I have nothing against blacks and mexicans I just don't want them in my neighborhood

Is it racist to not want people of other colours, cultures in your neighborhood?

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You realise you're confusing American policies with American people?

I know its hard to tell sometimes, but I like American people even if I think they have the most detestable foreign policies on earth.

no actually im not, pollies could never hold to the policies which curently stand if not for public surport. After all who votes for them? I like some americans as inderviduals but as a culture i dispise the whole country. Just as the Australian public must take responcability for the appaling policies of the Howard goverment and ensure they NEVER happen again the US must take responcability for THERE apaling goverment policies both domestically and foreign. The domestic is the more destestable of the 2, the fact that they can treat foreign countries one way because "they arnt us" is no excuse for the way they treat there own people. The poor, the underclasses ect. Katrina, the fact there is no Universal Health care, the fact that unemployment benifits are time limited ect are dispicable. Hell even watch judge judy one day and see even the ridiculus attidudes of the judicury. "oh you cant aford it, to bad, get a second job, what your already working 2 get another one" What a discusting joke of a country the US has become.
Asguard you're acting like an idiot. An ethnocentric one, to boot. You have no concept of what goes on in the USA, nor a clear idea of the culture here and how it explains the thing you are attacking.

Citing Judge Judy? Do get real.
no actually im not, pollies could never hold to the policies which curently stand if not for public surport. After all who votes for them? I like some americans as inderviduals but as a culture i dispise the whole country. Just as the Australian public must take responcability for the appaling policies of the Howard goverment and ensure they NEVER happen again the US must take responcability for THERE apaling goverment policies both domestically and foreign. The domestic is the more destestable of the 2, the fact that they can treat foreign countries one way because "they arnt us" is no excuse for the way they treat there own people. The poor, the underclasses ect. Katrina, the fact there is no Universal Health care, the fact that unemployment benifits are time limited ect are dispicable. Hell even watch judge judy one day and see even the ridiculus attidudes of the judicury. "oh you cant aford it, to bad, get a second job, what your already working 2 get another one" What a discusting joke of a country the US has become.

They suffer from the same kind of shortsightedness you see in Arab countries. As long as they have their malls and coke and clearance sales and lead a relatively comfortable life, they are comatose enough to ignore reality. Reminds me of those socialites who go through life playing cards at kitty parties and doing charity "works" Its like a bubble.
lets see what exactly would you like as indicitive of the culture?
Movies are a good indicator of a culture as that is how a cuture expresses themselves.
Goverment policy is another as it requires a 50% + 1 vote at least to elect a goverment
Whatever you say Judge Judy IS a judge and there for her decisions MUST be in line with the judicury (yes some magistrates tend to go off there own way but the higher courts pull them into line quick smart when they do)
Outside analysis is also a good indicator
So is constantly reading and lissioning to the media of the US (i do actually read CNN, lission to NPR ect)

Not to mention that your all surposed to be REAL people arnt you?

As far as health care is concered i have actually STUDIED US (lack of) health care

Oh right, no one is surposed to critize the US are they?:) Your all wonderful people and its pure coincidence that everything comming out of the US shows a compleatly different piture:)
I think you're being unduly harsh. Their media is very poor and most of them have no idea what is going on with their foreign policy. Also they live relatively isolated existences, like the bedouins in their desert tents and have only the limited social contacts of neighbors [though even thats questionable] family [mostly at festivals] and work. So they live in very limited circles. Plus the way their political system works, they don't even have to bother what is happening over in the next state, since they have a separation of state and federal to a very great extent.

Also at the end its the lobbies that determine their policies since they don't have the single representative vote. Their congress is run by whoever can pour the greatest amount of cash into contributions. I think if they could regulate campaign contributions it would really make a massive difference in their policies, because the American people by and large are compassionate and generous.

