I Need a Miracle


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
I was just wondering what the people here would consider a miracle? What criteria would you lay down before you decalred you were witness to a miracle?
Child birth would only be a miracle if it was a guy giving birth!

For women to give birth is mere nature in operation - subjectively awe-inspiring and gobsmacking and wonderful though it may be.

There are no such things, except in a colloquial sense to refer to something rare and unexpected or advantageous.
This is a good question for me because I had a really intense spiritual interaction happen to me, and for a long time afterward, I referred to it as a miracle, because nothing like it had ever happened to me before. But I realize now that it's a very relative term. There are other people out there who might consider what happened to me to be mundane, as they've experienced much more. You can call life a miracle, so you can call everthing in it a miracle. And in the same sense, then you might call nothing a miracle. It's just life!
A miracle could be anything you want it to be, it's subjective.
I'd be interested to know what Catholics regard as miracles, and how they qualify it.
I don't believe in miracles whatsoever. Things happen, sometimes they are good other times they are bad. Because one person survives a plane crash and all the others die doesn't mean that the one person was lucky but rather fortunate to make it out alive for everyone else didn't. That's just LUCK.
Something which does not follow cause and effect.
Anything else is simply natural phenomena - regardless how unlikely/beautiful/personal one may think it is.
Something which does not follow cause and effect.
Anything else is simply natural phenomena - regardless how unlikely/beautiful/personal one may think it is.

I suppose that begs the question, then...

Is Free Will (if you believe in it) a miracle?
You will have to proof it exists first..

No I won't.

The question is if you believe in it.

Do you?

If so, is it a miracle to perform an action that did not have a direct preceeding cause?