I saw my first alien/secret government anti gravity craft

:) ... He's merely just speculating Phlo', largely just to incorporate a number of the objections you raised earlier regarding finding it hard to accommodate the notion of a technologically advanced alien civilisation evolving from subterranean life underground on a planet in our own solar system - not so much saying that he believes particularly that indeed, this notion of an advanced civilisation making a slow trip across the cosmos particularly happens to be the case, but is pointing out that were a civilisation capable of developing the kind of technology that could conceivably sustain a population indefinitely over the course of a journey lasting possibly generations successfully enough to begin with - arriving here and colonising one of the other planets in our system would merely be an application of that exact same level of technology....

We generally tend to assume a world such as our own suitable for habitation universally - in terms of atmospheric composition and density, temperature etc, perhaps as far as life remains concerned this may yet prove to be the case - there are undoubtedly always going to be a degree of variable in all these sorts of criteria - but the one that no one, or thing for that mater, is ever going to get around artificially is that of a planets gravity.

On board a vessel of some description, gravitational conditions can be simulated relatively easily and indefinitely - but if looking to set up shop somewhere else, in order to be able to look in the first place, technologies involving long term, indefinite life support would undoubtedly have to be refined to an art form - if, however, you're looking for some planetary body on which to live indefinitely after having undergone such and undertaking, it's mass pretty much has to be consummate to that which one's own home world exerts, gravitationally speaking, otherwise life becomes somewhat less than comfortable if indeed gravitational force happens to be too high...

Basically, he's merely speculating about what we would do were we inclined to be slightly more inquisitive about the universe and asking is it so unreasonable to assume the same of others.
Right. What concerns me is we've gone from a simple UFO report to all sorts of speculation. Makes me sort of wonder about the veracity of the original report...
Basically, he's merely speculating about what we would do were we inclined to be slightly more inquisitive about the universe and asking is it so unreasonable to assume the same of others.

He's speculating rather wildly, without considering the holes in his theories.

It's OK to say 'what if' but often after an 'if' a 'then' follows. I'm considering the 'then', not just leaving it dangling.
He's speculating rather wildly, without considering the holes in his theories.

It's OK to say 'what if' but often after an 'if' a 'then' follows. I'm considering the 'then', not just leaving it dangling.

:) ... Oh, I should say that's pretty much a given really, kind of where I started m'self if memory serves but, on occasion, I get a tad bored with going at things the same old way - besides, if Mr Killer is encouraged to pursue the inevitable what if's discursively, as opposed to our more usual approach, perhaps he can see for himself by his own means how readily such speculation begets merely more of the same without our having to explain the process...

He is, after all, taking things on board and remaining game in meantime - a similar courtesy isn't really all that untoward. Besides, moderately amusing posit - were someone inclined, and of course had the means to do so, to set up shop say on the dark side of our own moon - despite our ability to be able too actually visually observe the universe in terms of quite remarkable stretches of time itself - do we actually possess the single means to know it?

Devils advocature here I know, but moderately worth a ponder... ;)

glenn239 said:
Right. What concerns me is we've gone from a simple UFO report to all sorts of speculation. Makes me sort of wonder about the veracity of the original report...

Indeed - a fellow spends all summer meditating outwardly towards our cosmic cousins, lo and behold the buggers apparently only go and turn up - but, in all fairness to Mr BHK here, the tenure of his position has indeed changed markedly from post to post - not least of which those regarding his original conclusions as posited in opening. Shows a willingness to be flexible - granted, albeit in a direction one can never actually ascertain as being factual so matter how optimistic one tries - but it makes a nice change from the usual - "You're all IDIOTS - I KnOw tHe TROOF!" - approach we usually become subjected to...

Plus, he's actually quite well mannered about things and thrown in an amusing enough notion to play around with for a while.... Got to have something to do while we're here otherwise, what's the blessed point?
Indeed - a fellow spends all summer meditating outwardly towards our cosmic cousins, lo and behold the buggers apparently only go and turn up - but, in all fairness to Mr BHK here, the tenure of his position has indeed changed markedly from post to post

Given the direction of subsequent posts, I think the most straightforward explanation for the originally reported sighting was that it has been either fabricated or wildly exaggerated, more or less, as a marketing ploy to advertise various theories then advanced.

