If God has created the Universe and everything in it, then ...


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that God has also created every choice that a person makes, every action a person performs.

If God has created the Universe and everything in it, this means that everything that happens is up to God.
From a Christian perspective:

We were given free will, which means we either want to be with our creator forever or we don't, a simple choice.

Does God know what we will choose?

I suspect so, but how does that affect you?
From a Christian perspective:

We were given free will, which means we either want to be with our creator forever or we don't, a simple choice.

Does God know what we will choose?

I suspect so, but how does that affect you?

This subject has been flogged to death. If God knows what you are going to do, you have no choice in the matter. Think about it !
Just because your mother knew you would crap your nappie it doesn't mean she cared less about you, or this meant you would crap your nappie the rest of your life just because you thought you would.
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Just because your mother knew you would crap your nappie it doesn't mean she cared less about you, or this meant you would crap your nappie the rest of your life just because you thought you would.

My mother was not omniscient. Do you ever think about the consequencesf what you believe .... rhetorical question.

If as all Christians claim God is omnipotent and omniscient then there can be no free will. If you cannot see that,. hard luck. I have nothing further to say on this topic.
Your mother is omniscient in the context I used.

Absolute rubbish. Omniscience is not context dependent. It's absolute. You can't even get that much right but you would have us accept your views about your putative god. I suggest you drop this topic because all you are doing is digging a hole for yourself.
Well if you didn't crap your nappy then you would have ended up in ER.

The point is your mother knew more about you then you did.
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Not necessarily; just because you create something doesn't mean you know what will happen with it. If, one day, Humanity gets the power to create mini-universes, that makes us gods. However, will we know what will happen within? I doubt it.

I don't know what God you're referring to, but use a dictionary to get some definition as to what God means, and go from there.

We are not God, some of us think we are gods however, big difference.

I don't know what God you're referring to, but use a dictionary to get some definition as to what God means, and go from there.

We are not God, some of us think we are gods however, big difference.

Define a god: a Creator? Then we can be gods.

Firstly, define God. The supernatural? Are we not supernatural to that which we create? We are beyond natural to our own created nature, therefore we are SUPER natural.
Define a god: a Creator? Then we can be gods.

Firstly, define God. The supernatural? Are we not supernatural to that which we create? We are beyond natural to our own created nature, therefore we are SUPER natural.

We can mimic the creation of life, but we cannot create something from nothing.

God can.

We always create something from something we are unoriginal, we were perhaps made in someones image.
We can mimic the creation of life, but we cannot create something from nothing.

God can.

We always create something from something we are unoriginal, we were perhaps made in someones image.

Define God! How do you know what God can and cannot do? God, a Creator, can be many things: perhaps divine and supernatural, or perhaps our universe is in a lab, the creation of some scientist?
Our scientific laws restrict what we can and cannot do.

God created these laws so He is above them.

Think of the big bang.

A cardboard box with nothing in it.

Before humans existed.

God opened the box and created galaxies without any matter in the box.

Tell me about a human who can do this, then I'll worship them.
Our scientific laws restrict what we can and cannot do.

God created these laws so He is above them.

Think of the big bang.

A cardboard box with nothing in it.

Before humans existed.

God opened the box and created galaxies without any matter in the box.

Tell me about a human who can do this, then I'll worship them.

Dave, do you believe in God?

Well certainly, we use what is available, and that does not mean that, if a higher being did create us, HE did not use what was available. I think atheists seem to get this impression that theists believe in some magical, mystical being. Nonsense!

The core concept is simply that a higher force, whatever it may be, may have led to the creation of our universe. I see nothing ridiculous with this.

However, the question of "where did it all come from" ORIGINALLY is one that is both intensely fascinating, yet ultimately impossible to explain.
I believe in God :)

I am glad you use the word "believe"; explain to me, now, how a being can exist who can create something out of nothing? How in the world does such a being exist? And do you have any evidence for that existence?

Before you ask, I am not an atheist, I simply want to read what you have to say. And may I ask, what religion do you practice?
I have no evidence.

I have researched DNA and various scientific pursuits and have concluded than there is an intelligent being behind what we see today.

It seems obvious to me that an intelligent being was behind what we see.

Now the first cause may be different to the development of earth, i.e we could be experiments of alien life forms, it's possible.

I'm a Christian because I believe what Jesus taught is good.