If God exists, why doesn't he come right out and show us?

God is blindingly obvious, its just that we all have a preconcieved idea of god that is hard to define in real-world values. god is love: a motivating force for all action; god is a web of relations: the structure of our universe; god is all knowing only because god is all; god is the collective mind of our universe.

you can see it in all the interactions of nature, even in the relationships between us humans. if you are looking for god, you will never find god.
Had God exists, then we could assume those messengers sent to us represent His coming. Miracles shown by prophets were those provided for anyone asking for His coming privately.
Had one not believed God exists, then this explanation is nonsense. But this is the explanation most available to the question of the thread.
Had God exists... then we could assume those messengers sent to us represent His coming.

That makes absolutely no sense.

Miracles shown by prophets were those provided for anyone asking for His coming privately.

It's funny how 'miracles' only exist in religious writing. Are there any contemporary incidents of 'miracles' and any proof behind them?

Had one not believed God exists, then this explanation is nonsense.

Of course it is.

god is love: a motivating force for all action; god is a web of relations: the structure of our universe; god is all knowing only because god is all; god is the collective mind of our universe.

So we can conclude that God is semantics and not the intelligent creator/ruler of the universe. For if there is not an intelligent creator of the universe, there is still room for people to say what 'God' is and how it exists?
KennyJC said:
It's funny how 'miracles' only exist in religious writing. Are there any contemporary incidents of 'miracles' and any proof behind them?

I believe scriptures are miracles.
It does things out of scientific minds: believed without evidence. And millions of religious people are proof.

You would say they are all deluded. But that still leaves the fact that scripture does things miraculously. They are miracles.
It is popularly believed that aliens built the pyramids and built a face on Mars as well. Many people believe their star sign can predict their future.

It is only a miracle that humans are so superstitious.
LiveInFaith said:
I believe scriptures are miracles.
It does things out of scientific minds: believed without evidence. And millions of religious people are proof.

You would say they are all deluded. But that still leaves the fact that scripture does things miraculously. They are miracles.

Exodus 21:20

"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property. "

Miraculous? Indeed.
lightgigantic said:
So the question is, do you think the various scriptures of the world are in response to the same phenomena?

Yes, fundamentally, just as there are many views on reality, because it is bigger than the human brain can contain, so there are many approaches to God.

lightgigantic said:
Moralistic behaviour is only advocated by scripture to enable people to come to the platform of applying the process to know god - unless one comes to the point of kowing what god is, they are stabilised on an unsatisfactory level of performance, even if they are authentic, loving, mindful etc etc
God is unknowable. We all seek revelation of the ultimate! However, it can only ever be a partial truth, seen 'through a glass darkly'...

Therefore the perfection of religion is to know god, not to be talented in the mundane sphere of morality - and further more there is a scientific process to know god - inother words there are things you can and can not do which will make approaching god more easier/difficult
I don't think many scientists would agree with you LG! I agree with some of what you say but I believe we live by grace not method.

lightgigantic said:
Therefore religion without philosophy is fanaticism - philosophy pertains to an objective understanding of the absolute

No - religion without humility is fanaticism. We none of us know! Philosophy is full of debate. Those that think they know with certainty become judge, jury and executioner. I smell danger!

KennyJC said:
It is popularly believed that aliens built the pyramids and built a face on Mars as well. Many people believe their star sign can predict their future. It is only a miracle that humans are so superstitious.

Many beliefs can be built on varied interpretations of the facts - ask any lawyer! But does your belief lead you to find a better life?

Plunkies said:
Exodus 21:20 "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property. " Miraculous? Indeed.

It's called 'historical context'. Future generations might similarly judge our treatment of animals in factory farms or vivisection laboratories testing cosmetics! We still have a long way to go... :(

On the contrary it was our decision to roll in our own crap - thats what free will means - the ability to make an ass of your self ”

Ugh. He supposedly created every aspect of us and knew what we would do. Where is this free will you speak of?

He knows which applications of free will gives which results - what application you will actually do, that depends on you, hence free will

“ Its just another way of saying he is omniscient - ”
Oh I see. He knows he took the dump but instead of being upset with himself for doing it he blames the poop. I'm sure you can see my confusion.
Its not clear how exhibitions of pride, insolence and envy directed towards god amongst conditioned living entities are nurtured and maintained by god - on the contrary it seems to suggest they are nurtured by the conditioned living entities

God isn't telling us which scripture is right. Infact he isn't telling us squat.

Then your insincerity must be maing you deaf.

