I respect what Hitler accomplished

Didn't you read it? It says "according to a confidential" wikipedia is just what says this but apparantly it's according to a confidential

At any rate it's obvious a man of Hitler's intelligence was an atheist.
I'd like to know..."what confidant", then I might reconsider. I mean..I can go on Wikipedia and post an article where I claim that all of this has been said according to someone's confidant. Where I go to school..Wikipedia is only good enough to get a quick overview on a certain subject, and even then they don't recommend to go there for...historical matters.

Anyway, all of this..still doesn't prove that he was an atheist. It just proves that he was discontent with Christianity's current hierarchy and weakness. It doesn't say "I'm not a Roman Catholic". Do you understand that? He just talks about how there are other monotheistic versions of Christianity that are led in a more interesting fashion.
jdawg said:
What?! Calling Christianity a scourge and an invention of the Jews doesn't contradict his alleged Christianity? Did you even read the quotes? Calling religion a deliberate lie brought to the world through Christianity doesn't contradict it?
I didn't say he approved of any particular religion or institution.

I said he was theist, with a conception of deity derived from a seriously Catholic Christian childhood and a basic sympathy with Christian deity and belief - Abrahamic theist.

Lots of Abrahamic theists have bad things to say about the Christian Church, or religious institutions.
Couple things...first, to John99...

So it was speed that made Hitler invade Poland and France and others, and fill concentration camps with Jews whom he later incinerated in large ovens or left to die in misery without food or water?

Sir, you a disgrace to the human brain if you think speed, or any combination of amphetemines, caused Hitler to kill millions of people.

Secondly, to PsychoTropicPuppy, I don't know what other evidences must be presented to you. I really don't. I have quoted Hitler calling religion and Christianity "deliberate lies". I have that entire post quoting Hitler numerous times talking about religion as a bane of human existence. Can you give me a good reason why such evidences should be laughed off so easily?

I understand if you don't agree. It's not cut-and-dry either way what Hitler really believed. But to say things like "I don't know where you get the idea he was an atheist"? Are you even being serious here? I feel insulted that you'd respond in such a way to a post I put effort into constructing.

But don't worry: I won't be making the mistake of engaging you in conversation ever again.
Don't you think you're overstating it just a bit?

JDawg said:

So it was speed that made Hitler invade Poland and France and others, and fill concentration camps with Jews whom he later incinerated in large ovens or left to die in misery without food or water?

Sir, you a disgrace to the human brain if you think speed, or any combination of amphetemines, caused Hitler to kill millions of people.

I think you may be a bit harsh on that one. Amphetamines certainly played a role. And perhaps John overstates the importance in suggesting that the war wouldn't have happened without them, but I can't imagine they did anything to refine Hitler's logical scheme. Still, though, if John is a disgrace to the human brain, I wouldn't think this would be the clincher.

The amphetamines would have corroded Hitler's logical outlook, as well as magnified his paranoia, perhaps by orders of magnitude. It is hard to figure just how differently history would have gone if he wasn't chemically soldered to the inside of his skull.

I'm trying to think if it was Vonnegut, but once upon a time I encountered a joke about Hitler being one of the first carpet munchers. (It's a bit more complicated, but the setup involves Monsanto.)
The amphetamines would have corroded Hitler's logical outlook, as well as magnified his paranoia, perhaps by orders of magnitude. It is hard to figure just how differently history would have gone if he wasn't chemically soldered to the inside of his skull.
That is interesting, if true, and I"ve never heard it before. It would jibe with Hitler's seeming mental deterioration as the war progressed. At the begining, the German army performed brilliantly, but as time went on they started doing more and more stupid things. Firing the best generals, switching objectives, allocating precious resources to death camps rather than the war. On and on. Where did Hitler get these drugs? Could it have been intentional sabotage by (for instance) some doctor with Jewish relatives?
Probably his personal physician

Madanthonywayne said:

Where did Hitler get these drugs? Could it have been intentional sabotage by (for instance) some doctor with Jewish relatives?

