I hate Christians

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cool skill:

Please read the forum rules regarding stereotyping of people with particular religious beliefs, as well as the rules regarding personal insults.

James R,

that applies to me too, I guess. I'll tone it down too. It's just so hard sometimes to be civil. But necessary.
cool skill said:
I'm a christian Antiatheistite.

Antisemite, according to the dictionary, is one who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews.

I'm the same, but in terms of atheists not jews.
this just says it all about the religious fundi.
if you had your way, you would ethnic cleanse, would'nt you.
James R said:
cool skill:

Please read the forum rules regarding stereotyping of people with particular religious beliefs, as well as the rules regarding personal insults.


Why do you ony target cool skill?
His insults are the same level of insults used by atheists, but I have yet to see you give warnings to them.
My point. BE FAIR.

Jan Ardena.
I agree with Jan.
I am stereotyping when saying that athiests are partial to other atheists.
Every single atheist thus far in this thread has thrown insults and made typical stereotypes left and right. There has not been a single atheist in this thread that has not. Haven't you seen "Unbreakable"?

I think there should be another rule.
You are only allowed to stereotype and insult in response to stereotypes and insults. Nice!!!!
I'm glad you thought of it.

Cottontop3000 said:
More typical doctrine. Just what we need. Will atheists please spread their doctrine at dummies that would actually buy that garbage?

SnakeLord said:
I think both of you should rent a room. Freaks.
Perhaps you should rent a brain. Dolt.

stefan said:
this just says it all about the religious fundi.
if you had your way, you would ethnic cleanse, would'nt you.
If you had a lick of sense, you would not be throwing around idiotic tactics, would you?
stefan said:
I'm a psychopathic atheist with no life. Therefore, I have given myself the duty of terrorizing the internet with sewer ideas.
cool skill said:
More typical doctrine. Just what we need. Will atheists please spread their doctrine at dummies that would actually buy that garbage?

I have a very strong feeling that came from a Christian's mind, not an Atheist's.

The Atheist in question probably got it off of a Christian web-site. Similar to some Christians burning their kid's Dungeons and Dragon's material when they were about 8 and telling them that it was from Satan. I'll see if I can track down the origin of the billy goat gruff cartoon though. I just thought it sounded stereotypically Christian though. In fact, I could so easily see my Dad and Step-mom saying that to the kids at their church, or me when I was watching my D&D literally going up in smoke. Atheist, Satanist, what's the difference to some narrow-minded morons? :eek:
Water originally said: I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Woody says: Cain felt the same way about Abel. Cain was jealous, but he didn't want to obey God so he could have the same thing that Abel had.

Other people feel the same way: they are jealous of the intimacy that Christains have with god, but they don't want to build that intimate relationship for themselves.
Woody said:
Water originally said: I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Woody says: Cain felt the same way about Abel. Cain was jealous, but he didn't want to obey God so he could have the same thing that Abel had.

Other people feel the same way: they are jealous of the intimacy that Christains have with god, but they don't want to build that intimate relationship for themselves.

Honestly Woody! I only get woodies for women that I can see and touch and smell and hear, and yes, taste. Not god's I can't. :p

**runs away from the computer real fast, covering his ears**
Jan Ardena said:
Why do you ony target cool skill?
His insults are the same level of insults used by atheists, but I have yet to see you give warnings to them.
My point. BE FAIR.
cool skill said:
I agree with Jan.
I am stereotyping when saying that athiests are partial to other atheists.
Every single atheist thus far in this thread has thrown insults and made typical stereotypes left and right. There has not been a single atheist in this thread that has not. Haven't you seen "Unbreakable"?

I think there should be another rule.
You are only allowed to stereotype and insult in response to stereotypes and insults. Nice!!!!
I'm glad you thought of it.
where on this thread on any others have I insulted you,the only possible time I've had any connection to you was in your, "The everlasting THIS or THAT game".
because you cant mean this
stefan said:
cool skill said:
I'm a christian Antiatheistite.

Antisemite, according to the dictionary, is one who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews.