Is preschool right?
Is university right?
Or are they both right according to definitions of time place and circumstance?

And the contradictions? Why are the commandments more important than the rest of the bible and who decides which "word of god" is more important than the other? Obviously god isn't doing it...
This is why I gave the analogy of the pharmacy - unless you seek profesional advice it is impossible to distinguish between what is a detail and what is a principle.

The god damn schools aren't contradicting each other and basing their teaching on unprovable mythology you retard.
There is also no contradiction in the various schools of religion in the eyes of one who knows what religion actually is - there i sonly one religion - service to god, which has different manifestations in time place and circumstance

And of course you can simply label anyone who has a strong conviction of god a retard, but it just makes you look lke a highschool drop out "speaking their mind" on the unbelievability of an electron - in other words there are scores of persons who are materially more intelligent and advanced (I might also add the word cultured too) than yourself who are convinced about god (Just check out the history of philosophy, art and science), and for you to pass off the phenomena so inanely indicates that you haven't even approached the subject in the first place

“ And what if we didn't want to listen to him - should he then do it by force? ”

Isn't that what he's doing already? If you don't obey me you go to hell. Sound familiar? At least now the threat could be taken seriously.
So if a parent tells their children to not cross the road and they cross the road anyway and get hit by a car they forced their child to listen to them?

In other words you have to believe in god to convince yourself you see him?
Yes - in the same way that you have to believe in physics before you study physics - after you have studied physics then you can verify the validity/invalidity of the claims of physics (inother words after practice you can stermine whether your beliefs , or hypothesis were correct - not before)

Isn't that a bit backwards?
Only for someone who is habituated to travel the opposite direction of common sense

Do YOU see god?
If I answered this question how would you be able to test whether I was lying or not?
In other words what frame work of theory do you have to work out of to determine whether god is perceivable or not?

How do you know about this way?
How does one know about the way of understanding an electron?

What does he say about all of this?
Something along the lines "If you follow a process you get a result"
lightgigantic said:
He knows which applications of free will gives which results - what application you will actually do, that depends on you, hence free will

If god knows the future he knows what you'll do. He knows the one single correct timeline and he knows every influence that would cause you to do what you would do. You can't be omniscient and not know what I'm going to do by definition. If you don't know everything then you don't know everything.

Its not clear how exhibitions of pride, insolence and envy directed towards god amongst conditioned living entities are nurtured and maintained by god - on the contrary it seems to suggest they are nurtured by the conditioned living entities

He's an omnipotent being you tool, he could instantly fix it himself without sending people to hell. And that still doesn't answer the statement. Why are the "exhibitions" incorrect if they were created by god anyway? How can an omnipotent, omniscient being suck so much at this "creation" stuff? And stop defending something so foolish with big words and vague statements, as if they'll somehow hide how stupid you look and how nonsensical your point is. It only shows a weakness you're desperately trying to cover up, try letting your arguments speak for themselves.

Then your insincerity must be maing you deaf.

Is preschool right?
Is university right?
Or are they both right according to definitions of time place and circumstance?

Yay more metaphors that don't fit. Are you saying every religion is right, from greek mythology to ancient egyptian faiths? Does the sun really rest beneath the throne of Allah every night? If these faiths are incorrect then how can you prove it? How can you prove any of them? And how can all of them contain so much incorrect information and still be considered the word of god? If all the information that's provable today consistently turns out to be wrong then how ignorant do I have to be to assume the rest will be correct? How many times do you have to hear the church say "Oh this isn't to be taken literally" and "Oh this needs to be read in historical context" before you realize the scriptures will always have to be retroactively fit to meet reality.

This is why I gave the analogy of the pharmacy - unless you seek profesional advice it is impossible to distinguish between what is a detail and what is a principle.

Exactly. And conveniently the only "profesional" advice would be god, making it impossible to know which part of the contradiction we should be listening to, enabling the scripture to fit whatever you want it to.

Need the slaughtering of the unbelievers?

Deuteronomy 17:2-7

"If there is found in your midst, in any of your towns, which the LORD your God is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, by transgressing His covenant, and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the heavenly host, which I have not commanded, and if it is told you and you have heard of it, then you shall inquire thoroughly. Behold, if it is true and the thing certain that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, then you shall bring out that man or that woman who has done this evil deed to your gates, that is, the man or the woman, and you shall stone them to death. On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness. The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people So you shall purge the evil from your midst."

Think violence is wrong?

Matthew 5:39

"But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Yay!! The bible is always right!!!!!

