I want my kidney back!!

Orleander, your confusing the issue. He is a doctor but hes not HER doctor, there for he can do anything anyother person could do

Uh. NO! Doctors take the hippocratic oath, to do no harm. I think taking back a kidney does harm.
Seriously! He's not her doctor so its ok? WTF??? :wallbang:
what a surpise
the man is always in the wrong right?

Of course he is. Haven't you heard? Even when a man is discriminated against, it's his own fault. After all, men created the social structure which discriminates against men. All men past and present are to blame for the behaviour of a few past men, just as all Muslims are to blame for the behaviour of the Taliban, and all Catholics are to blame for the behaviour of the IRA.
Uh. NO! Doctors take the hippocratic oath, to do no harm. I think taking back a kidney does harm.
Seriously! He's not her doctor so its ok? WTF??? :wallbang:

so what?
lets probe this for a moment

2 people get robbed in an alley one day, one is a doctor, the other isnt
They both shoot there atackers to defend themselves. Is this unethical?

After all the doctor swore to "do no harm" and he did, he shot someone right?

No its not, the ONLY thing that oath has to do with is pts, not family members
Doctors don't need to take the Hippocratic Oath. Some take a modified Hippocratic Oath.

like doctors who perform abortions?
Do you think doctors refuse to take it so they can take healthy organs out due to child visitation issues?
so what?
lets probe this for a moment

2 people get robbed in an alley one day, one is a doctor, the other isnt
They both shoot there atackers to defend themselves. Is this unethical?

After all the doctor swore to "do no harm" and he did, he shot someone right?

No its not, the ONLY thing that oath has to do with is pts, not family members

LOL, so the doctor who wants his kidney back is acting in self defense?
Your analogy is embarrassingly silly.
heres a question for you that might actually be relivent to the oath, is it unethical for doctors to defend malpractice suits because if they win they will have done finantial (and probably emotional) harm to the person. Now they DO have an ethical obligation to that person because they were a pt where as this is just his former spouse
Orleander, your confusing the issue. He is a doctor but hes not HER doctor, there for he can do anything any other person could do

Asguard is simply pointing out that the 'Do no harm' principle of medicine only applies to patients.

No, he said 'HER DOCTOR'
I don't think a doctor could see someone laying injured and say "sorry, you're not my patient"
Doctors have responsibilities to help people, same as cops and firemen.
The doctor is throwing a temper tantrum and he is only making himself look bad. I can only imagine this will end up in front of his hospital's ethics review board.
heres a question for you that might actually be relivent to the oath, is it unethical for doctors to defend malpractice suits because if they win they will have done finantial (and probably emotional) harm to the person. Now they DO have an ethical obligation to that person because they were a pt where as this is just his former spouse

might be, but I don't think so. I really really don't think so. In fact, no.
legally he can sadly, i compleatly agree with you there but legally he can just walk away acording to my law lecturer. The constitution forbids conscription and there for the goverment cant FORCE doctors to treat pts OUTSIDE their place of work and they can only force those who are goverment employees under industrial relations rather than criminal law
might be, but I don't think so. I really really don't think so. In fact, no.

so then how can squeasing his former wife for money be concered a breach of ethics when:

a) its a maritial not medical dispute
b) she is his spouse NOT his pt