I will prove that god exists

'I!', but they do help us to sharpen our arguments against, plus we then look deeper into cosmology as well.

At least ban those who can never seem to answer any questions posed back to them. This must be part and parcel of their psychological 'neglect' condition.
Nay!!! Fair tales have substance just as much as any artistic endeavor. There is way more to a fairy tale than you all think . On a gynecological stance it forms as a transition of past values handed down by generic overtones of moral judgments . If this happened I would do this scenarios , or if I did this and this happened do you want to do this too " Scenarios" The scenery"
It is part of human communication and coupling in thought as a society as a whole . Just like the T.V. shows you like to watch
What does a cunt doctor have to do with it?:shrug:

Well I thought about changing it to genealogy, but then I decided the insinuation of the female vagina had overtones that appealed to my manliness. Sorry for my vulgarity , Please don't ban Me Mods
I am dyslexic so what I meant was genealogy. Past down in the way of family values . Instilled into the child as a model of behavior. A model that is carried through out the persons life . Like don't kill people or steal . You know the basic stuff some of us hear in the world lack . Like Bikers , they have been known to lack these kind of values. Most of them don't buy into fairy tales
Genealogy is also the wrong word. That applies to the study of families and their lineage: nothing to do at all with what stories and legends (or "family values") are handed down.
At least ban those who can never seem to answer any questions posed back to them.

I thought proselytizing religion was a bannable no-no here.

(If proselytizing a deeply held, only partly-provable point of view is a bannable offense my ban starts in 3....2....1:eek:)
It has surely been localized to the brain and is exactly a brain process.

It goes away when anesthesia is applied to the brain, or when knocked too hard on the head, or when it needs a rest when we get tired and go to sleep.

It seems that information can exist two ways, neurologically and consciously, and there is a correspondence.

Consciousness comes last, after the brain does it analysis, witnessing the result that surfaces on the mind, so to speak; however, all is brain, though we speak of mind. Takes about 200-300 milliseconds for all this, which is fairly speedy considering the trillions of brain neuron connections that could be involved.

Consciousness is also that annoying time between naps (ha-ha).

I didn't ask for an explanation of what you've heard or read about consciousness. The question is : Do you know what consciousness is?
Maybe religion is a symptom of our brains' incapability of handling nothingness and infinity.