(or always wrong, depending if your glass is half full or half empty)

There is also no contradiction in the various schools of religion in the eyes of one who knows what religion actually is - there i sonly one religion - service to god, which has different manifestations in time place and circumstance

Different manifestations? Like stoning people to death or turning the other cheek? Perhaps when you're struck on the cheek with a stone you should present the other assuming you're still conscious.

So who knows what religion really is? The peaceful muslims or the terrorists? Because according to the quran they're both technically right...

And of course you can simply label anyone who has a strong conviction of god a retard, but it just makes you look lke a highschool drop out "speaking their mind" on the unbelievability of an electron - in other words there are scores of persons who are materially more intelligent and advanced (I might also add the word cultured too) than yourself who are convinced about god (Just check out the history of philosophy, art and science), and for you to pass off the phenomena so inanely indicates that you haven't even approached the subject in the first place

Could you find me two scientists, one who believes in electrons and one who does not? Could you find me two scientists with completely different definitions of the word "electron"? Could you find me two scientists who uphold superstitions that the electron does various other nonrelated things, having no proof of that fact but believing it with no doubts that he could possibly be wrong?

And no, a priest does not have more knowledge than you or I. We all have read from the same obsolete book(s). There is no evidence and no proof arguing the validity of said books either. Unlike the electron that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt. And it's not the dropout that has anything to do with the existence of the electron, it's the evidence that speaks for itself. God however has no evidence, and accusing someone who does not believe in something that has no evidence to back it up of being a "high-school dropout" is really an insult to the majority of the brilliant minds of today.

I'm guessing if you asked any of your "intelligent", "advanced", and "cultured" "scores of persons" they would say they take the existence of god on FAITH and not on any evidence (unlike the electron). It really doesn't matter how advanced or cultured or intelligent you are, weaknesses of the mind are difficult to shake and brainwashing from childhood is not easily discarded.

So if a parent tells their children to not cross the road and they cross the road anyway and get hit by a car they forced their child to listen to them?

THE PARENT IS DRIVING THE CAR! Stop using irrelevant metaphors to make your broken logic appear reasonable.

Yes - in the same way that you have to believe in physics before you study physics - after you have studied physics then you can verify the validity/invalidity of the claims of physics (inother words after practice you can stermine whether your beliefs , or hypothesis were correct - not before)

Of course you don't have to believe in physics to study about them. In the same way a fundie christian doesn't have to believe in evolution to study about it. The evidence speaks for itself, and whether you believe it or not the evidence remains. Physics are not in dispute.

You can't verify the validity or invalidity of a claim that can't be proven.

Only for someone who is habituated to travel the opposite direction of common sense

Believing in something before proof is given is opposite to common sense? I hope you never get jury duty.

If I answered this question how would you be able to test whether I was lying or not?
In other words what frame work of theory do you have to work out of to determine whether god is perceivable or not?

God is omnipotent. If God spoke to you, simply ask him something that can't be known but can be proven. For example, you could ask him the coordinates of exactly where Amelia Earhart crashed. Then you could check those coordinates and tada, proven.

How does one know about the way of understanding an electron?

Test it? Experiment? Go over the proof? All the ways you can't understand a fictional being?

Something along the lines "If you follow a process you get a result"

Well god sure is a vague asshole, and you sure are a self-delusional nutcase.

Diogenes' Dog said:
It's called 'historical context'. Future generations might similarly judge our treatment of animals in factory farms or vivisection laboratories testing cosmetics! We still have a long way to go...

Pstalm 19:7 "The law of the LORD is perfect"

1 Peter 1:24-25 "...the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the LORD stands forever."

Historical context my ass. Does God's "forever" really mean a week from tuesday? It's "perfect" unless you think owning slaves and beating them is wrong? It's "perfect" unless killing every single person who dares to work on Sunday isn't convenient for you?
KennyJC said:
Your scientific parallels with religion are really starting to get on my tits.

That probably means LGs scientific parallels are a good analogy, and are challenging your presumptions.

You are assuming therefor that because medical professionals have expertise and have studied practices based on material principles within the real world that this also means theists are experts in something based on rationale and evidence. There are no qualifications needed to be a theist - a simple superstitious notion immediately qualifies you.

Would you be happier with analogies from the art world? Your average 'Sun Reader' will say all modern art is a load of bollocks. Those capable of appreciating art are often willing to pay £X,000,000s for a work. The two views are not equal, the 'Sun Reader' expresses an opinion based on ignorance, not discernment.

