I have absolute proof that God exists!


Happy medium
Valued Senior Member
And that it has a great sense of humor.

Just look at a Platypus. No way that happened by accident. Unless being laughed at is an evolutionarily viable strategy.

I'm sure it was just depressed after it realized how much we suck and needed a good chuckle.
And that it has a great sense of humor.

Just look at a Platypus. No way that happened by accident. Unless being laughed at is an evolutionarily viable strategy.


if your too busy laughing..you can't eat it..
Is "Belive" supposed to be "Be live", as opposed to "Be dead", or is it a misspelling of "Believe"? Not being able to spell your own user name doesn't bode well for your potential understanding of evolutionary theory.
It is what you make it. Believe me fool if you like, believe me a saint, believe me a philosopher, but to cut me down based on a name? How silly. Also its misspelled because I.........
By the way, the alternative to God is not that the platypus happened "by accident". The platypus is a result of natural selection, which is not a random process.
Accident? Like the beaver duck and the duck lizard that proceeded it and then had unprotected sex so they had a freak baby (or did the condom break, it's forever lost to history ;-))? I believe that such species cannot breed with one another. The only answer is God, or slowly changing characteristics based on environmental pressures. What environmental pressure makes something so insane? Possibly the same ones that drive people to eat vegemite (its nasty like durian)?

The only answer is God, or slowly changing characteristics based on environmental pressures.

The second answer is all that is needed. That's called "evolution".

What environmental pressure makes something so insane?

The platypus is not "insane". It is a marvellously well-adapted organism for its environmental niche. If it wasn't successful as a species, then it wouldn't still be around.

Possibly the same ones that drive people to eat vegemite (its nasty like durian)?

Never tasted it, have you? Or durian.
Also, God did it. If you can't look into the platypus's beady little eyes and just know, your doing it wrong.
Anyway, the point is that your "absolute proof that God exists" survived criticism for about 20 minutes.

Are we done with this thread? Maybe you ought to start a new one about candy. You're probably better qualified to talk about that.
The only reason the platypus seems weird is that it doesn't have any living relatives. Really, it's no weirder than any other animal or plant.
@spidergoat, do you know what a platypus is? If you don't think they are weird, question your sanity.
@James R, your from Australia and you've never had vegemite? Is it's consumption not as common as we are led to believe here in the US?