If God shows Himself, will you obey Him?

If God shows Himself, and command you to obey Islam rule, will you obey Him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Don't know / other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Senior Member
People argue endlessly about the existence of God. Suppose God shows Himself,
and He declares that He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to
obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?

This situation is hypothetical and not mean to be another thread of whether God
is exist or not.

Please give the reasoning of your vote.

As for myself, I voted yes.
He declares that He is Allah the God of Muslim, and He commands you to
obey the Islam rules, will you actually obey Him?

Would those be the rules created by Muhammad or the rules created since then?
Or else...???

The consequences are as what is stated in the Quran. Simply, in the afterlife
judgment, those who obey will be rewarded paradise, and those who refuse will
end up in hell.

Are you the one who voted 'no' above? Interesting. :) And your reason is....?
Well then some very good people will go to hell so how bad could it be?

How do you know that the good people will choose to refuse? The scenario is
that God proof Himself to be exist and hence His existence is no more to be argue.

Just curious :shrug:
Be tortured in the afterlife, yes. ;)
Seeing as you obviously like this bargain, let me ask if you would also apply it to your own children.

Will you say to your child...'You must love and honour me, otherwise I will torture you'???
Seeing as you obviously like this bargain, let me ask if you would also apply it to your own children.

Will you say to your child...'You must love and honour me, otherwise I will torture you'???


This isn't about me. The scenario is just as clearly as I put in the OP. If God
commands you to obey Him by this or that rule with this or that consequences
(afterall, He is God :shrug:) and He REALLY proof His existence, what is your take in it?
How do you know that the good people will choose to refuse? The scenario is
that God proof Himself to be exist and hence His existence is no more to be argue.

Just curious :shrug:

So is it retroactive? Because good people or the majority of the world dont believe in Islam. I would ask him why he discriminates. I am not looking to incite anyone but this is a fact and you should just be happy with your beliefs.:)

Perhaps I should have made the poll public instead of hidden. Please add your
vote above, I would like to see the overall statistics.

I didnt vote.
So is it retroactive? Because good people or the majority of the world dont believe in Islam. I would ask him why he discriminates. I am not looking to incite anyone but this is a fact and you should just be happy with your beliefs.:)

Well, you can argue whatever you wish with God. Or let me simply put it this
way: if He is proven to be exist and He command you to obey X rule or X
religion despite your like or dislike, would you obey Him or not?? :confused:

I didnt vote.

You did:

In relation to this scenario i should say have gone to hell.