i love christianity...

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Actually... I'm pretty sure you bring the animals to the discussion...
I wonder if you can read clearly what's the subject and what's the example. The subject is still "love your enemies", and the example is you and tiger mosquitos. You can comment on the example, but why not answer the main point, too? Now you just want to focus on the example and avoid the main subject. Well, what can I expect? Maybe avoid the subject is your favor strategy in a discussion.
Animals other than humans kill for pleasure. Ever seen a cat play with a mouse? Ever seen dogs attack a flock of sheep?
Originally posted by Raithere
... I have no problem with the inner journey. Indeed, one can find some answers there that cannot be found in reality. ... While you can try and deny external reality you'll usually come up short. The person who believes they can fly, unaided, usually finds external reality overwhelming when they hit the pavement.
True. A fact that you brought up in another thread as well. There was no response to it at that time ... and it seems that TS, JA etc are inclined to ignore it this time as well.

Tiassa discussed this and it's many variants in a "wicca" thread, not too long ago. Ultimately, the tentative conclusion reached was that inner journeys have no effect on external realities. But yes, the importance of inner journeys was not dismissed, just that it has a negligible effect on reality.
Originally posted by Raithere
You, Jan, and many other "spiritual/religious" people share the same problem. You assume that unless someone else exhibits the same beliefs as you they have no knowledge of their "higher-self" or of "God" or whatever you want to call it.
I haven't followed these discussions for a while, so I wouldn't know if this was ever addressed to JA or TS -

TS, you propose that you have direct knowledge of a "higher-self". And that your version is undeniably true and complete.

The only problem is that JA is proposing the exact same thing!

So, is she wrong? Or is it you who are in error? :D :)
Originally posted by Raithere
How can you refer to your inner-awareness as absolute truth? What makes your inner-awareness more valid than mine?
Exactly. If one were to slightly shift gears, the question can be addressed to TS and JA. Both of you claim an inner awareness of an absolute truth, and both of you express completely different versions of it. It seems "absolute" is not quite the word for it, eh? :D
Howdy Kyle ;)

From what I understand, there are roman records of Jesus' existance. However, the parts about jesus healing lepers and raising the dead and whatnot are rather... sketchy(and probably made up to get more followers).
Jan: 'It' was once a reference to what we now know as 'sexiness'. I am teasing/flirting, as is my wont. :)

Oh yes, chimps will bash in the skulls of young monkeys for no real reason.

I wonder if you can read clearly what's the subject and what's the example. The subject is still "love your enemies", and the example is you and tiger mosquitos. You can comment on the example, but why not answer the main point, too? Now you just want to focus on the example and avoid the main subject. Well, what can I expect? Maybe avoid the subject is your favor strategy in a discussion.

No. You bring them to the discussion.
Now, better come back then...

Why not Love your enemies...?

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Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
Howdy Kyle ;)

From what I understand, there are roman records of Jesus' existance. However, the parts about jesus healing lepers and raising the dead and whatnot are rather... sketchy(and probably made up to get more followers).

I'd like to see such.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Why not Love your enemies...?
Since you don't like examples/evidents to support a discussion, my answer will be "you'll die faster". After more consideration, I say "it won't work most the time." Why? Because if you are known for showing love everywhere, you don't have enemies. But if you still encounter enemies, obviously your love won't work on them. Your love only gives your enemies advantages, so you'll die faster.
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If someone is kind with you, would you kill this person?

Initally, no, I would have no reason too. But just because one is kind to you, does not excuse them from any past crimes thye may have commited.

An example, the kindess of a rapist is not one I accept. Why? Because what that person has done needs to be answered for.

Now, if said person was a complete stranger, and he was kind to me, then yes, I wouldn't kill him- he has done me no wrong.

Of course, then, we wouldn't be "enemies" would we?
An example, the kindess of a rapist is not one I accept. Why? Because what that person has done needs to be answered for.

Now, if said person was a complete stranger, and he was kind to me, then yes, I wouldn't kill him- he has done me no wrong.

Now if it was finals week. *Nod nod*
And there was absolute proof..... :p

If someone is kind with you, would you kill this person?

Yeah, I would definitly kill Usama bin Ladin even if he was kind to me. If I had the chance, of course.


I'd like to see the Roman records. It was my understanding that there were none.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
If someone is kind with you, would you kill this person?
Is this "someone" an enemy of me or not? Or you are trying to avoid the topic again?

Of course, then, we wouldn't be "enemies" would we?

No. :)

One Lesson for you: Forgiveness.

When someone do something really wrong and ACCEPT what he/she has done wrong as wrong, then forgiveness is the best way to go. Why? Because if you punish this person, he/she will certainly do it again. The person won't learn by being punished. Beilieve me... if it was so, the system would work...

Forgivenes brake the cycle of Mistake-->Punishment-->Mistake...


Is this "someone" an enemy of me or not? Or you are trying to avoid the topic again?

Depends on what you consider an enemy...


Guess not. Maybe I should do more research into these things, since you probably know more than I on the subject :bugeye:

Anyway, the thirtysomething jewish philosopher probably did exist, it's just that his message/essence has likely been twisted beyond beleif in the last 2000 years.
You Killed Jesus,

Anyway, the thirtysomething jewish philosopher probably did exist, it's just that his message/essence has likely been twisted beyond beleif in the last 2000 years.


One Lesson for you: Forgiveness.

When someone do something really wrong and ACCEPT what he/she has done wrong as wrong, then forgiveness is the best way to go. Why? Because if you punish this person, he/she will certainly do it again. The person won't learn by being punished. Beilieve me... if it was so, the system would work...

Forgivenes brake the cycle of Mistake-->Punishment-->Mistake...

Or one can destroy them utterly and not have to worry about them doing it again.

For instance, suppose we have a rapist. We have two choices:

We forgive them.
We lock them up and throw away the key, with acess to a lawyer and all that good stuff in case they are innocent.

Which is safer?

We lock them up, unfortunatly we forgive them, let them out, and they often do it again.

Much safer to destroy ones enemies completly.

We lock them up, unfortunatly we forgive them, let them out, and they often do it again.

Depends on how they are treated... if it's a PUNISHMENT they will certainly do it again, as I said before...

Much safer to destroy ones enemies completly.

The easiest way, isn't it?
Suppose that someone have killed other person in front of you. The killer was using gloves and the only person to witness it is you. The killer threaten to kill you if you don't get his gun (no bullets anymore, of course). You get it, he runs away, you drop the gun and run away. The police find the gun, get your digitals. get you in jail. They think you are the killer and kill you. How would you feel...? (little bit sarcastic, as you are already dead...)
:bugeye: :eek:

Nelson, you are taking 'destroy completly' to mean kill. Why do you think I don't advocate killing the hypothetical rapist?

Because there is a chance that he is innocent.

I would be sent to prision, with acess to a lawyer, and eventually freed when dna evidence exculpates me.

This is very simple.

Depends on how they are treated... if it's a PUNISHMENT they will certainly do it again, as I said before...

No, they won't. Rapists have a high rate of repeating thier crimes because there is somthing wrong with them.

What would you advocate in place of punishment? Forgiveness? How callous.