i love christianity...

Besides that, there are LOTS of atheists which lives sucks... much more then the one's who have good lives... as long as I know...


Probably lot's of Christians whose lives suck. The only really unhappy athiests I know are stuck in a godforsaken hellhole in Flori-DUH.

Even they are not on the verge of suicide. Takes a bit more to get rid of us...try again. ;)

Your Love is far away from Unconditional, the True Love...

Yep, I would stop loving if, say, the beloved were to commit some horrible crime.

Other than that, you have no idea what I am talking about.

As far as I know, there is nowhere is history where Jesus used an actual sword, so obviously his use of the term ‘sword’ is symbolic.

His use of the term is, but the message stays the same, no?

Say, answer a question if you please:

What is the name of the dwarf under Shiva Nataranja's feet? I can't find it in my books or on Google....alls I get is that it is a personification of ignorence.

Originally posted by Xev
What is the name of the dwarf under Shiva Nataranja's feet? I can't find it in my books or on Google....alls I get is that it is a personification of ignorence.

I don’t know, but I’ll try and find out and let you know.


Jan Ardena.

No.... Christians lives don't suck. Sir. Loone is the EVIDENCE. He is pretty joyful, isn't he?

I know many atheists whose lives suck though...

Other than that, you have no idea what I am talking about.

Yes I have. Even Jesus said it's easy to Love those who are kind with you, but it's hard to Love those who are not.

Thanks Jan.

No.... Christians lives don't suck. Sir. Loone is the EVIDENCE. He is pretty joyful, isn't he?

Dunno, KB sounds kinda bitter. And it would be wrong of me to mention a few people I know but....

You get my point.

And, if Loone is a Christian, which I doubt, he's also rather mental.

I love him though. Damn.

I know many atheists whose lives suck though...

Well, I don't know any. And I am quite happy.

[pointless brag ]I have a lot of studying to do today, and it is finals, but I'm still happy. It's spring, for starters. [/ pointless brag]

Other than that, you have no idea what I am talking about.
Yes I have. Even Jesus said it's easy to Love those who are kind with you, but it's hard to Love those who are not.

You still have no idea what my personal life is like.

Kindness, bleck, I prefer respect.
I see no need either for your god or you unconditional love. I think tht is complete nonsence and hiding fromthe real world. World can not be changed with unconditional love. Tht is just an artificial concept, and these have never worked out (utopias).... See what communism lead to. But of course you have a right to choose your phylosophy, path and I respect tht right.

Communism is not based on Unconditional Love.
Actually, the human being never tried it out even though most of Religions are based on Unconditional Love.

We never tried, that's why we never had it.

And, if Loone is a Christian, which I doubt, he's also rather mental.

Read his interactions with Adam....God's armpit indeed! :)

But I still think he's an athiest playing a practical joke.

We never tried, that's why we never had it.

Well, have fun with your path. I'll stick to politics and science, but, good luck.

BTW: I'm STILL in a good mood.
comunism was also never tried before........after it destroyed millions of people.........all phylosophyes which are utopic never come true, because they are not ment for human nature... it's simply so easy......be yourself...
Yes... be yourself... :)

And how many people do it...?

Not many...


I searched around as well, and the only "name" I could find for the dwarf under Siva's feet was "apasmara-purusha", but I think this is more of a title then a name. Below is a quote from http://www.historyofindia.com/nataraja.html

"Shiva dances on the body of dwarf apasmara-purusha (the man of forgetfulness) who embodies indifference, ignorance and laziness; creation, indeed all creative energy, is opposed to and possible only when the weight of inertia (the tamasic darkness of the universe) is overcome and suppressed. Each individual is addressed by this image and urged to get over his own slag and take sustenance from the play of divine energy which is manifested everywhere. For, circle of fire and light which circumscribes the entire image identifies the field of the dance with entire universe. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or consciousness of each person."
If you are really yourself, you have Unconditional Love as you are a LOVE BEING!!

You are still to be self-aware Avatar....
Many here are...

Thanks noktvs!

Avatar: "Be yourself" - How can a person be anything but himself? :)

Nelson: Ego, ego, ego. You have yet to prove any of your 'unconditional love' theories, yet you tell Avatar that they are not self aware?

P.S: I'm a little less happy now.....I'm sleepy and I have a lot of work to do. But it's going to be hard to get this athiest to commit suicide in a world where wonderful things like sushi and cute men and the novels of H.P Lovecraft exist. ;)

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"Be yourself" - How can a person be anything but himself?

You don't know how many people use drugs, smoke and drink only to be "on" or "in" or whatever and destroy themselves only because of peer presure and low self-esteem... In which world do you live...?

Nelson: Ego, ego, ego. You have yet to prove any of your 'unconditional love' theories, yet you tell Avatar that they are not self aware?

If you want I can lie to him and say that he is very self-aware... but than I would prove me wrong as it's impossible to lie to someone that you Love unconditionally...

You don't know how many people use drugs, smoke and drink only to be "on" or "in" or whatever and destroy themselves only because of peer presure and low self-esteem... In which world do you live...?

They are making a choice - in doing so, they are being themselves.