Extremely naive too, as far as living standards and freedoms in the rest of the world go. :p
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um sam im not talking about US foreign policy, i was talking about there DOMESTIC ones. As for the media a BBC analysis of the state of health care for someone who is living in the US and has just gone from a BBC worker to a freelance and has to work there way through the health care system or an ABC reporter who lives in the US and is comparing the goverments responce to Ash Wed (which they lived through) and Katrina is likly to be fairly accurate. Our media (especially the ABC) and the British media (especially the BBC) doesnt ignore the rest of the world the way you implie
lets see what exactly would you like as indicitive of the culture?

Judge Judy's show does not depict an actual court of law. That is an arbitration, where both parties voluntarily sign a waiver agreeing to her presidance as the arbitrator and accepting that her decision will be treated as their final, legal verdict. The people who appear on that show are usually contacted by the show itself, and they are collected from the lowest dregs of the American social strata. You will find people of that type in *every* country in the world.

And if you're going to bash our movies, you may as well bash the entire world for enjoying our movies. Our biggest ones gross higher internationally than they do here.

It helps to know what you are talking about. Outside analysis is a TERRIBLE indicator, as we're seeing from you right now.

Oh right, no one is surposed to critize the US are they?:) Your all wonderful people and its pure coincidence that everything comming out of the US shows a compleatly different piture:)

The USA is the best place in the world to live, Asguard. That is why so many dream of immigrating here.
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um sam im not talking about US foreign policy, i was talking about there DOMESTIC ones. As for the media a BBC analysis of the state of health care for someone who is living in the US and has just gone from a BBC worker to a freelance and has to work there way through the health care system or an ABC reporter who lives in the US and is comparing the goverments responce to Ash Wed (which they lived through) and Katrina is likly to be fairly accurate. Our media (especially the ABC) and the British media (especially the BBC) doesnt ignore the rest of the world the way you implie

The same thing applies. The first week I was in the US I kept flipping channels for the news. There was NO NEWS. :bugeye::bugeye:

They don't have reporting like we are used to in India, they have people telling them what to think about any topic.

The closest thing to real news was the opinions expressed by responders in CSPAN Washington Journal but the issues covered there and the questions allowed [or cut off] are also within a narrow range.
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Is it racist to not want people of other colours, cultures in your neighborhood?

so Asguard, I take it you would not want American cultures in your neighbourhood no matter the race. Or am I wrong?
i said no, racism is "hatred or intolerance of another race or other races." there are reasons to prefer other races in your neighbourhood that aren't due to hatred or intolerance. for example, i don't want anyone with loud cars in my neighbourhood, and i notice a lot of people who drive loud cars are wogs.
The same thing applies. The first week I was in the US I kept flipping channels for the news. There was NO NEWS. :bugeye::bugeye:

They don't have reporting like we are used to in India, they have people telling them what to think about any topic.

The closest thing to real news was the opinions expressed by responders in CSPAN Washington Journal but the issues covered there and the questions allowed [or cut off] are also within a narrow range.

SAM you should really try www.abc.net.au and see what you think

orleander i would symathise with any american who wanted to run away from the US. No i wouldnt care if they wanted to live near me in the slightest. unless it was another US defence base they wanted to set up in Australia of course :)
They don't have reporting like we are used to in India, they have people telling them what to think about any topic.

my gf is doing journalism at uni, she mentioned that to me the other day, that most australian news programs (channel 7, 9, 10) include values/judgements. everything is turned into a story with meaning rather than a recount.
personally i think that people who refer to anyone as "white trash" are bigots anyway. Its only an acident of birth that YOU arent born with the "white trash", it has nothing to do with there value as members of sociaty and everything to do with lack of resorces.

How does calling someone "white trash" (or the black and Hispanic equivalent "ghetto [insert descriptor]") make one a bigot? I'm not intolerant of some one who fits the description. My former neighbor fit the "trash" description quite nicely, with his hillbilly attitude havin', rifle totin', Jesus praisin', gay hatin' beer drinkin' on a couch in the front yard self. I liked him though he was a nice guy.
But he was quite racist and didn't like living near my family at first just because of our race and had no problem admitting it. But once he got over himself I got to know him and his family pretty well.
SAM you should really try www.abc.net.au and see what you think

Tell me what you think of ours.




