If atheism makes you mean why does religion turn people into killers?

If that's the case SAM, would it not be more apt to put your own house in order first?

For one how about you stop whining about atheists, and get to grips with fundies within your own religion - how about looking to build some understanding and reconcilliation with oh, say....Israeli Jews foe example

You're kidding right? Its because such fanatics nauseate me that I cannot see any understanding of Zionism. Is there anything in the world more fanatical than occupying a land because God gave it to you 4000 years ago? Having a racist right of return for foreigners while displacing native inhabitants on the basis of religion? I find it quite odd that the Palestinians are considered fundies here, while the Israelis are considered democrats. Would you accept the policies of the Jewish state in your own country?

No I can see no understanding of zionism, like I can see none of any system of apartheid, including the caste system.
So, you move where your people already are, then you are attacked by nationalistic Arabs, so you defend yourself and exclude your enemies. What's fanatical about that?
So, would you accept the policies of the Jewish state in your country?
Depends on context and history. Although I admit there are religious fanatics among the Jews living in Israel, the rationale for the state doesn't depend on religion whatsoever.
Yes it does. There is no rationale for the Balfour agreement except that of the religion of the Jews. There is no rationale for zionism outside of Judaism.
Nonsense, they are a coherent people that are often targeted for violence, it makes sense for them to be independent.
I suggest that if you are thrown out of every bar, its time to stop blaming the barmen. I think, if nothing else, Israel has shown that Jews treat other people as bad as, if not worse, than they have been treated. So really, they have no cause for complaint and should examine the basis for their own ethnocentrism.
I blame the barman. No one has been treated worse, if you think so, you are ignorant of history. Religion teaches people that those of other religions are evil. Otherwise, it would be difficult to keep the churchgoers in line, nothing to threaten them with. The passion plays taught people that Jews killed their savior.
I think if you are consistently treated as an outsider, its because you behave like one. Just look at the Palestinians today. They have lived through 5000 years of history, through the Judaic, Roman and Crusader occupations. What makes the Jews so special? What makes an atheist identify himself as a race with a religion? It would be like a Christian atheist fighting the Crusades or a Muslim atheist fighting the jihad. There is racism here and its not pretty.
You're kidding right? Its because such fanatics nauseate me that I cannot see any understanding of Zionism. Is there anything in the world more fanatical than occupying a land because God gave it to you 4000 years ago? Having a racist right of return for foreigners while displacing native inhabitants on the basis of religion? I find it quite odd that the Palestinians are considered fundies here, while the Israelis are considered democrats. Would you accept the policies of the Jewish state in your own country?

No I can see no understanding of zionism, like I can see none of any system of apartheid, including the caste system.

I see so your constant whining about atheists is a displacement activity for your unwillingness to do anything about the fundies within your own religion, and some of the intractible fundie stances of theirs that you have adpoted for yourself.

I'm beginning to understand you SAM
I see so your constant whining about atheists is a displacement activity for your unwillingness to do anything about the fundies within your own religion, and some of the intractible fundie stances of theirs that you have adpoted for yourself.

I'm beginning to understand you SAM

You must be right. The Palestinian rejection of having their land given away to Europeans by Europeans and the Jewish unwillingness to consider the right of the Palestinians to decide who lives on their land is a fundie Muslim position. I'm sure the British [athiests] do it very differently. :rolleyes:
I think if you are consistently treated as an outsider, its because you behave like one. Just look at the Palestinians today. They have lived through 5000 years of history, through the Judaic, Roman and Crusader occupations. What makes the Jews so special? What makes an atheist identify himself as a race with a religion? It would be like a Christian atheist fighting the Crusades or a Muslim atheist fighting the jihad. There is racism here and its not pretty.

The Jews are no different, they lived through the same things. Some of them sought refuge in places other than the greater Middle East.

As for me, It wasn't a choice, it's just that most of my family in the present and past happened to be Jewish.

The Arabs had conflicts with other Arab tribes, many of them ending in some form of genocide, so the Jewish/Palestinian thing only gets attention because the Jews are wrongly percieved as outsiders.
Ever hear any current atheist arguments on eugenics? Look up Dawkins.


I don't think he was insane, no one has intimated he was. He was a "good" student, an intellectual, who was "frustrated" by all the "weak" people in society.

Hmm..Interesting. Don't we already do Eugenics through IVF/Sperm donation ?
Besides, there is nothing wrong with human Eugenics, because to make us exempt from the procedures we apply to other living things is hypocritical.. But hey, we're used to it right ?

He was still weak and resorted to violence to meet his ends. He is one case, compare to the dozen religious nutjobs in America who go around hating blacks and gays.
Hmm..Interesting. Don't we already do Eugenics through IVF/Sperm donation ?
Besides, there is nothing wrong with human Eugenics, because to make us exempt from the procedures we apply to other living things is hypocritical.. But hey, we're used to it right ?

He was still weak and resorted to violence to meet his ends. He is one case, compare to the dozen religious nutjobs in America who go around hating blacks and gays.

I wonder how many of those are eugenecists. What do you think would happen if these people were atheists?
I have yet to see an atheist turn to killing simply because a Richard Dawkins like figure told him to.

I hope that never happens.
But again, I doubt it is that simple.
Economic, political, and social scenarios, can reach to such points that such actions could possibly take place, and be justified.
This killer may not have been directly told by one person, but something must have clicked with him, to make him act in that way.

Religious people seem to create a better society simply by killing anyone that disagrees with them. Atheists at least leave room for disagreement, because there is no higher authority.

I don't know any religious people who would go as far as to kill someone becuause they disagree with them. Your statement is totally misleading, and quite dangerous.

Atheist tend to see themselves as the higher authority, or people who represent atheism in high places.

This nutjob killer described himself as a "godlike atheist", the "natural selector". He, and the columbine killer, have followers, people who idolise them. Do you think their followers are atheist?
