I have absolute proof that God exists!

Agreed, US based sources only. Anyone else had haggis?
I've had haggis many times on Robert Burns Day. If you don't think about what's in it, it tastes OK. However, I'd usually had several single malts before I got around to the haggis so my judgement may be cloudy :)
The only reason the platypus seems weird is that it doesn't have any living relatives.
Oh dear. Does this mean that if my sisters die I'll become a platypus?
Will it get me a "frequent user" discount at the swimming pool?
Australia was long isolated, and so it followed another evolution manual. Most creatures don't walk or gallop there; they bounce.
Accident? Like the beaver duck and the duck lizard that proceeded it and then had unprotected sex so they had a freak baby (or did the condom break, it's forever lost to history ;-))? I believe that such species cannot breed with one another. The only answer is God, or slowly changing characteristics based on environmental pressures. What environmental pressure makes something so insane? Possibly the same ones that drive people to eat vegemite (its nasty like durian)?

Evolution is real Believer. You can still have God, but it would be great for you to join us in the new earth that includes evolution . Step on over we have been waiting for you . Take my hand and cross the rainbow bridge . You can do it . I know you can . You where born to be part of the new earth.
Australia was long isolated, and so it followed another evolution manual. Most creatures don't walk or gallop there; they bounce.

Deer bounce . More of a hop. Antelope don't bounce much and will bunch up at a fence line trying to wiggle through. The deer bounce right over. There are some funny animals in Australia. Funny by my Northwest U.S. standards that is
This old Earth took billions upon billions of years to produce sentient life. What could be so dumb and mindless to take that long? Evolution.
This old Earth took billions upon billions of years to produce sentient life. What could be so dumb and mindless to take that long? Evolution.

That is making a rather bold and unevidenced assumption that sentience is the 'goal' of life...
@spidergoat, do you know what a platypus is?

They are a bit odd. But compared to some of the truly bizarre life forms on this planet, they're as normal as the girl next door. I mean, tube worms? Sea cucumbers? Those things are _really_ bizarre.
This thread will dissapoint the Atheist who was hoping deep down you found some proof to put his/her mind at ease.

PS gotta love the beaver duck.
