I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is it racist to not want people of other colours, cultures in your neighborhood?

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If their race is the reason you don't want to live next door to them then that is racist. You are assuming all the rest, culture, lifestyle, whatever based on their race, not because you met them and actually know.

It isn't discrimination though. It is only discrimination, from a legal standpoint, if the situation is reversed, i.e. you prohibit people of a certain race, or who are not of your race, from owning property in your neighbourhood. Ethically it would also be pretty bad if you were to treat them like crap to try and make them move away.

It depends on the reasons for not wanting to live with someone. If it is because of race or nationality then that reflects pretty badly on a persons character IMO. To me even cultural differences as a reason is pretty bigoted. If it is because they inconsiderate or are generally a pain in the ass then fine. It is true there can be connections, e.g. cultural and lifestyle differences may RESULT in people doing things that annoy the shit out of you, but you can't go generalising such things to EVERYONE of a certain ethnicity, nationality, culture, whatever.

The way this is phrased everything is fine IMO. People can self-segregate themselves all they like for all I care, so long as that doesn't make them intolerant or unwelcoming towards others who may wish to join their community, so long as the joiner isn't going to make themselves a hassle.

There is a slightly side issue that one might raise if one decides to take what I have said to the extreme, that being a totally homogeneous future in which all cultures and races have been bred into a kind of average human. This I think would be sad, since it represents a loss of culture and diversity, so I believe protection of such things is important. Therefore governments may have to regulate immigration etc to preserve their own cultures. This I think is a seperate issue though, I think we are more concerned with things at personal level here.

This isn't making much sense. One the one hand you say people can self-segregate and then on the other you are saying that they can self-segregate only if they will accept others living in their community. Well if they are self-segregating they will continue to do so even if those 'others' are living in their community which means that the 'other' will still feel uncomfortable unless they also care not to involve themselves with their neighbors (which does happen by the way).

Prohibiting someone from owning property is against the law in the US. The example she gave was of someone who 'have nothing against' another group but chooses not to live with them and they wouldn't be happy if these other groups began to move into their community! This is not racism its preference. You should not pretend as if there are not cultural and lifestyle issues that go along with religion, race and ethnicity because much of the time there are though I think there is a move away from these differences in places like the States.

If you don't want a 'homogenous' future then why are you opposed to people living separately if they choose when living separately helps protect those traditions etc? In NYC you have chinese restaurants next to Italian and French. People of different races get together from time to time but there are still separate communities in terms of living. Is there mixing? Sure. Are there diverse living communities? Sure. But that's by choice. There are others who would make a different choice.
Hmm now suppose I made a nice little sign and put it up near my gate [on my own property] so passersby could read it?

I have nothing against
Blacks and Mexicans
I just don't want them
in my neighborhood

Is that alright? I just want to be sure that others know my sentiments so they are not misunderstood.
I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is this a racist statement?

If you have nothing against them then why don't you want them in your neighborhood?
No one in their right mind can defend a statement like that.
Hmm now suppose I made a nice little sign and put it up near my gate [on my own property] so passersby could read it?

Is that alright? I just want to be sure that others know my sentiments so they are not misunderstood.

My,my! Do you have a hidden masochistic tendency?:eek:
Hmm now suppose I made a nice little sign and put it up near my gate [on my own property] so passersby could read it?

Is that alright? I just want to be sure that others know my sentiments so they are not misunderstood.

Well its not illegal. People may be offended but that would be besides the point. Its only the politically correct thought police who would say one doesn't have the right to think, feel, write or utter those sentiments.
Well its not illegal. People may be offended but that would be besides the point. Its only the politically correct thought police who would say one doesn't have the right to think, feel, write or utter those sentiments.

Exactly. Which is what I thought when I saw this blogpost

“The church teachings are from the Bible. If we change this teaching, we will not be the Catholic Church. Don’t expect the Catholic church to change these issues, because it is our identity.” When asked if the Vatican is open to dialogue about welcoming such homosexual groups of tourists in the future, Bishop Kaleta responded that “such demonstrations are just not ethical.”


They are Catholic, its their identity,their church, their city in fact.

Why can't they say that gay and lesbian tourists are not welcome?
Well I can't comment on what the religious folk feel about these issues. All I can say is I don't know why any homosexual would want to belong to the Catholic church or any other religion that thinks them persona non grata. Its beyond me why they would even be insulted:shrug:

Given the choice I don't know why anyone would try and force themselves on a group of people who are fundamentally against them (I mean from a religious point of view). Why would they need to be accepted by said group?

In fact how does anyone know who is gay or straight when they are on vacation? :confused:

Any tourist can go to the Vatican. If you declare yourself the 'gay and lesbian' bus load of tourists then yeah I guess those from the Vatican might take umbrage.



the good ole days.....
DESPITE such problems, the use of restrictions is growing rapidly across the nation. An analysis this year found that 17 percent of the American population was living in homes whose design or use was governed by conditions in their deeds or covenants. Twenty years ago, only 1 percent of the population was affected by such restrictions, according to James L. Winokur, a professor of law at the University of Denver, who conducted the study of deeds and covenants. (link)
Well with or without signs people have and continue to segregate themselves from groups they don't wish to live among. The only alternative is a politically correct chip that disallows anyone from having whatever 'feelings' they may have about any other said group. Its all bullshit if you ask me.

By the way Sam you should indicate exactly what that sign means and from which country otherwise its irrelevant to this discussion.
It says Muslims only on the left and Greenlanders [other road] on the right.

Does it matter where its from?

The community wants to maintain its identity in its neighborhood.
It says Muslims only on the left and Greenlanders here on the right.

Does it matter where its from?

Sure it does. There is no point posting a picture without any context. There are those who might want to comment on it and that's difficult if we don't know the when, why and how.
What context do you need? Is there a context for keeping your neighborhood like yourself?
What context do you need? Is there a context for keeping your neighborhood like yourself?

I am with you on this did you look at the link it is about an all Black school in Toronto Canada no whites or any other colour allowed.
You don't need the laws or the 'good ole days'. People are VOLUNTARILY self-segregating and there isn't anything illegal about it.
Sure it does. There is no point posting a picture without any context. There are those who might want to comment on it and that's difficult if we don't know the when, why and how.

no one reads the op or tt plus most here are brain dead retards