The difference therefor between an atheist studying scripture and a theist studying scripture is that one doesn't see proof for the far-fetched claims it makes and the other has blind faith that what they are reading is true.

The atheist who has already decided it is just far-fetched superstition will gain nothing in studying any scriptures. They are not open to learning anything new. Faith is not blind - it is a decision to trust, made in full awareness, which opens the way to new understanding.

Before you counter my last paragraph with one of your immensely stupid analogies like; "...well some people won't believe what they read in a medical journal either"; a religious book is one of fabrication to propell myths in order to entice people into their religion and the medical journal is a succession of applied principles in the material world which are known by experiment to solve medical problems in the body. If someone say's they don't believe a word of the medical journal, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that the medical journal has a physical effect on millions of people who are in hospitals today. To compare this lack of belief with that of people who use common sense to judge the thousands of far-fetched myths as being false in religious literature is dishonest and demonstrate just how much of a thread your argument hangs by.

"If someone say's they don't believe a word of the bible, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that christianity has a life-changing effect on millions of people alive today."

Good medicine (not always practiced) helps the physical body to become healthy. Good religion (not always practiced) helps lives to become healthy. They are different remedies for different needs.
Diogenes' Dog said:
The atheist who has already decided it is just far-fetched superstition will gain nothing in studying any scriptures. They are not open to learning anything new. Faith is not blind - it is a decision to trust, made in full awareness, which opens the way to new understanding.

You confuse open-mindedness with blind, ignorant faith. Skepticism is healthy and a sign of intelligence.

"If someone say's they don't believe a word of the bible, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that christianity has a life-changing effect on millions of people alive today."

Good medicine (not always practiced) helps the physical body to become healthy. Good religion (not always practiced) helps lives to become healthy. They are different remedies for different needs.

Like stoning children, keeping slaves, and murdering people for no real reason?

If you don't know everything then you don't know everything.

He knows which applications of free will gives which results - what application you will actually do, that depends on you, hence free will

“ Its not clear how exhibitions of pride, insolence and envy directed towards god amongst conditioned living entities are nurtured and maintained by god - on the contrary it seems to suggest they are nurtured by the conditioned living entities ”

He's an omnipotent being you tool, he could instantly fix it himself without sending people to hell.
I wasn't aware that he sent us to hell - I thought we went there by utilising our free will incorrectly (BTW - I don't operate out of a xtian theistic paradigm - hell is not eternal, but a little time there feels like along time)

And that still doesn't answer the statement. Why are the "exhibitions" incorrect if they were created by god anyway? How can an omnipotent, omniscient being suck so much at this "creation" stuff?
On the contrary the universe is running just fine, despite the earnest endeavours of humans to screw it up

“ Then your insincerity must be maing you deaf.

Is preschool right?
Is university right?
Or are they both right according to definitions of time place and circumstance? ”

Are you saying every religion is right, from greek mythology to ancient egyptian faiths?
in terms of every bonafide religion, yes
just like in terms of every bonafide institution of learning, yes (although you may have more to learn at uni than preschool, depending on your level of advancement of course)

Does the sun really rest beneath the throne of Allah every night?
I imagine that if you read a PHD theisis on Semantic decline you also wouldn't understand much about it either

If these faiths are incorrect then how can you prove it?
I think your typing error was a freudian slip

How can you prove any of them?
It requires training - just like how can anyone prove an electron without training

And how can all of them contain so much incorrect information and still be considered the word of god?
Ok lets take fire - it has three qualities (at least) - heat, smoke and light - if a person says fire is hot, and another says fire is smokey, and the last says fire is light, are all these statements irrevocably incongruent? INotherwords if fire has at least three qualities, what to speak of god.

If all the information that's provable today consistently turns out to be wrong then how ignorant do I have to be to assume the rest will be correct?

Details may differ but principles do not

How many times do you have to hear the church say "Oh this isn't to be taken literally" and "Oh this needs to be read in historical context" before you realize the scriptures will always have to be retroactively fit to meet reality.
Until you come to the point of knowing the difference between a detail and a principle.

“ This is why I gave the analogy of the pharmacy - unless you seek profesional advice it is impossible to distinguish between what is a detail and what is a principle. ”

Exactly. And conveniently the only "profesional" advice would be god, making it impossible to know which part of the contradiction we should be listening to, enabling the scripture to fit whatever you want it to.
No - professional advice is one who understands scripture - thats the point - in conditioned life -we are too much of a doofus to approach god directly ....

Yay!! The bible is always right!!!!!

