I will prove that god exists

It takes a mind to experience anything, and our minds go unconscious just before we die.
these people i've referred to are obviously not afraid of death as you so naively or deceptively have suggested here. that is logic and reason you are not addressing.

it's not that people necessarily desire death because for itself. there can be a time when life is not worth it to them or they are overriding their fear of death because they feel that something is more important for them to do, say or make a stand etc.
It takes a mind to experience anything, and our minds go unconscious just before we die.

many people who have experienced death and have been revived say otherwise, and so i'm taking their word over yours. do you think that's reasonable?
it's not that people necessarily desire death because for itself. there can be a time when life is not worth it to them or they are overriding their fear of death because they feel that something is more important for them to do, say or make a stand etc.

then they're really not afraid are they? i'm pretty sure we call those people "brave".
then they're really not afraid are they? i'm pretty sure we call those people "brave".
Wrong again.
The definition of brave (as you'll find from reading soldier's memoirs) is over-riding fear.
It's still there, just not given in to, because they think that something else is more important than possible death or injury.

There's a common saying (even used by experience combat troops): anyone who says he's not afraid is a fool or a liar.
many people who have experienced death and have been revived say otherwise, and so i'm taking their word over yours. do you think that's reasonable?

No it isn't. If they have been revived, that means they were not dead.
to take someone's opinion who has experienced death, regarding the experience of death of course, over someone's opinion who has not experienced death. that's not reasonable in your opinion? why not?

Because it a ridiculous situation.
How can you take the opinion of someone who has died?
It means we're talking ghosts, previous lives or afterlives.

Besides, you shouldn't take peoples opinions, you should view as many opinions as possible and come to you're own.
then they're really not afraid are they? i'm pretty sure we call those people "brave".

you're assuming that one can't do something just because they are afraid. without some sense of fear, how can one be brave? lol.
of course there's a source of experience. what planet are you on?

Nice try.

You're the one who equated reality with experience, thus, denying anything outside of that scope......

Try again.

these people i've referred to are obviously not afraid of death as you so naively or deceptively have suggested here. that is logic and reason you are not addressing.


"Obviously not afraid"??

You're deluded in more than one sense it seems.
Simply because one suffers or dies it doesn't follow that they were fearless...

Stunning lack of logic.
i think she is confusing or equating lack of fear to overcoming fear. it also depends on the situation since it can also be foolish to overcome fear. if one knowingly feels the consequences are worth the risk, that's on them.

ever watch the show 'a thousand ways to die'? a lot of them were foolish or didn't respect fear enough.