If atheism makes you mean why does religion turn people into killers?

Been a Christian for some years now and i have killed no one. I would go as far as to say that if i did not become a Christian i probably would have killed someone by now.
M*W: It's not quite as cut-and-dried as you make it sound. I'm an atheist, and I have no desire to harm anyone for any reason.
Been a Christian for some years now and i have killed no one. I would go as far as to say that if i did not become a Christian i probably would have killed someone by now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

That says more about you than you probably wanted to reveal.

That says more about your preception of what i reveals rather than what it actually is saying.

I have two siblings in the defence forces of my country. I am sure that if i had not read the bible i would have chosen a carrier in the defence forces and thus i would have ended up either fighting and killing people in iraq or in afganistan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: It's not quite as cut-and-dried as you make it sound. I'm an atheist, and I have no desire to harm anyone for any reason.

Where was there any talk of desire? Most people who kill do so out of a sense of duty to their people or out of fear of what will happen if they do not kill the other person.

So the desire to kill or not is irrelevant. If the situation arises you will kill other people. All atheists will kill.

But those who believe Jesus will not kill. No matter what the situation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It makes me so upset to see how some religious beliefs make people think less.. and how it has slowed the progression of humanity, technology, information and human rights.

Though it does seem the world is slowly waking up.. and more and more people are opening their eyes.. but it just happens so slowly.

Well, as much as I firmly support atheism as a choice, I would hate to see the world emptied of all faith or of any (yes, even that one). Much of human rights has been advanced at the urging of the faithful; nor has religion uniformly obstructed the sciences (8th-15th century Western Europe, for example). Nor, for that matter, are technology and science unmitigated good. As in all things - mallets, memes and money - the humanitarian role of religion matters largely what use it's put to.

Yes, even for that one.
M*W: It's not quite as cut-and-dried as you make it sound. I'm an atheist, and I have no desire to harm anyone for any reason.

I haven't killed anyone either, but I think it's natural to be very scared about doing so. I guess I would if I had to.
What were the Crusades about? The Inquisition?

The Crusades where about gaining control over Jerusalem. In those times the pilgrimage "business" was very important to the catholic church in monetary terms and Jerusalem was the no 1 pilgrimage destination for the most wealthy pilgrims. So controlling Jerusalem meant controlling a big money making business.

The muslims controlled Jerusalem, and certain devout followers of the quran where attacking christian pilgrims, robbing them, killing them and enslaving some. Pretty much mirroring the deeds of muhammed and his band of followers. They where true muslims.

So the desire for money and with the pretext of defending pilgrims the pope called for the crusade to take control of Jerusalem.

The Inquisition was about the maintaining of control within the boundaries of the catholic controlled world. It basically came down to the use of terror upon the population under it's control to maintain absolute control over the minds of the populace and through that maintain absolute power.

The same technique has been used by many different worldly authorities down throughout history, napoleon used it with his guillotines. starlin and hitler used it with their camps a gulags, mao used it with his cultural revolution.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I haven't killed anyone either, but I think it's natural to be very scared about doing so. I guess I would if I had to.

And the powers that be in this world are well skilled in instilling that fear. To motivate you to kill others. People kill because they are lead to believe they have to.

"Why of course the people don't want war. . . . That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Herman Göring - Nazi Party leader

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I haven't killed anyone either, but I think it's natural to be very scared about doing so. I guess I would if I had to.
M*W: You know, spider, I have asked myself what I would do, how would I defend myself, if confronted by physical danger. Even if I had a gun, for example, I'm not sure I could pull the trigger to kill or harm someone, and I guess I won't know until I am confronted (hopefully not, though). I don't have a gun, so I would have to rely on my senses to survive. I just don't know if I could kill someone.
The same technique has been used by many different worldly authorities down throughout history, napoleon used it with his guillotines. starlin and hitler used it with their camps a gulags, mao used it with his cultural revolution.

... Christians used it to spread the word of Jesus... ;)
If you and your mate decide to have a child then are you technically killing the child by bringing him/her into a situation where they are eventually going to be labelled sinners and thus condemned to die by God's decree?
Why do a lot of religions make a lot of its followers (not all) stop thinking for themselves? and why can it turn normal people into psycho murderers?

If being atheist means mean... then surely being non-atheist means something also?

well first, do you actually think being a non-theist makes you more psychotically endused?

I'd some religions miss understand the meaning of "God" or what "God" actually imposes on an individual. These religions take it to the extreme.
If you and your mate decide to have a child then are you technically killing the child by bringing him/her into a situation where they are eventually going to be labelled sinners and thus condemned to die by God's decree?

Me and my mate? :eek:

I've no idea. I don't think me mate Johnny and I have ever talked about having kids. Kind of hard to do, you see, as we're both males and I don't really think of him that way. Now the wife and I have lots and I suspect we're about to have another 'un, by the barf of things.

ANyway, yar the sinners dies and whatnot, but you can still get out of it. Salvation and all that.
I've often wondered whether religion turns people into killers, or whether religion (or any other kind of rigidly prescriptive dogma / ideology) simply provides people who already have a pre-disposition to be murderous muthaz with an excuse.

My inclination is that its the latter
So why are the biggest killers of this century people who lack that "excuse"?
So why are the biggest killers of this century people who lack that "excuse"?

I think you either failed to read what I posted - you didn't quite understand it - or you jumped to a conclusion about what you wanted it to say instead of paying attention to what it did in fact say.

The major mass murderers we all know and love, all had a tendency to operate out of a rigid and prescriptive dogma or ideology - either religious, political, or a mixture of the two - so they most certainly did have that 'excuse'

Therte haven't been too many of the types who kill over political ideologies so far this century, however the biggest killer I can think of for this century so far is an apparently devout christian - who are you thinking of girly?