I have absolute proof that God exists!

You worship tea? :bugeye: Well if that's your proof I won't argue. :worship: Just stick with me and we will get you into into a place with four soft walls and your own imaginary empty bowl of omnipotent tea.
The fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy provides mathematical proof beyond any reasonable doubt that G-d exists. All the known documentation of G-ds relationship with man were gathered together in one collection we call the Bible. G-ds existence is documented and mathematically certain beyond rational question.
The fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy provides mathematical proof beyond any reasonable doubt that G-d exists.

G-ds existence is documented and mathematically certain beyond rational question.
Documented? Where?
And you have a strange idea of the meaning of "mathematically certain".

Why do you write it as G-d? You're not a sock of Anita Meyer are you? You seem to be as devoid as she when it comes to factual claims.
Rubbish! Documented? Where And you have a strange idea of the meaning of "mathematically certain". Why do you write it as G-d? You're not a sock of Anita Meyer are you? You seem to be as devoid as she when it comes to factual claims.
This thread was never meant to be taken seriously and is full of wise-ass remarks. It would be rather discriminatory to single out one particular troll for discipline. ;)

BTW, it is a minority practice among the most Orthodox Jews to leave one letter out of God's name to avoid the blasphemy of speaking it aloud or writing it. Since the O is the only letter whose absence leaves the meaning relatively discernible, that's the one they leave out. Rabbis almost universally regard this as a misinterpretation of Deuteronomy, and insist that the rule only applies to God's sacred name, not a translation into a vernacular language. Cf. the writing of YHVH without vowels, even in the liturgy or in class materials on learning Hebrew, where they're normally inserted as diacritics in order to teach the pronunciation of an Afroasiatic language, in which vowels are not phonemic.
Ah, sorry. I thought you were talking about the "Happy little vegemites" song:

We're happy little vegemites
As bright as bright can be
We all enjoy our vegemite
For breakfast lunch and tea

Can't remember how it goes, exactly...
Love that band James . Those guys are the stuff right there. Can't you hear can't you hear the thunder. Better run , better take cover
The fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy provides mathematical proof beyond any reasonable doubt that G-d exists. All the known documentation of G-ds relationship with man were gathered together in one collection we call the Bible. G-ds existence is documented and mathematically certain beyond rational question.

So, the proof of a notion described in this book is the fact that the book itself says it's true? And you wonder why we call theists irrational?
Sure. A good place to start are books called "Science Speaks" and "Evidence that Demands a Verdict".
Maybe a better place to start would be with reliable investigators...

.the author has fallen into the commonest error of using only these facts which bolster his hypothesis, and of discarding or controverting those which do not. For example, his discussion of the theory of evolution is not only misleading; it displays an abysmal ignorance of recent evolutionary studies
So, the proof of a notion described in this book is the fact that the book itself says it's true? And you wonder why we call theists irrational?

How can you call me irrational ? I worked as a research chemist for 40 years
I used scientific method in my work, I worked in some published scientific paper. Yet chose to believe in the Creator and not in the primordial soup
So tell me, an I rational or irrational ?
Platypi were believed to have evolved from early ducks that lived in the water 24/7. or somethig like that.