I've put them on world news

my gf is doing journalism at uni, she mentioned that to me the other day, that most australian news programs (channel 7, 9, 10) include values/judgements. everything is turned into a story with meaning rather than a recount.

I get the feeling that people cannot distinguish between a news report and an opinion piece anymore.
What are wogs? Why do they prefer loud cars?

people who act/talk/appear a certain way, its a stereotype. i assume they prefer loud cars because they think they're cool. they probably identify with their type of car the way bogans identify with holden/ford utes.

whats your point? do you dispute that what are perceived as or identify themselves as wogs are statistically more likely to drive loud cars? i know wog is just a made up concept, but i think there would be significant correlation between what australians identify as a wog.
The term "white trash" makes the automatic assumption that white people should be above being "trash" when other non-whites need not be above it, hence the the insertion of the qualifier "white."

I don't think the term is racist but there is definitely a racial aspect to it.
The term "white trash" makes the automatic assumption that white people should be above being "trash" when other non-whites need not be above it, hence the the insertion of the qualifier "white."

I don't think the term is racist but there is definitely a racial aspect to it.

I think the qualifier "white" in "white trash" is used as an indication of laziness, slothfulness, and "could do better if they wanted to." It's generally recognized that minorities are at a serious disadvantage, economically, compared to whites in general. So the term is used in a disgusting sense in describing people who CHOOSE to not make any effort to better themselves.

And it's meant to imply "lower" than "low" in terms of self-attitude, ambition and in not caring for their offspring - teaching them only how to remain in poverty. It's a self-perpetuating attitude/process.
As has been said numerous times already it is not discrimination until you decide you don't want to live near someone based on their race.

What happens when a mass populace decides they don't want to live next to someone based on their race?

The point here being they should not have to worry about being treated differently because of the color of their skin...having places where certain races shouldn't go because they are not welcomed is called segregation and it breeds mistrust and hate.

Does that make it right?

You are still not addressing my point. Racism means a disenfranchisement of another's group rights, I disagree with this idea that racism is simply a sentiment, a feeling about a person or group. Racism is an active process whereby you take away the rights of another. So again how is it that moving away from a group of people taking away the rights of said group? By your reasoning anyone who isn't interested in having sex with someone outside their race, religion or ethnicity is also a racist which I find absurd. Unless I have completely misunderstood Sam's OP simply having the sentiment of not wanting to live among a certain group of people isn't equivalent to 'treating them differently'. The example of a 'mass populace' not wanting to live among another is an exaggeration from what I can tell from Sam's OP. A mass populace who doesn't want to live with another group is more equivalent to what is happening to Israeli's and Palestinians but that is more about trust and fear of violence along with all their other complex issues. So again please explain how an individual not wanting to live among blacks or whites or what-have-you is actively discriminating against them? Are you suggesting that Orthodox Jews should not have their own exclusive communities? How comfortable would an Irish american feel living among a group that will only accept him as an outsider and there is no Irish bar to boot? They would not enter his home and they will not invite him into theres. Is this what you are calling racism? Are you suggesting that Blacks would feel comfortable when whites move into their communities? Because I remember when re gentrification began in Harlem and prime real estate was being brought up by whites as Harlem was being seen as a natural extension of the rest of Manhattan. There were african americans who complained that whites were 'taking over' and they didn't like it one bit.

I do not think its wrong to actively seek out communities where you feel comfortable. I don't think its wrong to say I am not culturally in tune with another group because of lifestyle issues and therefore do not want to live among them. This happens all the time everywhere!!!

Read-Only: I'm not concerned with the cost of moving its totally besides the point. I'm trying to deal with the idea that simply not wanting to live among a specific group is akin to active racism when its not.