(or always wrong, depending if your glass is half full or half empty)
..... as evidenced by your analysis of the bible

So who knows what religion really is? The peaceful muslims or the terrorists? Because according to the quran they're both technically right...
Once again - there are details and there are principles - atheists and neophyte theists tend to get hung up on this all the time

Could you find me two scientists, one who believes in electrons and one who does not? Could you find me two scientists with completely different definitions of the word "electron"? Could you find me two scientists who uphold superstitions that the electron does various other nonrelated things, having no proof of that fact but believing it with no doubts that he could possibly be wrong?
So in principle, scientists agree about electrons, when it comes to the details of an electron, like how it interacts with other phenomena or their causes , then you get a divergency of opinions - the same in religion - principles and details

And no, a priest does not have more knowledge than you or I. We all have read from the same obsolete book(s).
So pick up a book on advanced physics and become a physicist if you are so richly endowed with intelligence

There is no evidence and no proof arguing the validity of said books either.
I imagine a high school drop out would say the same thing if they picked a book up about electrons

Unlike the electron that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.
The high school drop out is still doubtful, namely because they label physicists as "eggheads" and the books they write as "full of crap"

And it's not the dropout that has anything to do with the existence of the electron, it's the evidence that speaks for itself.
evidence can only be detected by qualified persons - at least thats why the police have "detectives"

God however has no evidence, and accusing someone who does not believe in something that has no evidence to back it up of being a "high-school dropout" is really an insult to the majority of the brilliant minds of today.
Its just the nature of epistemology - whetehr you are talking about something scientific or theistic - knowledge becomes revealed to one who accepts the process of knowledge

I'm guessing if you asked any of your "intelligent", "advanced", and "cultured" "scores of persons" they would say they take the existence of god on FAITH and not on any evidence (unlike the electron).
Thats right - you're guessing

It really doesn't matter how advanced or cultured or intelligent you are, weaknesses of the mind are difficult to shake and brainwashing from childhood is not easily discarded.
on the contrary - a person who is highly analytical is resistant to cheap emotive arguments - like so far it seems that you have been brainwashed by atheism - the evidence is that its very difficult for you to uphold a rational argument on the subject without sliding into abusive terms and emmotional appeals

So if a parent tells their children to not cross the road and they cross the road anyway and get hit by a car they forced their child to listen to them?

No - the parent is not driving the car - the parent told their child not to cross the road

Stop using irrelevant metaphors to make your broken logic appear reasonable.
I guess it would be helpful if you read them properly - it would save me the effort of having to post them twice

Of course you don't have to believe in physics to study about them.
Well if you don't believe in physics why on earth would you apply yourself to the rigorous discipline o studying it :confused:

In the same way a fundie christian doesn't have to believe in evolution to study about it.
well a fundie xtian doesn't study anything much

The evidence speaks for itself, and whether you believe it or not the evidence remains. Physics are not in dispute.
No - the evidence only speaks to those who are qualified to "detect" the evidence

You can't verify the validity or invalidity of a claim that can't be proven.
Exactly - thats why you cannot venture in to the subject of god - thats why training is a prerequisite

Believing in something before proof is given is opposite to common sense? I hope you never get jury duty.
Obviously you didn't read my statements about how training enables one to come to the platform of proof - belief anables one to come to the platform of training

“ If I answered this question how would you be able to test whether I was lying or not?
In other words what frame work of theory do you have to work out of to determine whether god is perceivable or not? ”

God is omnipotent. If God spoke to you, simply ask him something that can't be known but can be proven. For example, you could ask him the coordinates of exactly where Amelia Earhart crashed. Then you could check those coordinates and tada, proven.
This is your argument - BTW - I think omniscient is the word you are after - once again you are revealing your strong level of training on the subject
P1 - God is said to be omniscient
P2 - God must know all sorts of trivia
conclusion - if god doesn't answer trivial questions that proves he is not omniscient

I guess from here you would have to establish that god is just itching to answer our mundane questions because he is just suffering like hell because we do not think he is omniscient.
Inother words the attitude of your enquiry into god's nature (insolent, irrelevant enquiry to a superior) undermines the premise of a pure relationship between god and the living entity (ie a pure devotee would not waste the remarkable opportunity to converse with god in such mindless blather - at the very least there is no evidence of saintly persons in scripture having such innane converstaions with god)

“ How does one know about the way of understanding an electron? ”

Test it? Experiment? Go over the proof? All the ways you can't understand a fictional being?
Inother words training enables one to establish whether an entity is fictional or not (since testing and experimenting is not too fruitful for one without a foundation of theory etc) - so what is the training you have that enables you to say god is fictional?