Barehandkiller – when you saw this UFO, what was your instant reaction? Were you elated? Did it fill you with joyous wonder? Or was it business as usual for your brain – ie, “Hey, there goes Jimmy’s truck. Winds picked up a bit from the south. Clouds look nasty. UFO off to the left there. Big bastard. Sun’s going down, better get back soon. Getting hungry”.
Given the direction of subsequent posts, I think the most straightforward explanation for the originally reported sighting was that it has been either fabricated or wildly exaggerated, more or less, as a marketing ploy to advertise various theories then advanced.

:) ... That is, of course, an equally perfectly acceptable conjecture also.
I would not lie in this matter. I didnt get to exited really untill awhile after i had saw it and it had gone. It was pretty simple tho, i was sitting there, looked up saw it...watched a bit, it then moved towards the cloud. The other details were just to show the scene around me at the time. No adding extra to the story, as for later jumping around a bit in topics thats pretty common in conversations. Everything is connected tho, so to explain your thoughts on one thing you sometimes have to talk about other related things. Helps people to visualize the whole picture, or see a broader view.
That is, of course, an equally perfectly acceptable conjecture also.

He’s describing the sighting exactly the way I’d expect if he were telling the truth. There's no emblishment from the mundane with regard to the incident itself, the devices by which he measures movement and scale, etc., the business-as-usual reaction to the event (followed only later by a more excited state).

The anomaly is the exceptional enthusiam about the topic both prior to and (to a lesser extent) after the event. Granted though, someone who is a fanatic will probably be much more likely than an average person to discuss a sighting
The anomaly is the exceptional enthusiam about the topic both prior to and (to a lesser extent) after the event. Granted though, someone who is a fanatic will probably be much more likely than an average person to discuss a sighting

Conceivable, yes - but then again, a persons prior familiarity with a given phenomena, such as UFO's and what our culture implies regarding such things, can't in anyway actually prevent such an individual from actually witnessing one - The only factor playing against such a claim for such an individual lies with the possibility that as such, a person so inclined as to already hold a belief in the existence of UFO's, might therefore as a consequence remain someone predisposed towards viewing anything glimpsed in the sky as, by default, being exactly such an object with no possibility of being anyother...

Of course, on the otherhand, one does have to ask the question: who, since 1947 onwards, frankly hasn't heard of the existence of such things?

Even tribes men living in the Brazilian rainforest these days walk around in Nike tee-shirts and use disposable lighters to start their fires - they may not possess a television themselves, but they know where to go to watch one...

UFO belief purports to provide answers to questions it itself tends to raise in the first place and so begets interest, no matter how moderate or peripheral, simply because the topic remains there to be debated - everyone wants to contribute their own two cents worth - BHK here is actually not so much telling us what he believes so much as running through what he's simply heard about and thought on and enquiring as to our opinion, basically.

You want to meet a real nut ball? Pop up to Free Thoughts and check out the originator of the latest The Moon Landings Was A Fake! extravaganza - it's hysterical, but from what I've seen of what's there, this is as far away from what BHK has raised here as you can get and really that's all that matters in the long run.

If BHK wants to find out weather or not what he saw really was something genuinely anomalous - he can take steps to investigate the matter properly - check out local newspapers, radio, anything which may yield a similar sighting pertaining to his own occurring in and around the same time as he observed what he recollects witnessing. He can check out local meteorological stations, enquire if any of their balloons went astray that day and if so could one have conceivably traversed his way. He can check out local airfields, military bases, enquire if there was any air-traffic monitored as being over his vicinity at the time....

There are lots of avenues to pursue in order to establish some framework of actual fact supporting his sighting or possibly merely just shedding more light on the matter, should that indeed prove to be the case.

Of course, BHK could equally decide to just simply accept what he saw as having been a UFO simply becasue that's all it could have been.

It's really these sorts of reactions that end up shedding actual light on a matter....

Everything else is really just chit-chat and, like I say, he really is awfully polite....
Dunno which it was but i know it wasnt ball lightning or swamp gas lol. I was sitting outside with two other people, i was watching the sunset, the sun was already over the horizon. The patch of sky i saw the object in was clear except for a tiny patch of cloud about the size of my palm is when my arm is fully extended out in front of me. I was listening to the people with me talk and looking from them to the sky alternatingly. I looked up in the sky and the it was, it was just sitting in one place a few hands widths to the right of the palmsized cloud, the object was a similarly illuminated yellow/orange as that of the sun and perfectly spherical as far as i could tell, and about half the size of the moon(from my vantage point anyway, i couldnt judge its actual size(kinda like looking at the sun and trying to figure out its distance/size)). It hovered in one place a fewseconds then moved left towards the small cloud, it was moving slowly but at its speed it shouldve went out the other side of the cloud within 3-4 seconds at the speed which it entered the cloud, but i didnt see anything exit the cloud. And thats it. never saw it again :(


What it sounds like your describing isn't a mechanical craft, it's a celestial body.
A Theophonic life form from another dimension.
Faster than this one.
Moves like a thought.

