I want my kidney back!!


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Are you kidding me!? How could he ask for his kidney back and keep his medical license? And if he wants money for it, isn't that illegal as well?

NY man demands estranged wife pay him for kidney

GARDEN CITY, N.Y. -A Long Island surgeon embroiled in a nearly four-year divorce proceeding wants his estranged wife to return the kidney he donated to her, although he says he'll settle for $1.5 million in compensation.
Dr. Richard Batista, a surgeon at Nassau University Medical Center, told reporters at his lawyer's Long Island office Wednesday that he decided to go public with his demand for kidney compensation because he has grown frustrated with the negotiations with his estranged wife.
He claimed he has been prevented from seeing their children, ages, 8, 11 and 14, for months at a time.
"This is my last resort; I did not want to do this publicly," Batista said.
He said he gave his kidney to Dawnell Batista, now 44, in June 2001. She filed for divorce in July 2005, although he claims she began having an extramarital affair 18 months to two years after receiving the kidney transplant, his attorney, Dominick Barbara said.
Douglas Rothkopf, the attorney representing Dawnell Batista, did not return telephone calls seeking comment.
Matrimonial attorneys were quick to shoot down any possibility Batista would succeed.
"I've been in this business over 40 years and I've never heard of that," said Seymour J. Reisman, a Long Island divorce lawyer. "It's not marital property, not a marital asset you can put a price tag on."
Manhattan attorney Susan Moss said, "The good doctor is out of luck and out a kidney. This is similar to cases where a husband wants to be repaid for the cost of breast implants and the such. Our judges are not willing to value such assets, so to speak."
Batista, 49, said he has no regrets about donating the kidney, only about the failed marriage. The couple was married in 1990 and lived in a million-dollar home in Massapequa. They met while he was working at a hospital and she was training to be a nurse.
He still recalls the day after the surgery took place.
"There is no greater feeling on this planet. As God is my witness, I felt as if I could put my arm around Jesus Christ. It was an unbelievable; I was walking on a cloud.
To this day I would still do it again."

(added link to article)
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actually i herd of this this morning and i think its quite an ironic form of justice:p

The women cheated on him, then divorced him so why should she keep any gift he gave her. Of course its not going to work and no judge is going to agree but as a symbolic jesture it was brillant.

justice isnt always about the law, everyone who hears this story is going to know she is a cheat for starters so he has managed to get publicity to the story and destroy her reputation for one thing

justice isnt always about the law, everyone who hears this story is going to know she is a cheat for starters so he has managed to get publicity to the story and destroy her reputation for one thing

Oh, I read this story as an angry surgeon who wants compensation for saving his wife's life, all the while saying he felt like he was bonding with Jesus Christ when he did so. (WWJD indeed)
An angry man who claims she cheated on him (which a lot of divorced people say about the ex).
The divorce was in 2005 and he's still dragging it into court.
That's what I see.
yes because its always the women whos innocent even when you catch her in bed right? *shakes head* women cheat to you know and inspite of what people may think, its NOT always the man's fault when they do
yes because its always the women whos innocent even when you catch her in bed right? *shakes head* women cheat to you know and inspite of what people may think, its NOT always the man's fault when they do

who was caught in bed? You are believing a man who took an oath to save lives who wants his life saving kidney back.
yes because its always the woman who's a whore because he said so. :rolleyes:

If she did cheat, he's well rid of her. Why keep dragging it through the courts, 3+ years after the divorce.
Why not? If she's going to be a vindictive bitch and keep him from his kids, he might as well play the same game.
oh right, its justifided when a women whos been cheated on trys to get every dollor she can out of her ex husband but the fact that hes going to lose a significant portion of his income to a slut is fair enough right? she deserves his money even though she cheats then divorces him correct?
Why not? If she's going to be a vindictive bitch and keep him from his kids, he might as well play the same game.

No one finds it wrong that a doctor would demand a kidney back. He says it and it must be true. She cheated, she won't let him see his kids. fine.

Is it ethical for a doctor to demand a kidney back? Is it ethical for anyone to demand a DONATION back.
oh right, its justifided when a women whos been cheated on trys to get every dollor she can out of her ex husband but the fact that hes going to lose a significant portion of his income to a slut is fair enough right? she deserves his money even though she cheats then divorces him correct?

It's also fair that she denies the man access to the children, despite the fact that it is considered 'domestic abuse' if a man attempts to alienate the children from their mother.

Must be that male privilege we keep hearing about, hmmm? :rolleyes:
oh right, its justifided when a women whos been cheated on trys to get every dollor she can out of her ex husband but the fact that hes going to lose a significant portion of his income to a slut is fair enough right? she deserves his money even though she cheats then divorces him correct?

I thought this was about a kidney. What are you talking about? If she cheated on him, I'm sure he brought it up in the divorce. What would it have to do with anything 3+ years later?
It's also fair that she denies the man access to the children, despite the fact that it is considered 'domestic abuse' if a man attempts to alienate the children from their mother.

Must be that male privilege we keep hearing about, hmmm? :rolleyes:

so why doesn't he bring it to court instead of demanding his kidney back?
No one finds it wrong that a doctor would demand a kidney back. He says it and it must be true. She cheated, she won't let him see his kids. fine.

Is it ethical for a doctor to demand a kidney back? Is it ethical for anyone to demand a DONATION back.

No, it's not. But in this scenario, I really don't care.

Men are told to use the legal system to resolve disputes, and that is what this man is doing. Good on him. It's nice to see that unlike most men who allow themselves to be bent over the barrel like a bitch when it comes to divorce, this guy is taking the offense.
how long does "allamony" go for? how much of HIS hard earned income is she going to get simply because she used him and then dumped him when she got "a better offer"

but thats a womens perogitive right?
I dispise cheaters period, wether they are men OR women

a funny aside i herd about this on commertial radio and they got people to ring up and say what they had refused to give there parter when they broke up. The presenter (female) demanded the collone that she had given him because she didnt want him to use it to pick up other women. A guy rang up and said he demanded the lingerie back for the same reason. It could be said this is the same thing, ie being stuck on dialisis would serverly cut down her ability to go out and pick up other men:p

I think the whole thing is quite funny to be honest, she got what she deserved
Orleander, your confusing the issue. He is a doctor but hes not HER doctor, there for he can do anything anyother person could do
how long does "allamony" go for? how much of HIS hard earned income is she going to get simply because she used him and then dumped him when she got "a better offer"

but thats a womens perogitive right?
I dispise cheaters period, wether they are men OR women

It's not her cheating which bothered me, so much as her holding the kids over his head, denying him access. That really fucks with a guy. No wonder some guys flee the country with their kids.