If God exists, why doesn't he come right out and show us?

lightgigantic said:

I use the analogies because you are outside the correct epistemology for perceiving god, so I work within the epistemology of empirical science to explain things to you - this is also frustrating on many occasions because it is sometimes seen that you don't operate on the epistemology of empirical science either
All this seems to indicate you have some sky daddies lurking around you

Your 'correct epistemology' is one of faith. A scientific epistemology is able to explain how it knows such things. You never really seem to explain your religious epistemology except to refer us to your epistemology thread which spells out FAITH.

I go by scientific consensus, so that can not fail unless you can find something that proves it wrong... which being a theist, you obviously fail to do.

Once again - you speak like a high school drop out to a physics professor

No, I speak like an atheist to a gullible child who never presents evidence or facts.

Sounds just like the high school drop out saying a book about electrons is all "bullshit"

See Q's answer to this fond analogy of yours.

How else would a highschool drop out respond to a myth about spinning leptons?

Thats the point - the common sense of a high school drop out to electrons - the common sense of a sun reader in regards to highly valued art pieces, and the common sense of Kenny in regard to theism - all of these amount to practically nothing due a lack of foundational knowledge

Scientific consensus does not lack knowledge and enjoys experiment to verify it's hypothethis. Do you have any experiments LG to verify your faith LG? You only have your high school drop out analogy which makes me feel a bit sorry for you.

“ "If someone say's they don't believe a word of the bible, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that christianity has a life-changing effect on millions of people alive today." ”

Subjective and emotional effect - yes.

The point we make however is that this physical evidence is not automatically evident - it requires qualification that comes from bona fide training - if you lack the required processes to detect the evidence (what to speak of being adverse to the processes that enable one to detect it) then your opinions are not credible - at least this explains why the police hire "detectives"

That depends. Science has a foundation in which little to no qualification is required. Anyone can see and understand experimentation at highschool level and progress from there if they so wish. I don't have the qualification's of Jimi Hendrix on guitar, but can see how he does it and where he get's it from. These are things which have a physical basis in reality and I don't see where this ties in with a book with obvious fictional tendencies...

Well first you have to establish that god is a subjective phenomena - kind of difficult when your opinions are not credible

Since God effectively does not exist, it can only be subjective - just like Astrology.
lightgigantic said:

He knows which applications of free will gives which results - what application you will actually do, that depends on you, hence free will

He knows the timeline or else he's not omniscient.

I wasn't aware that he sent us to hell - I thought we went there by utilising our free will incorrectly (BTW - I don't operate out of a xtian theistic paradigm - hell is not eternal, but a little time there feels like along time)

He created hell.

On the contrary the universe is running just fine, despite the earnest endeavours of humans to screw it up

You missed the point.

in terms of every bonafide religion, yes
just like in terms of every bonafide institution of learning, yes (although you may have more to learn at uni than preschool, depending on your level of advancement of course)

So all religion is true even when they completely contradict each other?

I imagine that if you read a PHD theisis on Semantic decline you also wouldn't understand much about it either

I imagine I wouldn't care one way or the other.

I think your typing error was a freudian slip

It wasn't an error. I assumed you didn't believe in Ra the Sun God. If you don't, if that faith is incorrect, then how can you prove it?

Ok lets take fire - it has three qualities (at least) - heat, smoke and light - if a person says fire is hot, and another says fire is smokey, and the last says fire is light, are all these statements irrevocably incongruent? INotherwords if fire has at least three qualities, what to speak of god.

So the earth IS flat and the sun DOES revolve around it? I don't follow.

Details may differ but principles do not

Like slavery and stoning children?

Until you come to the point of knowing the difference between a detail and a principle.

Then why don't you explain it to me....

No - professional advice is one who understands scripture - thats the point - in conditioned life -we are too much of a doofus to approach god directly ....

How can anyone other than god possibly understand his contradicting words?

..... as evidenced by your analysis of the bible

My analysis? Read the quotes stupid.

Once again - there are details and there are principles - atheists and neophyte theists tend to get hung up on this all the time

OMG...details and principles, details and principles...