The Good Guys.

Do You know what I'm saying?
Conceivable, yes - but then again, a persons prior familiarity with a given phenomena, such as UFO's and what our culture implies regarding such things, can't in anyway actually prevent such an individual from actually witnessing one - The only factor playing against such a claim for such an individual lies with the possibility that as such, a person so inclined as to already hold a belief in the existence of UFO's, might therefore as a consequence remain someone predisposed towards viewing anything glimpsed in the sky as, by default, being exactly such an object with no possibility of being anyother...

That’s one way to look at it. Another is that someone who is a bit of a fanatic is also more likely to admit to, or discuss, seeing a UFO. I’d be willing to bet there’s a large minority of UFO witnesses that never (or very rarely) subsequently ever mention it.

You want to meet a real nut ball? Pop up to Free Thoughts and check out the originator of the latest The Moon Landings Was A Fake! extravaganza - it's hysterical, but from what I've seen of what's there.

My pet theory is that this type of theory gets going because the disciples and the believers are, in some form or other, natural revolutionaries looking to confront “authority”. They just aren't to be happy until Stalin has them lined up against the wall, if you know what I mean. Since the USA is a fairly benign entity, then they’ve got to dig a little deeper and look for things a little stupider than would normally be the case…
out of curiousity, which part of the US do you live in?

Do you live in the south west region? Drop me a pm.
stupid site wont let me pm you lol. they think I'm a spammer or something. I'll post here.

barehandkiller said:
hey, not sure if you was asking me or previous poster to pm you. i assume me, i live in north carolina. where abouts do u live in the sw?

Holy fucking hell!!!

Okay, I live in California. And I've never seen a UFO or odd lights in the sky in my entire life.

But I've had a friend who "says" that he saw lights like that back in south carolina.

I'm not even kidding you. I had this feeling in my mind that you came from south carolina, and so I even had the urge to post for you to PM me.

Can you tell me more about the lights you saw?

Yeah, I was asking you. :)
I wish there was more to tell, but i just had the one sighting. And i detailed it best i could in this post. Hopefully i'll see some more in the future, or be able to interact with them.
Thanks for sharing BHK.
How were you after you saw it?
After I saw the 30 odd metalic crafts I was pretty fucked up for about an hour trying to figure out what I just saw and what it meant.
Im a pretty mellow person, i did get pretty exited after tho. I still dont know what it means, i feel it couldve been a ET craft, or a manifestation of myself(isnt everything?) or a immortal being who has rose above the material plane coming to inspire me to write this post etc etc. I have no clue really, but it does give my mind lots to chew on. Ramifications for the future, where it may have affected the past, how i can learn from it in the present. Those kind of thoughts. I just hope to see some huge events in the future(good hopefully) cause im tired ofthe way the world going its just kinda blah... I want to travel the stars, meet alien races, develop my capabilities to the max, overcome this material plane by becoming immortal. Those are the thoughts which occupy me lots of times, i just cant seem to make any headway with them as of yet.
You should have gotten a good video tape of it. But I bet you were too stunned to move, and you were afraid you would miss it if you did.

There are places where you can report sightings and I bet if a lot of people reported sightings then they police might actually believe you. They might do some investigating.
That's the catch 22 of actualy seeing something like that.
It changes nothing, other than to really put you at a distance from those who have'nt seen something like it for themselves.
I was very open minded before I had my experience, but I was always still kind of wierded out whenever someone would admit to having seen something related to the ET/UFO phenomenon.
Now I'm on the other side.
Welcome to it BHK:)
You should have gotten a good video tape of it. But I bet you were too stunned to move, and you were afraid you would miss it if you did.

There are places where you can report sightings and I bet if a lot of people reported sightings then they police might actually believe you. They might do some investigating.

I dont have a camera or video recorder, i prolly ought to invest in one some day.