I saw my first alien/secret government anti gravity craft


Registered Senior Member
Dunno which it was but i know it wasnt ball lightning or swamp gas lol. I was sitting outside with two other people, i was watching the sunset, the sun was already over the horizon. The patch of sky i saw the object in was clear except for a tiny patch of cloud about the size of my palm is when my arm is fully extended out in front of me. I was listening to the people with me talk and looking from them to the sky alternatingly. I looked up in the sky and the it was, it was just sitting in one place a few hands widths to the right of the palmsized cloud, the object was a similarly illuminated yellow/orange as that of the sun and perfectly spherical as far as i could tell, and about half the size of the moon(from my vantage point anyway, i couldnt judge its actual size(kinda like looking at the sun and trying to figure out its distance/size)). It hovered in one place a fewseconds then moved left towards the small cloud, it was moving slowly but at its speed it shouldve went out the other side of the cloud within 3-4 seconds at the speed which it entered the cloud, but i didnt see anything exit the cloud. And thats it. never saw it again :(
it was just sitting in one place a few hands widths to the right of the palmsized cloud, the object was a similarly illuminated yellow/orange as that of the sun and perfectly spherical as far as i could tell, and about half the size of the moon

And you managed to come to the conclusion this was an alien/secret government anti-gravity craft, how?
I should add that before the instance of this occurance i had been meditating outside off and on all summer trying to send my thoughts out into space and make contact with our brothers and sisters there. Guess they kinda answered me with a little sort of a greeting/hello? Thats what i like to think.
And you managed to come to the conclusion this was an alien/secret government anti-gravity craft, how?

Well it was moving intelligently, i saw it clearly, it was no plane, bird, bug, that ive ever seen. Besides possibly being a "being/energy entity" of some sort it, there is no other known solution to the situation to my knowledge.

Btw i meant either alien origins Or secret government craft, not a joint project.
Well it was moving intelligently, i saw it clearly, it was no plane, bird, bug, that ive ever seen. Besides possibly being a "being/energy entity" of some sort it, there is no other known solution to the situation to my knowledge.

That doesn't explain why you jumped to the conclusion it was what you claimed it to be.

Of course, you hit the nail on the head, the other solution to the situation IS most likely beyond your knowledge.
That doesn't explain why you jumped to the conclusion it was what you claimed it to be.

Of course, you hit the nail on the head, the other solution to the situation IS most likely beyond your knowledge.

Im not sure exactly what your saying, what do You think it was that i saw?
Im not sure exactly what your saying, what do You think it was that i saw?

I have no idea what you saw. The question that I'm asking is quite simple, how did you come to the conclusion it was an alien/secret government anti-gravity craft?

Why is that so difficult to comprehend?
I have no idea what you saw. The question that I'm asking is quite simple, how did you come to the conclusion it was an alien/secret government anti-gravity craft?

Why is that so difficult to comprehend?

Not to hard if you werent inferring something. Aliens would be my first thought as to what it was just because theres so many things from ancient history which suggest that they visited us many times and prolly still do.
Not to hard if you werent inferring something. Aliens would be my first thought as to what it was just because theres so many things from ancient history which suggest that they visited us many times and prolly still do.

Wow I didnt know we had people of your intellectual calibre on board. I salute you.
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The bible, koran, sumerian texts, pyramids and orther various structures spread over the earth with precision we very likely couldnt duplicate in the same time frames they completed theres in, fairly primitive societies all of a sudden getting huge leaps in various advancements. Various drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs etc all over the world. Some oral history from a tribe in africa talks about people from a water planet visiting. Im just giving bare basics but its all over the place if you look. Looking at one or two things i might say ehhh that could be interpreted other ways but looking at it all collectively im a believer.
At the very least, but we nonetheless need not submit to doing the very least. ;)

You dont think that in a possibly infinite universe there are beings out there much more advanced than us(able to travel here even)? Why not if so?
You dont think that in a possibly infinite universe there are beings out there much more advanced than us?

Yes an infinite universe does suggest that anything with a finate possibility would be so, but whether they are in range is an entirely different matter.

(able to travel here even)? Why not if so?

SR says that anything with mass needs infinate energy and gains an infinate mass at light speed and all supposed shortcuts such as wormholes are only hypothetical.
Dunno which it was but i know it wasnt ball lightning or swamp gas lol. I was sitting outside with two other people, i was watching the sunset, the sun was already over the horizon. The patch of sky i saw the object in was clear except for a tiny patch of cloud about the size of my palm is when my arm is fully extended out in front of me. I was listening to the people with me talk and looking from them to the sky alternatingly. I looked up in the sky and the it was, it was just sitting in one place a few hands widths to the right of the palmsized cloud, the object was a similarly illuminated yellow/orange as that of the sun and perfectly spherical as far as i could tell, and about half the size of the moon(from my vantage point anyway, i couldnt judge its actual size(kinda like looking at the sun and trying to figure out its distance/size)). It hovered in one place a fewseconds then moved left towards the small cloud, it was moving slowly but at its speed it shouldve went out the other side of the cloud within 3-4 seconds at the speed which it entered the cloud, but i didnt see anything exit the cloud. And thats it. never saw it again :(

screw it, the aliens and the government. I want the flying vehicle myself, get the tech. and build it.
About the lightspeed barrier, personally i think its similar to the earth is flat theory in that one day it was discovered to be false. But even if this is the case there 2 theories(maybe more but 2 technology based methods to my knowledge) of other ways to travel which bypass this barrier(wormholes, and changing the vibratory frequency of the craft to the point where it and its occupants change states, from material to energetic). I may not be wording that correctly, but from what ive read this changing to pure energy form exits you out of time therefore you are not limited by physic's "laws".

An alternate theory.... Maybe the highest or most powerful transportation methods arent even technology based, you see the pictures of the huge headed aliens right? perhaps it is mental powers which they travel by(instantaneous teleportation) Jesus is quoted as saying something like "Do ye not know ye are Gods?" and "All these wonders i do, you will do and even greater things" those are paraphrased but it gets my point across.