His pipeline was likely the controversial Dr. Theodor Morrell, who served as Hitler's personal physician until shortly before the end. Some would say Morrell's alternative and holistic methods contributed to the Fuhrer's generally poor health, but I'm taking that from a badly-writ Wikipedia page. I don't think I've ever heard Morrell's name before, or if I have, it was a passing reference that didn't stick in my brain.

Nonetheless, Morrell's diary suggests he treated Hitler with various substances including amphetamines, belladonna, caffeine, ocular cocaine, E. coli, methamphetamine, morphine, and strychnine, which are among the strangest on the list.

Unfortunately, the only actual references in that article are to IMDB files on a couple of movies about Hitler. The recommended further reading includes a Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh .pdf from 2005 that has since gone 404, and a .pdf of a David Irving book that also is not found through the link provided.

The reliability of that article, then, is subject to whatever standard you wish to apply.


"Theodor Morrell". Wikipedia.com. June 30, 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Morell
The reliability of that article, then, is subject to whatever standard you wish to apply.

Tiassa, not sure how reliable Spokesman Magazine is in your eyes, but there is a quite lengthy article on this subject here:

"Hitler's doctor influences war" viewed at 09:03 PM EST on 06/30/09

Dennis Casey "Hitler's doctor influences war". Spokesman Magazine. FindArticles.com. 30 Jun, 2009.

Editor's note: This article is one of a series on some of the key historical figures that have had an influence on the field of intelligence. This article is a summary of information gathered by Allied intelligence during the war.


Hitler trusted Dr. Morell in all medical decisions. As far as Hitler was concerned, Morell held the reins to his continued good health. The Fuhrer's staff, however, did not share their leader's views.

During an interview conducted after the war, Hitler's housekeeper opined that before Morell's arrival, her boss only kept one bottle of pills on his night stand. Once Morell entered the picture, that same night stand was covered with all sorts of medicines. These were placed in an attache case when it came time for Hitler to go to work or take a trip.

Hitler's staff quickly acquired high levels of frustration because he was increasingly in the presence of what some staff members referred to as the 'fat quack.' The doctor seemed to be always administering uppers and downers, leeches, bacilli, hot compresses, cold poultices and literally thousands of injections. Hitler received so many injections that his veins were judged by other doctors called in when Morell was not available to be essentially scarred and not really suitable to receive further injections.

No reason to complain

Randwolf said:

Tiassa, not sure how reliable Spokesman Magazine is in your eyes ....

I won't knock it. I can read Stars & Stripes, or VOA content without pulling my hair out. As long as Spokesman isn't going off about religion, I don't see any reason for general cynicism.

And it seems an interesting article, too. Thank ye.
I think you may be a bit harsh on that one. Amphetamines certainly played a role. And perhaps John overstates the importance in suggesting that the war wouldn't have happened without them, but I can't imagine they did anything to refine Hitler's logical scheme. Still, though, if John is a disgrace to the human brain, I wouldn't think this would be the clincher.

The amphetamines would have corroded Hitler's logical outlook, as well as magnified his paranoia, perhaps by orders of magnitude. It is hard to figure just how differently history would have gone if he wasn't chemically soldered to the inside of his skull.

I'm trying to think if it was Vonnegut, but once upon a time I encountered a joke about Hitler being one of the first carpet munchers. (It's a bit more complicated, but the setup involves Monsanto.)

I'm sorry, T, there's no way a war was waged, and a genocide attempted because a guy was hopped up on amphetamines. Have you ever known anyone using? C'mon.

If you want to make a case for what effect they had on him, perhaps they made him more reckless later in the war. But to argue WWII would not have happened without them? Really? I hope this is a joke. Hitler knew exactly what he was doing.

And I'm sorry, but to say that one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed might not have happened if the perpetrator wasn't high just so happens to be "the clincher".
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