i love christianity...

"Taoist Philosophy: realizes that you don't know everything and seeking answers within oneself, ignoring circumstances.

A true rationalist says: I know everything. I know Quantum Physics. I know Astrophysics. I know...

I know that rationalists do that because I were one. I found out that I was really ignorant, turned to myself to answer the questions, and got some of them. Still seeking some. Not rationally (sometimes...) but mostly... internally..."

Ahhhhh, so having been a logician (a failed one), you can speak on behalf of every one of us? (the ego goes on...and on....). I personally have admitted time and time again that I don't know everything. I know very little as a matter of fact. You are the one who claims to know every question I have about the universe.

"you ever read any Psychology? By your statement I clearly see that you never did.."

Yes, and I know all insanity is not caused by over thinking. Over-thinking can easily be a sympton though.

"You can't put an ocean inside a bottle..."

First you say that our true selves are simply and just our inner-child. Now you metaphorically relate it to an ocean? I dont get it....

"LARGE!?!?!? I've NEVER seen ANY Religion on TV!!!"

How about everything before the 1960s? Everything was religious oriented pretty much. Or destroy-the-commies oriented, which was used with religion too.

And are you talking about Canada nelson? Look to israel and the middle east. Or culture in africa. Or europe....

"Why don't YOU try to explain Him RATIONALLY? I would sit down and relax seeing you going crazy..."

Um, I think you know I dont believe in god."

Ahhhhh, so having been a logician (a failed one), you can speak on behalf of every one of us? (the ego goes on...and on....). I personally have admitted time and time again that I don't know everything. I know very little as a matter of fact. You are the one who claims to know every question I have about the universe.

By realizing that rationalism can't explain everything and by practicing Taoist and Buddhist meditation, I found out that rationalism is extremely limited by what we already know. Since we don't know most of the Universe, rationalism is meaningless and a lost of time...

First you say that our true selves are simply and just our inner-child. Now you metaphorically relate it to an ocean? I dont get it....

In a simple analogy...
Our Highter Selves, Inner Childs (two names for same thing) is the ocean. Our egos is the part of the iceberg above water. Our subconscient is the part below water. By the subconscient, you get to your Highter Self (subconscient below water...). Your ego is just a little part.

What happens with people that are not very self-aware is that they see themselves in their egos, instead of searching in your subconscient. This leads to rationalization and more and more distance between you (ego) adn Highter Self (your true identity).

I wrote more on this on "The Wiccan Rede..." and I'll write it again or in "The Essential Laws of the Universe" or a new thread or both....

How about everything before the 1960s? Everything was religious oriented pretty much. Or destroy-the-commies oriented, which was used with religion too.

And are you talking about Canada nelson? Look to israel and the middle east. Or culture in africa. Or europe....

Religion is used by rational people to get power and money as it influences people's beliefs...
Even the Bible talks about "the evil in the Holy place"... ;)

Um, I think you know I dont believe in god.

Honestly, that is closing your mind to the possibility...

Um, I think you know I dont believe in god.



Nelson replied:
Honestly, that is closing your mind to the possibility...

No, not really. We athiests would believe if there was some sort of evidence....fact is, there isn't.
"By realizing that rationalism can't explain everything and by practicing Taoist and Buddhist meditation, I found out that rationalism is extremely limited by what we already know. Since we don't know most of the Universe, rationalism is meaningless and a lost of time..."

Welcome to reality. Rationalism can't figure out everything. Rationalists realize this. Spirituality offers all the answers quite easily. Some people instinctively go to the easy way out.

"Religion is used by rational people to get power and money as it influences people's beliefs...
Even the Bible talks about "the evil in the Holy place"..."

human nature.

"Honestly, that is closing your mind to the possibility..."

Did I say I would never be religious? No, I said at the moment I am not. And this is the way I look at it. There was no Christ. Then he apparently happened. Way I see it, Christians claim Christ existed. If you make the claim, you prove it. I dont believe until proof is presented.

Welcome to reality. Rationalism can't figure out everything. Rationalists realize this. Spirituality offers all the answers quite easily. Some people instinctively go to the easy way out.

Spirituality as it's stated itself is to seek an understanding of the Universe by looking inside ourselves.

Again: conscient-->subconscient-->supraconscient

Did I say I would never be religious? No, I said at the moment I am not. And this is the way I look at it. There was no Christ. Then he apparently happened. Way I see it, Christians claim Christ existed. If you make the claim, you prove it. I dont believe until proof is presented.

Well... there IS historical EVIDENCE of his existance...


Well... there IS historical EVIDENCE of his existance...
No there isn't. All claimed evidence is heavily disputed.

This is curious since there are many well known historical figures that pre-date the Jesus claim whoose existence and actions are extremly well recorded and documented.

But the the alleged savior of mankind and the son of the creator of the universe is not accompanied by any convincing documentation or historical records.
But the the alleged savior of mankind and the son of the creator of the universe is not accompanied by any convincing documentation or historical records.

Not what I've seen...

I found out that rationalism is extremely limited by what we already know. Since we don't know most of the Universe, rationalism is meaningless and a lost of time...
And the alternative is what? Guessing and creating fictional fantasies, and that is exactly what religions do.

If rationalism is a waste of time for working with facts, then anything else must be an even greater waste of time for depending on what is not known, i.e. fantasies – the realm of religion.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
It's exactly the opposite. Spiritualized people get the answers within. Rationalized people get from lies from the media and outside circumstances, that you call EVIDENCE. You yourselves said this...

I have no problem with the inner journey. Indeed, one can find some answers there that cannot be found in reality. The problem comes when one starts trying to apply that inner truth as if it were a universal truth. Everyone's inner journey is their own and no two are alike. To try and foist your inner truth on others is wrong for each person has their own and it's is just as truthful to them as yours is to you. There's also a problem when trying to apply one's inner truth as external reality. While you can try and deny external reality you'll usually come up short. The person who believes they can fly, unaided, usually finds external reality overwhelming when they hit the pavement.

Anyone that has a minimum basis on Psychology can see this really clearly...

I've taken classes into the 300 level and it seems to me that you are the one who's ego is showing in your statement "I see clearly that many people here don't have this contact with their Highter Selves, and instead, I see their egos speaking."

You, Jan, and many other "spiritual/religious" people share the same problem. You assume that unless someone else exhibits the same beliefs as you they have no knowledge of their "higher-self" or of "God" or whatever you want to call it. This is pure hubris. Without a common plane of reference how can you assume any such thing? How can you refer to your inner-awareness as absolute truth? What makes your inner-awareness more valid than mine?

Lunatics actually think a lot... If "lunatics" wouldn't think, they wouldn't be "lunatics" as this is a "disease" cause by excess of thinking...

So if I think too much I'll go insane? Any evidence for this? … I thought not.
Lunacy (let's say insanity) is the inability to perceive the reality we all share.


You pompous pratt.

Hmmmmm!!!! sounds like your losing it Cris.
Nah, I just don’t find egotism and conceit as being in the least bit attractive.
Hmmmmm!!!! sounds like your losing it Cris.

Oh Jan, that's absurd. It's quite obvious that Cris is in no danger of running out of 'it'.

And, one person will understand the reference and the rest will say 'huh?' :rolleyes:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Truly, you totally ignore the fact that animals kills to survive, not to get a trophy like human beings...
What does this have anything to do with "love your enemies [whose sole-purpose is to kill you]?"
My message asked: Does your love can change the fact that your enemies need to kill you to survive?

And what did you reply?

You said: man is killing for pleasure while animal is killing for survival only.

Now, who is trying to avoid the question?
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