Just admit it. You have nothing.

So in principle, scientists agree about electrons, when it comes to the details of an electron, like how it interacts with other phenomena or their causes , then you get a divergency of opinions - the same in religion - principles and details

There's no god damn divergence of opinion about whether or not it exists. Furthermore divergence and difference in opinion MUST BE PROVEN BEFORE CONSIDERED FACT.

So pick up a book on advanced physics and become a physicist if you are so richly endowed with intelligence

Thanks for missing the point.

I imagine a high school drop out would say the same thing if they picked a book up about electrons

Again it isn't up to the dropout, it's up to the proof.

The high school drop out is still doubtful, namely because they label physicists as "eggheads" and the books they write as "full of crap"


evidence can only be detected by qualified persons - at least thats why the police have "detectives"

And then the evidence is presented to unqualified persons. The jury. If the evidence cannot be presented then it is not evidence.

Its just the nature of epistemology - whetehr you are talking about something scientific or theistic - knowledge becomes revealed to one who accepts the process of knowledge

Damn those scientists for not accepting the process of knowledge. Requiring silly things like "evidence" and "proof". How dare those fools....

Thats right - you're guessing

I have to guess. You've mentioned no one specifically and I obviously can't ask them directly you idiot.

on the contrary - a person who is highly analytical is resistant to cheap emotive arguments - like so far it seems that you have been brainwashed by atheism - the evidence is that its very difficult for you to uphold a rational argument on the subject without sliding into abusive terms and emmotional appeals

What? So I brainwashed myself with my own research and critical thinking? Brainwashing implies something being forced upon you, like mythology being presented as fact to a child who can't determine the validity of such information on his or her own.

And I slide into abusive terms because I call a spade a spade. When you can do nothing but dodge questions and BS your way out of legitimate arguments I become annoyed and lash out. And it's hypocritical of you to criticize me when you've insulted me on more than one occasion yourself.

No - the parent is not driving the car - the parent told their child not to cross the road

No stupid, I was pointing out the flaw in your analogy once again. God created hell. The parent is driving the car. Both are responsible for the action after the threat. God isn't saying don't do this and that or you might goto hell. He's saying if you don't do this and that I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL. A hell that he created (being the omnipotent creator) for that very purpose of punishing those who do not obey him.

I guess it would be helpful if you read them properly - it would save me the effort of having to post them twice

Again you insult me. At least mine are direct. Your metaphors suck. I read them properly, they still suck. I copy them in bold in rainbow font colors and they will still suck. Post them again and they will still suck.

Well if you don't believe in physics why on earth would you apply yourself to the rigorous discipline o studying it :confused:

It's called high school. It's more or less required.

well a fundie xtian doesn't study anything much

See above.

No - the evidence only speaks to those who are qualified to "detect" the evidence

Don't bs. Evidence implies god is proven. Do you have proof? No. Or you would have presented it by now. There's no problem in "detecting" the evidence, the evidence simply fails to exist.

Exactly - thats why you cannot venture in to the subject of god - thats why training is a prerequisite

God cannot be proven so you can't dispute his existence? Could you not use the same argument for Big Foot? Do I need to be trained as a paranormal investigator to determine whether Big Foot exists or not?

Obviously you didn't read my statements about how training enables one to come to the platform of proof - belief anables one to come to the platform of training

You continue to give the same illogical argument over and over. Pray tell, what training do I require to proof the existence of god?

This is your argument - BTW - I think omniscient is the word you are after - once again you are revealing your strong level of training on the subject
P1 - God is said to be omniscient
P2 - God must know all sorts of trivia
conclusion - if god doesn't answer trivial questions that proves he is not omniscient

I guess from here you would have to establish that god is just itching to answer our mundane questions because he is just suffering like hell because we do not think he is omniscient.
Inother words the attitude of your enquiry into god's nature (insolent, irrelevant enquiry to a superior) undermines the premise of a pure relationship between god and the living entity (ie a pure devotee would not waste the remarkable opportunity to converse with god in such mindless blather - at the very least there is no evidence of saintly persons in scripture having such innane converstaions with god)

Translation: I can't prove it so I'll just BS my way out of it.

