I have absolute proof that God exists!

@spidergoat, do you know what a platypus is? If you don't think they are weird, question your sanity.

If they were on every continent, with variations and sub-species, we wouldn't think they were that weird.

@James R, your from Australia and you've never had vegemite? Is it's consumption not as common as we are led to believe here in the US?
I've had it, it's gross.
Idk they look made up, like the sharktopus. Come on man, flippers, fur, duckbill, lays eggs, and has a stinger like an insect? Now I know why you won't accept it as God's creation, it was obviously made by the devil and you knew that already.
No, I have not had vegemite. I don't even know where I could get it in the US other than online. However, when every source you have every heard says that vegamite is gross, you tend to believe them. I have however had haggis. It's no worse then spam, I liked it a little better to tell the truth. It tastes like cheap meat.
does anyone else realize that 'I have absolute proof that God exists !'
has turned into a vegemite sandwich?

btw..i like spam..
It was always meant to bring the futility of the argument to light.

I believe in God in and you may not. I do not think it's mercy would be withheld if you had been misled (or not, either way it probably doesn't matter, if I'm wrong nothing changes, if your wrong it still doesn't matter either, if you still live a good life you may still be able to get into heaven anyway. [if there is one, just because there is a God does not mean there is a heaven or hell for that matter]).

Hell, I bet a lot of you heathens ;-) are more well behaved then my fellow God fearing Christians, especially those that use their religious as an excuse to persecute others.

I can tell you that those of you that persecute others because they are gay, lesbian, weird, atheist, or in other religion besides yours are committing a far worse sin then they are.

Personally, I am not religious, only very heavily spiritual.
ok..i'll bite..
what is a vegemite sandwich?

Vegemite is a black, somewhat slimy, vegetable pasty substance that is very common in Australia. In England, I believe they have something called "Marmite", which is somewhat similar but not quite the same thing.

The normal way to eat vegemite is on bread. It is quite often had on toast, or in a sandwich. Vegemite sandwiches are a very common school lunch in Australia.

The mistake that many newcomers to vegemite make is to spread huge wads of it onto the bread, or to eat it by itself. Properly done, vegemite is best applied in a thin layer.

It's a bit of an acquired taste, but nowhere near as bad as some mythology would have you believe. If it actually tasted terrible, it wouldn't be such a commonly eaten food. Some people don't like it just because it's unusual-tasting; those people typically aren't very culinarily adventurous.

(ive have only heard of it in the song)

The song was an advertisement for the product. I'm not certain, but I think it is probably at least 60 years old.

No, I have not had vegemite. I don't even know where I could get it in the US other than online. However, when every source you have every heard says that vegamite is gross, you tend to believe them.

I assume you've only heard from American sources who were inexperienced with vegemite.
Have had haggis. I like it. Reminds me of liverwurst.

Have had vegemite too. Spread a thin layer on toast. It's not horrible. Kind of odd. Sort of malty tasting. Haven't had an urge to go find some in the US.
no.. Down Under by Men at Work

Ah, sorry. I thought you were talking about the "Happy little vegemites" song:

We're happy little vegemites
As bright as bright can be
We all enjoy our vegemite
For breakfast lunch and tea

Can't remember how it goes, exactly...
I believe in God in and you may not. I do not think it's mercy would be withheld if you had been misled (or not, either way it probably doesn't matter, if I'm wrong nothing changes, if your wrong it still doesn't matter either, if you still live a good life you may still be able to get into heaven anyway.

Okay for argument's sake let's say their is a creator and for some far higher purpose than us mere mortals can understand, IT(God) has gone to some lengths to hide his existence. On top of that IT has willed it that a particular group of primates have been given greatly increased intelligence compared to (let's assume) all other animals.
Might IT be superbly p**sed off when a great number of these 'Apes-with-rational-thought', being their greatest and most progressive attribute, subsequently invent a myth of God with no hard evidence and continue to indoctrinate their children with it for millennia.

Personally, I find the argument intolerable that 'It can't hurt to believe in God'... And for the reasons expressed maybe God does too! :D
why I believe

I started believeing in God thru your usual proof or evidence in him, but what really makes me solid in my faith now is how he changed my life.