“ Something along the lines "If you follow a process you get a result" ”

Well god sure is a vague asshole, and you sure are a self-delusional nutcase.
You sure would make a great fundamental xtian - that doesn't happen to be the "training" you received to know god in the first place is it?
Last edited:

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So the question is, do you think the various scriptures of the world are in response to the same phenomena? ”

Yes, fundamentally, just as there are many views on reality, because it is bigger than the human brain can contain, so there are many approaches to God.

Then you seem to be saying that god is an objective phenomena - just like if a person says that fire is hot, another says fire is smokey they are both subjective claims to an objective reality

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Moralistic behaviour is only advocated by scripture to enable people to come to the platform of applying the process to know god - unless one comes to the point of kowing what god is, they are stabilised on an unsatisfactory level of performance, even if they are authentic, loving, mindful etc etc ”

God is unknowable. We all seek revelation of the ultimate! However, it can only ever be a partial truth, seen 'through a glass darkly'...
I agree, understanding god completely is not possible, but I would argue that one can know enough about god to determine his proper representation and his improper representation, and coming to that platform of knowledge is the duty of a theist, rather than dwadling around on the moralistic platform in the material world (morality in the material world is always unsteady)

“ Therefore the perfection of religion is to know god, not to be talented in the mundane sphere of morality - and further more there is a scientific process to know god - inother words there are things you can and can not do which will make approaching god more easier/difficult ”

I don't think many scientists would agree with you LG! I agree with some of what you say but I believe we live by grace not method.

I believe there is a method to grace - refraining from sin is one such eg (even though jesus dies for ourt sins it doesn't display much gratitude or sincerity if you continue to sin)

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Therefore religion without philosophy is fanaticism - philosophy pertains to an objective understanding of the absolute ”

No - religion without humility is fanaticism.
Humility is an aspect of theistic philosophy - other aspects incluse accepting what is favorabale to spiritual, rejecting what is unfavourable, seeing the lord as one's maintainer, seeing the lord as one's protector and finally not entertaining any desirethat is seperate from the Lords desire - these are the 6 aspects of the philosophy of surrender to god
Humility by itself is meaningless, since one could be a humble atheist and still go to hell

We none of us know!
If you mean on sciforums I might agree -lol
If you mean in the history of theistic endeavour I would disagree

Philosophy is full of debate.
And after discussion, or rumination, comes practical application

Those that think they know with certainty become judge, jury and executioner. I smell danger!

Only if they don't really know in the first place
Diogenes' Dog said:
That probably means LGs scientific parallels are a good analogy, and are challenging your presumptions.

They are not though, for reasons I pointed out. He uses those analogies because he simply has nothing to build upon his 'faith'.

Would you be happier with analogies from the art world? Your average 'Sun Reader' will say all modern art is a load of bollocks. Those capable of appreciating art are often willing to pay £X,000,000s for a work. The two views are not equal, the 'Sun Reader' expresses an opinion based on ignorance, not discernment.

Again, this is another analogy that has nothing to do with anything. Typical of moderate's like you and LG.

The atheist who has already decided it is just far-fetched superstition will gain nothing in studying any scriptures. They are not open to learning anything new. Faith is not blind - it is a decision to trust, made in full awareness, which opens the way to new understanding.

No, it doesn't work that way DG. People read it and THEN come to the conclusion that it is superstitious bullshit. How else is a person going to respond to a myth about a person being resurrected and bodily ascending to heaven? You either use common sense to judge it as fictional literature, or accept it by using blind faith. And yes, faith is blind by nature.

"If someone say's they don't believe a word of the bible, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that christianity has a life-changing effect on millions of people alive today."

What's your point? I have no doubt that it does have an emotional effect on people, but so does Astrology, belief in ghosts, Aliens visiting Earth and other superstitions also.

The point I made however, was that scientific principles have a physical effect, and therein lies it's evidence and proof that they are relevant and exist. Superstition does not share this, as they are purely subjective and emotional - a vital difference, don't you think?

Good medicine (not always practiced) helps the physical body to become healthy. Good religion (not always practiced) helps lives to become healthy. They are different remedies for different needs.

