I will be answering deep ethical conundrums

and here I thought a Sunday crossword puzzle was hard to figure out.

How could a person be considered too smart for their own good?
:D There is a trouble with that Scott. If he comes up with an example, its not necessary that anyone else would be able to crack it. Also it implies that others are fools who couldn't even come up with their own examples and couldn't comprehend the one he came up with. That justifies his post #44.
On the contrary, it invalidates his post: if it were true that he's the "genii" he claims to be then him giving a conundrum would provide some evidence for his mistaken belief.

When I debate/argue/chat on any subject, I often faces a dilemma. If I try to explain something which is so obvious in nature to another human being,
And there's your error: "obvious to another human being".
How do YOU know what is obvious to someone else.

does it mean that subconsciously I am so convinced that the other person is a stupid and cannot see the obvious(thereby my explanations are an insult and prejudice to their intellect).
No it means that you're making unjustified assumptions and/or that you're taking the wrong tack.

So what I do is to give hints and stay away from explaining or bringing up examples till a point where the other person repeatedly display his/her ignorance and inability to comprehend what I was talking about.
Instead of providing a cogent chain of logic to show how you reached your conclusion.
Good going. :rolleyes:
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and here I thought a Sunday crossword puzzle was hard to figure out.

How could a person be considered too smart for their own good?

in a society where high IQs are punishable by death. though you'd hope people would be smart enough to flunk the IQ test in that kind of society. If the people who were trying to kill smart people were clever, they'd pretend to give cash prizes for high IQs. but if they were clever, they'd have to kill themselves. OMG MY BRANE EZPLODED!
in a society where high IQs are punishable by death. though you'd hope people would be smart enough to flunk the IQ test in that kind of society. If the people who were trying to kill smart people were clever, they'd pretend to give cash prizes for high IQs. but if they were clever, they'd have to kill themselves. OMG MY BRANE EZPLODED!

FIQACKTA That's f)(ing hilarious.

What is truly more important, the Earth or human life/mankind? Hypothetical situation:

What if some man, for whatever unstoppable reason, produced some insane level of pollution, and no matter what you tried, you couldn't stop his pollution but for killing him. Would it be "ethical" to end his life for the good of his planet?

If “Only the good dye young” held true, and a person was now past the age of being considered young, so naturally they are now also considered no longer “Good”, and because of this they wouldn’t be able to get or hold job and make a decent living and then be forced to apply for government aide and then becoming a burden on society for not being “Good” wouldn’t it be justified then to euthanize them since after this person wasn't any “Good”?

Is this an example of an ethical conundrum?
you mean they can't think of anything tremendously stupid to do?

More or less.

The stupid can still do a bang up job of being stupid.

But being smart increases your capacity for being stupid beyond mere normal stupid.

Like they guy who is a brilliant systems programmer who hacks illegal credit card swapping sites, takes over the illegal credit card market, could have even bailed at that point with several million dollars, but just keeps on hacking away until he has enough power and enemies that he gets ratted out and thrown in jail for years.

Your average Joe Stupid just couldn't pull off stupid at that level.
you mean like the brillant enstine (i think) and other scientists who fleed germany to warn the US about the threat of germany building nukes only to have the US themselves become the only country in the world to USE a nuke (2 infact)
But being smart increases your capacity for being stupid beyond mere normal stupid.

Like they guy who is a brilliant systems programmer who hacks illegal credit card swapping sites, takes over the illegal credit card market, could have even bailed at that point with several million dollars, but just keeps on hacking away until he has enough power and enemies that he gets ratted out and thrown in jail for years.

its more like you have to be really good at something to do something stupid, because if you were really smart you wouldn't do something stupid.

rank the people in order of intelligence (in your head, don't post): a dumb person who thinks they're smart, a dumb person who knows how dumb they are, a smart person who thinks they're dumb.