Mathew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Lying prick....

Inother words training enables one to establish whether an entity is fictional or not (since testing and experimenting is not too fruitful for one without a foundation of theory etc) - so what is the training you have that enables you to say god is fictional?

What is the training you have to say that god is fact? What training would I require to say god is fictional? Again you babble with no real argument.

Gee, good thing no one has any training or your religion might look stupid.

You sure would make a great fundamental xtian - that doesn't happen to be the "training" you received to know god in the first place is it?

I have some training for you...

Step 1. Find a moving train
Step 2. Position yourself infront of it
Step 3. Pray god stops the train.
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Plunkies said:
Step 1. Find a moving train
Step 2. Position yourself infront of it
Step 3. Pray god stops the train.

i cant because the bible says "thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the test"
Plunkies, please stop falling into a position that gives idiots an easy response. Once your post count in the religious sub forum reaches about 500 or so you should have probably learned to do this.
c7ityi_ said:
i cant because the bible says "thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the test"

The bible says a lot of things that you most certainly don't follow. If you really followed the bible you wouldn't be posting on this message board, you'd be out stoning anyone who dared to work on the Sabbath, or at least telling your slaves to do it for you.

KennyJC said:
Plunkies, please stop falling into a position that gives idiots an easy response. Once your post count in the religious sub forum reaches about 500 or so you should have probably learned to do this.

Eh? I've pretty much lost all patience with him. If I give him an easy response it's probably because I actually want a direct response from him, watching him weasel around every single argument in the exact same way is tedious and uninteresting. Speaking of which, if he says high school dropout one more time he should be punched in the throat.
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Yes, but the 'why doesn't god show himself' question invokes the famous cop-out 'thou shallst not put Gawd to the test', which c7, reliably as ever, demonstrated.

But overall your post, and everyone elses post directed at LG pointed out a single theme. And that is proof/experiment/evidence/measurement etc. And that is the fundamental thing that all of LG's posts lack and the fundamental thing all religions lack.

Therefor his analogies comparing blind faith with scientific principles should be totally dismissed.
c7ityi_ said:
i cant because the bible says "thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the test"
Explains everything, dosen't it? Just trust in what the ancient texts say, and disregard what your senses report and your brain analyzes. Just like sheep. Really.
KennyJC said:
Yes, but the 'why doesn't god show himself' question invokes the famous cop-out 'thou shallst not put Gawd to the test', which c7, reliably as ever, demonstrated.

But the text once again contradicts itself. "Ask and ye shall recieve" IS a test of god. Every single act of prayer tests god, and he usually fails. The bible doesn't even say that god can't be tested, it's just what moses said to his people when he couldn't produce water in the desert (correct me if I'm wrong). Then of course Moses tests god by asking him what the hell he should do with his whining jerks and god produces water from a stone. The difference is in the bible god passes tests and in reality he fails miserably every single time. The obvious reason is...one is fiction.
Plunkies said:
But the text once again contradicts itself. "Ask and ye shall recieve" IS a test of god. Every single act of prayer tests god, and he usually fails. The bible doesn't even say that god can't be tested, it's just what moses said to his people when he couldn't produce water in the desert (correct me if I'm wrong). Then of course Moses tests god by asking him what the hell he should do with his whining jerks and god produces water from a stone. The difference is in the bible god passes tests and in reality he fails miserably every single time. The obvious reason is...one is fiction.
Most enlightened humans know that the bible is a collection of myths, delusions, some historical content, self-contradictory assertions, and pure fantasy (probably opium induced much of the time). It is frustrating to engage in discussion with someone who's sole (pun intended) purpose is to defend their belief in this fantasy. The near complete abandonment of logic and rationality would be comical if it wasn't such a dangerous thing in the hands of charlatans with a mission (among which I count all professional theists).
superluminal said:
It is frustrating to engage in discussion with someone who's sole (pun intended) purpose is to defend their belief in this fantasy.

2 questions.

What kind of discussion regarding religion would be satisfactory to you, as you obviously hold that LG's discussion is based purely on defending a fantasy?