I don't really care if you somehow think religion is needed to make people have healthier lives. It remains a superstitious concept... and if superstition's of all kinds (not just religions) make peoples lives healthier, then good for them.
TimeTraveler said:
Baah, a Sheep. Calling God a he, and ignoring the proof, ignoring evolution, ignoring life.
Interesting - if there is no empirical evidence for macro evolution, why do you insist on the same means of evidence (ie empiricism) to prove god?

Doesn't that also make you a sheep too?

Perhaps even a more stupid sheep than your average sheep?
lightgigantic said:
It requires training - just like how can anyone prove an electron without training

Flick on a light switch or turn on a toaster, simple, really.

Ok lets take fire - it has three qualities (at least) - heat, smoke and light - if a person says fire is hot, and another says fire is smokey, and the last says fire is light, are all these statements irrevocably incongruent? INotherwords if fire has at least three qualities, what to speak of god.

None. Fire has properties that can be defined by anyone, you demonstrated that yourself. Why aren't the properties of god so well-defined?

No - professional advice is one who understands scripture - thats the point - in conditioned life we are too much of a doofus to approach god directly ....

Sounds more like an MLM Pyramid scheme. Those at the top are the only ones to profit.

So in principle, scientists agree about electrons, when it comes to the details of an electron, like how it interacts with other phenomena or their causes , then you get a divergency of opinions - the same in religion - principles and details

That is where you're wrong. Electrons are fundamental particles, hence they can't be 'dissected' into smaller parts. Their properties are well known as is their interactions with other particles. There is very little wiggle room, if any, for a divergence of opinions.

So pick up a book on advanced physics and become a physicist if you are so richly endowed with intelligence

I would recommend you do the same, so at the very least, your comparisons of electrons to god, is somewhat relative.

The high school drop out is still doubtful, namely because they label physicists as "eggheads" and the books they write as "full of crap"

Hence, the reason he IS a high school drop out.

evidence can only be detected by qualified persons - at least thats why the police have "detectives"

Strawman argument. Forensics is a well established science. Didn't the Vatican actually change its doctrine in favor of scientific findings? Aren't they considered the "Chief Inspectors" of their doctrine?

Its just the nature of epistemology - whetehr you are talking about something scientific or theistic - knowledge becomes revealed to one who accepts the process of knowledge

What scientific theories have been changed in favor of religious doctrine?

No - the evidence only speaks to those who are qualified to "detect" the evidence

Is that a decision you or your god made?

That probably means LGs scientific parallels are a good analogy, and are challenging your presumptions. ”

They are not though, for reasons I pointed out. He uses those analogies because he simply has nothing to build upon his 'faith'.

I use the analogies because you are outside the correct epistemology for perceiving god, so I work within the epistemology of empirical science to explain things to you - this is also frustrating on many occasions because it is sometimes seen that you don't operate on the epistemology of empirical science either
All this seems to indicate you have some sky daddies lurking around you

“ Would you be happier with analogies from the art world? Your average 'Sun Reader' will say all modern art is a load of bollocks. Those capable of appreciating art are often willing to pay £X,000,000s for a work. The two views are not equal, the 'Sun Reader' expresses an opinion based on ignorance, not discernment. ”

Again, this is another analogy that has nothing to do with anything. Typical of moderate's like you and LG.
Once again - you speak like a high school drop out to a physics professor

“ The atheist who has already decided it is just far-fetched superstition will gain nothing in studying any scriptures. They are not open to learning anything new. Faith is not blind - it is a decision to trust, made in full awareness, which opens the way to new understanding. ”

No, it doesn't work that way DG. People read it and THEN come to the conclusion that it is superstitious bullshit.

Sounds just like the high school drop out saying a book about electrons is all "bullshit"

How else is a person going to respond to a myth about a person being resurrected and bodily ascending to heaven?

How else would a highschool drop out respond to a myth about spinning leptons?

You either use common sense to judge it as fictional literature, or accept it by using blind faith. And yes, faith is blind by nature.
Thats the point - the common sense of a high school drop out to electrons - the common sense of a sun reader in regards to highly valued art pieces, and the common sense of Kenny in regard to theism - all of these amount to practically nothing due a lack of foundational knowledge

“ "If someone say's they don't believe a word of the bible, clearly they say so out of ignorance of the fact that christianity has a life-changing effect on millions of people alive today." ”

What's your point? I have no doubt that it does have an emotional effect on people, but so does Astrology, belief in ghosts, Aliens visiting Earth and other superstitions also.
High school drop outs also have emmotional appeals too

The point I made however, was that scientific principles have a physical effect, and therein lies it's evidence and proof that they are relevant and exist.
The point we make however is that this physical evidence is not automatically evident - it requires qualification that comes from bona fide training - if you lack the required processes to detect the evidence (what to speak of being adverse to the processes that enable one to detect it) then your opinions are not credible - at least this explains why the police hire "detectives"

Superstition does not share this, as they are purely subjective and emotional - a vital difference, don't you think?
Well first you have to establish that god is a subjective phenomena - kind of difficult when your opinions are not credible

It requires training - just like how can anyone prove an electron without training ”

Flick on a light switch or turn on a toaster, simple, really.

