I Need a Miracle

Aye, it's an interesting subject - but I am not pursuing it, I am merely discussing it, it's impact, it's issues, and so on. No, it does not mean I believe in gods or demons of heavens or hells and no, it isn't illogical to discuss things you do not believe in.

Snakelord, what do I care what you think?
Why do you care what I think?

No, I was merely contesting your statement.

One should expect others to interject when they make naive comments along the lines of monkeys mutating into humans. Did you explain yourself better or admit your error elsewhere? I suppose it's possible, I had to skip the several posts of personal bickering that was going on. I would ask kindly at this point that you just give me a post number where this explanation is. It would certainly save me the headache. Thanks.

I'm not gonna go back and look, Snakelord, it's so trivial I'm surprised I'm even responding to your post. Well...not that surprised.

I don't see just cause for this hostility. Did I insult your mother or something?
If so...then shame on you.

However, relax.. I am in a chirpy, happy mood right now so feel free to continue with the verbal abuse as much as you like.

How stolid, Snakelord, that doesn't appear very cheery.

Of course we wouldn't even be going through this if you hadn't have mentioned monkeys mutating into people, but oh well, you're allowed to make mistakes just like anyone else. I just think it more honourable that people own up to those mistakes when they make them. It's not like anyone's going to chop your nuts off.

Yes. The pot is indeed stirred quite well. I'm actually most satisfied with the results. MOST satisfied. It really dosen't take much.
Snakelord, what do I care what you think?

Well, that certainly brings back the memories of what it is to be a teenager.

I would simply submit that if you don't care what other people think, you're really not in the best of places, (a forum where people say what they think). Perhaps you would be better off in a quiet place devoid of people.

I'm not gonna go back and look, Snakelord, it's so trivial I'm surprised I'm even responding to your post. Well...not that surprised.

That's fine, I went back and looked. Lo and behold there was no explanation, no admittal of error and no sources claiming that monkeys mutate into humans. I am quite surprised that you consider your absolute lack of understanding of evolution as 'trivial', but perhaps to you it is. In that case I would advise you not start speaking about the subject matter as if you know anything about it.

Myles offered you the challenge to support your statement. In the response to that you refused on the basis that he is a "sick, contaminated individual" and "like a cancer". I would submit that "no, I wont accept the challenge" would have been better than getting all personal where you need not have done, or indeed just a retraction of your statement. Once again, nobody is going to kill you because you happened to be wrong. It seems pride got in the way.

If so...then shame on you.

I'd agree, but I didn't do such a thing. You unfortunately spent quite a while insulting Myles, his mother and childhood. So, shame on you yes? Or no?

Yes. The pot is indeed stirred quite well. I'm actually most satisfied with the results. MOST satisfied. It really dosen't take much.

If you say so. Apparently you're not ready for adult conversation. When you think you are give me a pm and we'll talk.
M*W: How many times have you heard a theist say, "It happened and it was a miracle!"

I have heard this quite a lot. When they say it, my mind is calculating the positive reasoning behind the "result" of their miraculous event. It's pretty obvious to me that their "miracle" occurred because of:

1 x
2 x
3 x

I just don't understand how they cannot see the obvious deduction to their belief.

Is it me, or have y'all experienced this, too?

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"As for me, I've long resolved not to think whether man created god or God man." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities." ~ Whoopi Goldberg, b. 1955 American Actress
Myles said:
What Darwin said was that man and the apes shared a common ancestor.

yes, the astral human prototype.

If you are seriously interested in evolution, why not find out for yourself.

i understand evolution already... but i don't believe much in darwins physical evolution (natural selection), i believe in spirit (d)evolution. darwin didn't know much about spirits so his weak ideas couldn't explain how the eye could evolve.
M*W: How many times have you heard a theist say, "It happened and it was a miracle!"

I have heard this quite a lot. When they say it, my mind is calculating the positive reasoning behind the "result" of their miraculous event. It's pretty obvious to me that their "miracle" occurred because of:

1 x
2 x
3 x

I just don't understand how they cannot see the obvious deduction to their belief.

Is it me, or have y'all experienced this, too?

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"As for me, I've long resolved not to think whether man created god or God man." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities." ~ Whoopi Goldberg, b. 1955 American Actress

I cannoy put my hands on my copy of Hume's enquiry at the moment. but he said something to the effect that a miracle would have to contravene the natural order as we understand it from everyday life. He went on to say that such an event would require an even more miraculous explanation. You can see the full text in a chapter of Hume's Enquiry Concernong Human Understanding. There may be something available on line.