Should you say 'no kind', then what is your actual puropose in this thread, or others where you percieve similar kinds of fantasy?

Jan Ardena said:
2 questions.

What kind of discussion regarding religion would be satisfactory to you, as you obviously hold that LG's discussion is based purely on defending a fantasy?
The discussions are fine, even though the subject is fantasy.

Should you say 'no kind', then what is your actual puropose in this thread, or others where you percieve similar kinds of fantasy?

Defense against the dark arts?
Plunkies said:
If you really followed the bible you wouldn't be posting on this message board, you'd be out stoning anyone who dared to work on the Sabbath, or at least telling your slaves to do it for you.

i only believe some parts of the bible, because jesus said i am the way, life and truth... so... i follow myself...

superluminal said:
Explains everything, dosen't it? Just trust in what the ancient texts say, and disregard what your senses report and your brain analyzes. Just like sheep. Really.

nah... i can't, because jesus said the brain is more important than books... because books are dead and unchanging... while life is changing and evolving...
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I believe that if a god existed, he would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in him. For those of you who believe in him without any proof, why is he not showing himself to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that bad. What's your theory?

If 'science' could prove that each individual has a 'soul' (in whatever form that soul may be or is), then I think it would be pretty obvious that we also have a God too. :D
Novacane said:
If 'science' could prove that each individual has a 'soul' (in whatever form that soul may be or is), then I think it would be pretty obvious that we also have a God too. :D

Ifs and buts... Science isn't likely to ever discover any fanciful religious notion to be evident, but rather show many of them to already be false.
lightgigantic said:

And how is that proof for a high school drop out?

That electrons in the form of electricity exists.

I never said understanding god is as easy as understanding fire - I established that fire has multiple qualities and so does god - if one insists that multiple qualities indicates an illogical premise they are wrong because even fire has multiple qualities -
As for why people cannot understand god, I guess their inability to perceive the premise of these and other analogies is a good indication why

First of all, you never established any qualities of god, only assertions. So, if one understands analogies, that somehow quantifies the existence of gods?

Well in case you haven't noticed, all branches of knowledge operate on the same principle - Have you split an atom? Have you clarified the resolutions of the hubble telescope? Does that mean we should also turf out science because it operates on the same principle?

No, I haven't split the atom or resolved resolutions on the Hubble telescope, but someone else did.

Have you seen god? Have you spoken with him? What useful knowledge did he impart to you?

Then why is there so much divergence of opinions in quantum physics?

There isn't. What gives you the impression there is?

Obviously you don't equate advanced physics with quantum physics

Unless it's advanced quantum physics. ;)

Hence, the reason you are an atheist

Because I'm not a high school drop-out? You make funny connections.

The premise was that perceiving evidence requires qualification - since I don't work out of the xtian paradigm I can't vouch for the Vatican - But since science has yet to establish that the universe is bereft of intelligent design I would say that the principles of xtianity are still valid

Science has no interest in intelligent design, it's found no evidence for that assertion. ID is merely a notion dreamed up by theists in yet another pointless attempt to support creationism.

And since no one has yet to establish the universe is (bereft?) of the Flying Spagetti Monster, that principle is also valid.

Its the decision the police make when they hire detectives - its the decision scientist journal editors make when they compile reviews - its the decision intelligent theists make when determining who is a saintly person

Of course, how silly of me not have known that. :rolleyes:

However, I don't see anything intelligent about the saintly process whatsoever. It appears that if something isn't readily explainable, it falls under the category of 'divine intervention.'

