If God exists, why doesn't he come right out and show us?

stanleyg said:
God does come right out and show us that He does exist. William Shakespeare attempted to educate us in the English language that to be or not to be is how we convey our diametric thoughts of existence. Neither thought may exist without the other. God's proof is embodied in our written or spoken language. Each language has its own verb infinitive of be to logically connote that existence is eternal.

God has fabricated our spoken languages by virtue of the atom. The atom is a diametric axiom of energy. Each matter within our solar system is a component of atoms.

Thus, it constitutes an intellectual handicap to rationalize that it is possible to have a none existence of God, without having an existence to be none existent to.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic

Ok lets examine the general principles of this statement.
But before we do that lets ask you to clarify what your argument actually is.

Are you saying that if there are varied claims about the nature of an object, then this indicates the object is false and/or the claims are false? ”

Don't be rediculous. I don't even want to discuss this. Why don't you address my other post?

If you don't want to discuss the nature of your arguments why do you post?

I can't find that other post that you are reffering to BTW
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superluminal said:
This is another good one. There are so many "gods" (god ideas) out there that every single one is a "strawman" to someone else. If you can't address the issue, call it a strawman.

God scale:

1) White bearded dude sitting behind big gates on a cloud


10) Ethereal presence that may have only manifested briefly at the origin of the universe as we know it.

That's really cute, but these definitions aren't in any scripture, unless of course you can find them.
