be that bad, i never did get into religious practices but l am not anti-religion either.
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I am sorry, i cannot validate someones beliefs and why would you care anyway? It could be anyone weather they are Muslim, Hindu, Mormon.

I do find it odd that someone who believe only Muslims get into heaven went to live in a non Muslim country.

Well, as far as I know, in this earth there is no Muslim country. So where else
should I go? :D

As far as I know you are a Christian (yes?). I actually meant to ask this question
to those who do not believe in the existence of God. It does not mean you are
not welcome to participate. ;)
It all goes back to how you are raised and things you see around you. Where i live peoples beliefs are not an issue so i never thought about it that much.
It all goes back to how you are raised and things you see around you. Where i live peoples beliefs are not an issue so i never thought about it that much.

Well, I also don't think about it that much, but at some point in life, I believe
everybody questioning their belief.