Am I not I? Am I myself? Then how can I be other than myself?

If you want I can lie to him and say that he is very self-aware... but than I would prove me wrong as it's impossible to lie to someone that you Love unconditionally...

No, I don't care. I doubt Avatar is hurt, and I am not, so why should I?

However, it is very egotistical to claim that you know whether or not a person is self aware, especially since you yourself have admitted that your standards of 'awareness' are proven. I do care about you, and I don't want to see you become egotistical.


They are making a choice - in doing so, they are being themselves.

I meant really being themselves, who they truly are, intead of mimiquing someone else for some stupid meaningless readon.

In the way you speak, I honestly think you are like them, but choosing better models...

There are LOTS of models in nowdays culture. You can see people saying: "I want to be like... when I grow up". That's stupid. You have to be yourself, without modeling yourself in the image of other people. That's the natural result of a meaningless superficial society that we have, where image is more important then, Essence.

No, I don't care. I doubt Avatar is hurt, and I am not, so why should I?

Who said you or Avatar is hurt?

However, it is very egotistical to claim that you know whether or not a person is self aware, especially since you yourself have admitted that your standards of 'awareness' are proven. I do care about you, and I don't want to see you become egotistical.

There are some signals of self-awareness. I recognize them clearly in Banshee, for example. I honestly don't recognize them in Avatar and you. I'm not saying you are not self-aware. I'm just saying that your level of self-awareness seem low to the common spiritual standart. Explainable when you are an atheist...

re: xev

Again, sorry for the lateness. This one is mainly for an earlier comment made by Xev:

I said:
I can see how you mis-interpreted my original statement, my apologies. Why do X-tians think that they and ONLY THEY can live a moral life? Just because we are atheist doesn't mean we want life to suck for everyone! Afterall, we believe this is all we get; wouldn't we want to make it more enjoyable for everyone?

Xev replied:

A more apt question would be:

Why do you care what they think of you?

Surely, as athiests, we are barred from political office in many places....the common fundie attacks on our (pardon, American?) constitution hurt us athiests a bit more but....

Why should we care what they think? Does it matter whether they think we are amoral or immoral? Will that make us amoral or immoral? No.

People can think whatever the hell they want about me. What I'm complaining about is that fact that the "holier than thou" attitude of most x-tians seems to only further the idea of their "ignorance", although I am getting quite sick of that word. I just hate how Christians think "you have to believe in this hocus pocus to see truth yadda yadda..." if a person loves, which is what Truthseeker seems to be stuck on, does it matter if they believe the Bible or not? Why do they seem to think it must be done in the name of X-tianity rather than the name of humanity?

Oh well. No one is making me listen ;).

I don't need to. I've read "Love each other" and instantly accepted the Bible.
Does this mean you have accepted the literal substance of the Bible [ie creation, the exodus, life of Jesus etc] as TRUTHS of history? I hope not...or maybe I hope so, because if you do, you would only be making my original point more valid. Accepting the "events" of the bible as fact simply because the underlying moral appeals to you is one of the most obvious displays of x-tian ignorance that I have ever seen/heard.

hmmmmm, i don't even feel like thinking or arguing right now, all i want to do is finish my Cheerios and go to bed...;) me tired
Originally posted by Xev
Thanks noktvs!

Avatar: "Be yourself" - How can a person be anything but himself? :)
Was meaning like--- all tht shit tht is now given to the youth. You are forced to believe tht Britney Spears is great. You are provided only with these sweet-sugar-pops..... You have been taken away the choice if your radio station runs N'Sync 24h/day. You are eating @ Mc Donalds because it's marketing campaign is targeted @ you. You believe in bible and all tht gibberish just because all your family does..........
This won't apply to people with stronger charecter- but weaker- their carachter is changed over the time into any dirrection. Tht is not their free will- they are forced or brainwashed to believe in smth or I-must-buy-tht-thing factor.

There are some signals of self-awareness. I recognize them clearly in Banshee, for example. I honestly don't recognize them in Avatar and you. I'm not saying you are not self-aware. I'm just saying that your level of self- awareness seem low to the common spiritual standart. Explainable when you are an atheist...

Such as? Come on boy, where's your evidence? :)

But of course I am self-aware.....only not in you New Age sense. We all are.

People can think whatever the hell they want about me. What I'm complaining about is that fact that the "holier than thou" attitude of most x-tians seems to only further the idea of their "ignorance", although I am getting quite sick of that word. I just hate how Christians think "you have to believe in this hocus pocus to see truth yadda yadda..." if a person loves, which is what Truthseeker seems to be stuck on, does it matter if they believe the Bible or not? Why do they seem to think it must be done in the name of X- tianity rather than the name of humanity?

Good question, and I feel the same way. But they feel 'special' when they believe that crap. They are better than the rest of the world, which gives them a bit of an ego boost, and makes their boring lives seem romantic and interesting.

Luckily, most Americans are only nominal Christians. What concerns me is the fundies, who are most vocal and powerful.

No question that people are being taught to conform, I see your point now.

But no-one is forced. They can do whatever they please, they are simply too weak to do anything but go along.