(Q) said:
Have you seen god? Have you spoken with him? What useful knowledge did he impart to you

Here's one for you: :D

"I refuse to prove that I exist", says God "for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing".
"But," says Man, "the Babel Fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own argument you don't. QED"
"Oh, dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that", and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic
- the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
samcdkey said:
Here's one for you: :D

"I refuse to prove that I exist", says God "for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing".
"But," says Man, "the Babel Fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own argument you don't. QED"
"Oh, dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that", and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic
- the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Exactly! God was in a metastable state of pseudo-stability at the instant of the big bang (which he created) and the instant that the temperature dropped to the point where quarks could stick together to form atoms, the self disintegrating nature of the arguments against god became predestined to occurr (in humans, and possibly tau-cetians) and he immediately collapsed into the quantum foam.
superluminal said:
Exactly! God was in a metastable state of pseudo-stability at the instant of the big bang (which he created) and the instant that the temperature dropped to the point where quarks could stick together to form atoms, the self disintegrating nature of the arguments against god became predestined to occurr (in humans, and possibly tau-cetians) and he immediately collapsed into the quantum foam.

Damn, that's good!
samcdkey said:
Here's one for you: :D

"I refuse to prove that I exist", says God "for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing".
"But," says Man, "the Babel Fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own argument you don't. QED"
"Oh, dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that", and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic
- the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

And how is that proof for a high school drop out? ”

That electrons in the form of electricity exists.
But how do you prove that to the highschool drop out, since they are adverse to the process of coming to the level of knowledge required to see the proof?

First of all, you never established any qualities of god, only assertions. So, if one understands analogies, that somehow quantifies the existence of gods?
I didn't have to - the atheists did :D
- its a response to the argument "this scripture says god is like this and that scripture says god is like that - obviously they are both wrong"
The analogy of the fire indicates the premise for that logic is wrong, since even with fire you can say one person says it is hot and another says it is smokey.

“ Well in case you haven't noticed, all branches of knowledge operate on the same principle - Have you split an atom? Have you clarified the resolutions of the hubble telescope? Does that mean we should also turf out science because it operates on the same principle? ”

No, I haven't split the atom or resolved resolutions on the Hubble telescope, but someone else did.
Exactly - thus your suggesion that a pyramid system of knowledge is intrinsic to religion because has no sound basis is another logical flaw, unless you also want to turf out science on the same grounds

Have you seen god? Have you spoken with him? What useful knowledge did he impart to you?
Lol - and how would you be able to tell if I was lying or not?
Would you merely apply your current level of understanding and direct perecption to the issue, similar to what a high school drop out would do when encountering the notion of the validity/invalidity of claims of the electron?

“ Then why is there so much divergence of opinions in quantum physics? ”

There isn't. What gives you the impression there is?

“ Obviously you don't equate advanced physics with quantum physics ”

Unless it's advanced quantum physics.
Then why is there advanced quantum physics?
To quote Heisenberg, "Quantum theory no longer speaks of the state of the universe, but our knowledge of the state of the universe." That is they have a theory with no objective foundation - and do you think that is not controversial in science? - even if you don't (again, what may not appear controvesial to a high school drop out may apear controversial to a physicits like Eugen Wigner and John von Neumann try reading
or alternatiely you could even just browse the sciforum discussion pages that deal with quantum physics to determine taht there is in fact a level of controversy

“ Hence, the reason you are an atheist ”

Because I'm not a high school drop-out? You make funny connections.
No - just like a high school drop out maintains his dropoutedness by being adverse to the processes of acquiring knowledge, an atheist maintains their atheism by being adverse to the proceses of acquiring theistic knowledge

“ The premise was that perceiving evidence requires qualification - since I don't work out of the xtian paradigm I can't vouch for the Vatican - But since science has yet to establish that the universe is bereft of intelligent design I would say that the principles of xtianity are still valid

Science has no interest in intelligent design, it's found no evidence for that assertion. ID is merely a notion dreamed up by theists in yet another pointless attempt to support creationism.

And since no one has yet to establish the universe is (bereft?) of the Flying Spagetti Monster, that principle is also valid.
Even the spaghetti monster has intelligence don't you think?

Its the decision the police make when they hire detectives - its the decision scientist journal editors make when they compile reviews - its the decision intelligent theists make when determining who is a saintly person ”

Of course, how silly of me not have known that.

However, I don't see anything intelligent about the saintly process whatsoever.
Also a high school drop out considers professors to be eggheads too

It appears that if something isn't readily explainable, it falls under the category of 'divine intervention.'
to a highschool drop out - yes