In lighter vein.....if a plane crashes and only one person survives , that's a miracle. If all but one survive that's not a miracle.
Well, that certainly brings back the memories of what it is to be a teenager.

I would simply submit that if you don't care what other people think, you're really not in the best of places, (a forum where people say what they think). Perhaps you would be better off in a quiet place devoid of people.

A luxury I don't have.

That's fine, I went back and looked. Lo and behold there was no explanation, no admittal of error and no sources claiming that monkeys mutate into humans. I am quite surprised that you consider your absolute lack of understanding of evolution as 'trivial', but perhaps to you it is. In that case I would advise you not start speaking about the subject matter as if you know anything about it.

Your advice has been..."noted" and filed.
It doesn't really change why I should care now does it?

Myles offered you the challenge to support your statement. In the response to that you refused on the basis that he is a "sick, contaminated individual" and "like a cancer". I would submit that "no, I wont accept the challenge" would have been better than getting all personal where you need not have done, or indeed just a retraction of your statement. Once again, nobody is going to kill you because you happened to be wrong. It seems pride got in the way.

An intresting theory.

I'd agree, but I didn't do such a thing. You unfortunately spent quite a while insulting Myles, his mother and childhood. So, shame on you yes? Or no?

Well some people beg for the abuse Miles just begs a bit louder.
Is this your way of begging for abuse aswell?

f you say so. Apparently you're not ready for adult conversation. When you think you are give me a pm and we'll talk.

AH!!! Ladies and Gentlemen...he gets it. Not so obtuse as we were led to believe.
An adult would indeed realize this is FAR from an adult conversation.
yes, the astral human prototype.

i understand evolution already... but i don't believe much in darwins physical evolution (natural selection), i believe in spirit (d)evolution. darwin didn't know much about spirits so his weak ideas couldn't explain how the eye could evolve.

So . if you know so much, how come you agreed that monkeys mutated into men ?

What is the connection between spirits and how the eye evolved ? This business with the eye is another of the stupid arguments used by Creationists who propogate rubbish. It has been answered many times.

I gave you a thoughtful response but all I get back is that you know all about it and Darwin couldn't explain how eyes evolved. I shall waste no more time on you because you seem determined to remain ignorant.
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I gave you a thoughtful response but all I get back is that you know all about it and Darwin couldn't explain how eyes evolved. I shall waste no more time on you because you seem determined to remain ignorant.

sorry i didn't mean to be mean... but if you want to understand how all creatures evolved, you can't just read about darwins evolution, you have to read about the evolution which the nazis believed in.
sorry i didn't mean to be mean... but if you want to understand how all creatures evolved, you can't just read about darwins evolution, you have to read about the evolution which the nazis believed in.

I don't know about all Nazis but the prevailing views of those around Hitler related to astrology, hollow world teaching ( Hohlweltlehre) and other such nonsense.

Their only use for genetics was to use it as an excuse to murder millions of people the regard as inferior, Jews. Gypsies, the mentally impaired and so on.
THeir beliefs were in no way compatible with those of Darwin/
Myles said:
I don't know about all Nazis but the prevailing views of those around Hitler related to astrology, hollow world teaching ( Hohlweltlehre) and other such nonsense.

what i'm really trying to say is that... you have to read about the evolution which helena blavatsky was talking about, because hitler got all his crazy ideas from her. she knew how evolution really happened and she said that aryans were superior and they came from atlantis...

Their only use for genetics was to use it as an excuse to murder millions of people the regard as inferior, Jews.

but alice bailey said that jews were inferior. she said that they had bad karma because they killed christ.
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what i'm really trying to say is that... you have to read about the evolution which helena blavatsky was talking about, because hitler got all his crazy ideas from her. she knew how evolution really happened and she said that aryans were superior and they came from atlantis...

but alice bailey said that jews were inferior. she said that they had bad karma because they killed christ.

If HItler got his crazy ideas from Madam Blavatsky, it follows that she, too. was crazy. Anything she said has no relevance to evolution.

The problem is that everyone feels they can expound with confidence on evolution without having studied the subject.

can you please cite a work on evolutionary theory where it states that monkeys mutate into men ?

Thanks :)