And how is that proof for a high school drop out?

None. Fire has properties that can be defined by anyone, you demonstrated that yourself. Why aren't the properties of god so well-defined?

I never said understanding god is as easy as understanding fire - I established that fire has multiple qualities and so does god - if one insists that multiple qualities indicates an illogical premise they are wrong because even fire has multiple qualities -
As for why people cannot understand god, I guess their inability to perceive the premise of these and other analogies is a good indication why

“ No - professional advice is one who understands scripture - thats the point - in conditioned life we are too much of a doofus to approach god directly .... ”

Sounds more like an MLM Pyramid scheme. Those at the top are the only ones to profit.
Well in case you haven't noticed, all branches of knowledge operate on the same principle - Have you split an atom? Have you clarified the resolutions of the hubble telescope? Does that mean we should also turf out science because it operates on the same principle?

“ So in principle, scientists agree about electrons, when it comes to the details of an electron, like how it interacts with other phenomena or their causes , then you get a divergency of opinions - the same in religion - principles and details ”

That is where you're wrong. Electrons are fundamental particles, hence they can't be 'dissected' into smaller parts. Their properties are well known as is their interactions with other particles. There is very little wiggle room, if any, for a divergence of opinions.
Then why is there so much divergence of opinions in quantum physics?

“ So pick up a book on advanced physics and become a physicist if you are so richly endowed with intelligence ”

I would recommend you do the same, so at the very least, your comparisons of electrons to god, is somewhat relative.
Obviously you don't equate advanced physics with quantum physics

“ The high school drop out is still doubtful, namely because they label physicists as "eggheads" and the books they write as "full of crap" ”

Hence, the reason he IS a high school drop out.
Hence, the reason you are an atheist

“ evidence can only be detected by qualified persons - at least thats why the police have "detectives" ”

Strawman argument. Forensics is a well established science. Didn't the Vatican actually change its doctrine in favor of scientific findings? Aren't they considered the "Chief Inspectors" of their doctrine?
The premise was that perceiving evidence requires qualification - since I don't work out of the xtian paradigm I can't vouch for the Vatican - But since science has yet to establish that the universe is bereft of intelligent design I would say that the principles of xtianity are still valid

“ No - the evidence only speaks to those who are qualified to "detect" the evidence ”

Is that a decision you or your god made?

Its the decision the police make when they hire detectives - its the decision scientist journal editors make when they compile reviews - its the decision intelligent theists make when determining who is a saintly person

In other words training enables one to establish whether an entity is fictional or not (since testing and experimenting is not too fruitful for one without a foundation of theory etc) - so what is the training you have that enables you to say god is fictional?

This is your whole foundation. Here, let me destroy it for you.

Training has nothing to do with it and is a red herring you use to disguise the fact that there is really no substance to your argument.

All that counts in this universe is measurement. Training in any field that requires the verification of an entity as "fictional" or not, is about one thing: Learning how to measure the thing you are interested in. For example, Experimental Physics is the witness, judge, and jury of theoretical physics. Theoretical physics is no more than theology if one does not apply the anvil of experimental physics. I note that there is no branch of "Experimental Theology".

In this universe, if something cannot be measured, even theoretically (do not confuse this with "has not been measured yet"), then for all intents and purposes it is fictional. E.g. string theory is pure fiction until a way to experimentally verify it or rule it out is found.

God has been presented to the world by all faiths that I know of as "beyond measurement". This statement means, of course, that god, as an entity, is fictional by self admission.

Now some claims for god's handywork have been made and tested. Natural phenomena, miracles, objective (non-placebo) effectivity of prayer, divine healing. All of which have been shown to have correlation coefficients of 1 with respect to random event outcomes (meaning you can flip a coin and get the same results).

So, as god the "entity" is beyond testing (i.e. there is not even a theoretically concievable test that can measure "god") and the observed results of testing the hypothesized effects of god are indistingushable from random chance, god falls well within the common definition of fictional.

Ok light. Explain to us why this is absurd.