If atheism makes you mean why does religion turn people into killers?

Did you folks notice that Adstar directly answered the military reasons for the Crusades and Inquisition and deftly avoided justifying his statement that christians "would not kill, no matter the situation"?
Did you folks notice that Adstar directly answered the military reasons for the Crusades and Inquisition and deftly avoided justifying his statement that christians "would not kill, no matter the situation"?

That was never a part of the challenge in the question. The Question was pointing to the crusades and inquisition as examples of christians killing others. My reply stated that both endeavours where catholic doings. And therefore where not the doings of true Christians, who are followers of the Messiah Jesus.

So i say again. Those who are true followers of the Messiah Jesus, those who believe Him. Would not kill, no matter the situation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That was never a part of the challenge in the question. The Question was pointing to the crusades and inquisition as examples of christians killing others. My reply stated that both endeavours where catholic doings. And therefore where not the doings of true Christians, who are followers of the Messiah Jesus.

So i say again. Those who are true followers of the Messiah Jesus, those who believe Him. Would not kill, no matter the situation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Are you saying that anyone who uses God as an excuse to go to war is not really a christian then?

The biggest killers of this century or any other in recorded history have always been theists.

Actually, no. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler. The last is arguable possibly: the others are not.
The biggest killers of this century or any other in recorded history have always been theists.
Well, let's say you are right about this...
the biggest killers were also certainly men. Was it their maleness or their theism that made them killers?

Another way to challenge this is - again assuming your are correct about a correlation -
is isn't this an example of cum hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy?

is our sample group of atheist leaders - leaders of countries with significant armies for example - large enough to rule out other variables?

Since Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao seem, somehow not to be atheists to atheists, where's the damn control group so we know that theism is the cause and not merely a correlation, if even that?
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My reply stated that both endeavours where catholic doings. And therefore where not the doings of true Christians, who are followers of the Messiah Jesus.

Catholics are the truist Christians around and at the time it was them, Orthadox or Coptic.

Protestants, who forget they are just splinter Catholics, have a pretty bloody history killing Catholics and each other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Daze
Well, let's say you are right about this...
the biggest killers were also certainly men. Was it their maleness or their theism that made them killers?

The biggest killers were all imbibers of dihydrogen monoxide!!!

Theist or not, I would say what the big killers had in common which was actually relevant was being sociopaths who could kill with ease.

However normal people who would not go around killing people normally can be incited to kill by religion just like they are incited by patriotism, racism, greed and other low and callous reasons for killing another person.

I find it ludicrous to think one could incite the masses to blood lust with "there is no reason to believe in any gods" as your rallying cry.
Actually, no. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler. The last is arguable possibly: the others are not.

Did each one of them personally kill a lot of people or did they get others to kill for them? Who were those others? Theists, of course. :)
Why do a lot of religions make a lot of its followers (not all) stop thinking for themselves? and why can it turn normal people into psycho murderers?

If being atheist means mean... then surely being non-atheist means something also?

Though this does not answer your question, I have noticed how many so-called christians (and I would have to include myself in the most basic sense) seem to kinda of turn their own independent thinking to the dogma (for lack of a better term).

I don't know that I agree that atheism makes one mean. For starters, define mean? Second, I think that the atheist can be a bit overzealous in their offence against believer. But then, it is also true in the other direction with believers attacking atheists.
Did each one of them personally kill a lot of people or did they get others to kill for them? Who were those others? Theists, of course. :)

So they are killers as well as cowards? And take credit for other people's work? Thats interesting.
Did each one of them personally kill a lot of people or did they get others to kill for them? Who were those others? Theists, of course. :)

:rolleyes: Bit of a stretch, would you say, Q?
Catholics are the truist Christians around and at the time it was them, Orthadox or Coptic.

Protestants, who forget they are just splinter Catholics, have a pretty bloody history killing Catholics and each other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Daze

And protestants who engage in warfare are likewise not true followers of the Messiah Jesus. Anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus but seeks to justify followers of Jesus engaging in combat is in rebellion against the Messiah Jesus. Does not matter what tag they use catholic, protestant, orthodox, you name it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And protestants who engage in warfare are likewise not true followers of the Messiah Jesus.

So all those Christians aren't really Christians.

Over course they claim people like you aren't Christians.

Hmm...maybe there just aren't any Christians. That seems the most likely.
I want to avoid dihydrogen monoxide so I don't become a killer but I can't find it in any food ingredients list.
Do they give it to soldiers?

Why do a lot of religions make a lot of its followers (not all) stop thinking for themselves?

I don't know one religious person who doesn't think for themself, even if they decide to follow anothers path. Can you give some example of "stop thinking for themselves"?

...and why can it turn normal people into psycho murderers?

There are physco murderers who kill because someone looked at his/her woman/man slightely too long. Or because the person wore a blue sweater instead of red. Or because he/she were given instuctions from the telly.
Need I go on?
Should we blame relationships, sweater companies, and television for these actions?

Not when so many people cite this as a reason for their homicides. I have yet to see the instance where someone stated that they killed others because there was no god.