I'm the same, but in terms of atheists not jews.

this just says it all about the religious fundi.
if you had your way, you would ethnic cleanse, would'nt you.
or did you not say the above, am I a lier.

so if it's the truth, then is it not fair to assume you, would be of the fudamentalist type(A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.) and therefore would wish to eradicate atheist of this planet, the same way a white supremist would wish about blacks, jews, etc.

your the one who drew first blood not I. :bugeye:

jan you have shown yourself to be on the wrong side. this person who is not worthy of the title cool or skill as it is neither, just rude,it does'nt even know what religious denomination I am, but blandished insults anyway. :eek:
cool skill,

Of course. Should I have expected anything else?

You better fear something else.

* * *


Woody says: Cain felt the same way about Abel. Cain was jealous, but he didn't want to obey God so he could have the same thing that Abel had.

Other people feel the same way: they are jealous of the intimacy that Christains have with god, but they don't want to build that intimate relationship for themselves.

And this is where you miss my point.

I have met so many Christians who behave with utter elitism, doing as if their faith in God is their own doing, since they are so capable and everything.
And me, the depraved sinner, will always be left out of this relationship with God, because I, as a sinner, am unable to build an intimate relationship with God.

This is what these Christians have taught me. That God loves them, because they are good, but God doesn't love me, because I am bad, and I should first become worthy of His love, but depraved sinner that I am, this will never happen, so I will go to hell.

Hence my jealousy. Some Christians are really good at teaching non-Christians to hate God. And to complete their teaching, they make it all look as if I am the source of this hate.
Water said: This is what these Christians have taught me. That God loves them, because they are good, but God doesn't love me, because I am bad, and I should first become worthy of His love, but depraved sinner that I am, this will never happen, so I will go to hell.

Woody says: This is unbiblical teaching -- that a person earns salvation and God's love.

Bible: Romans 5:28

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

I don't know who is telling you that you have to be good first, but they are not Christians -- they are liars. Jesus did not tell anyone to straighten up their act first and then come back to Him for salvation.

If we had to be good before we could be saved then nobody could go to heaven.

Ephesians 2:8,9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Salvation is a gift that you ask for, not a gift that you work for. If you had to work for it then it wouldn't be a gift, would it?
I don’t think your bible quotes would be affective against a completely obvious atheist.
Who else would hate Christians so much?

Cottontop3000 said:
narrow-minded morons? :eek:
That would probably be a good description of an atheist.

stefan said:
where on this thread on any others have I insulted you
You had one post before this one. How hard is it to figure out?
Atheists can’t even acknowledge what is in front of their face. Much less the meaning of what they are talking about.

stefan said:
am I a lier.
Do you really want me to answer that?
You’re a drop of turtle manure that’s for sure.

stefan said:
then is it not fair to assume you, would be of the fudamentalist type(A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism
I’m not the atheist. That’s you.

stefan said:
therefore would wish to eradicate atheist of this planet, the same way a white supremist would wish about blacks, jews, etc.
What the hell is wrong with you? Did you get up on the wrong side of your urine puddle today?
I think that’s it. Do you really expect me to take you seriously? Go get checked.

stefan said:
your the one who drew first blood not I. :bugeye:
Typical delusional behavior. I guess that wasn’t you who made that last post with idiotic remarks against Cool Skill. Sure. Or perhaps you do know you made that post, but I suppose you would be under the impression that those remarks are friendly and constructive. I suppose the delusion in these atheists is nothing to be surprised about. You are probably sitting in your asylum telling yourself how friendly and constructive you have been thus far on this thread. Koo Koo.

stefan said:
just rude,it does'nt even know what religious denomination I am, but blandished insults anyway. :eek:
It’s not that hard to figure out what religious denomination you are. Especially from your first loser post. And I’m the rude one? Get real.

water said:
You better fear something else.
You mean like your face? Perhaps if you would wear a mask once in awhile, there would be no problem. Perhaps a Freddy Cruger would do you justice.
cool skill said:
I don’t think your bible quotes would be affective against a completely obvious atheist.
Who else would hate Christians so much?
That would probably be a good description of an atheist.

Cool Skill, Are you insecure? You rarely, if ever, make a whole lot of sense. Is it your God who makes you so angry? I would have thought you would have found some peace by now; in the name of the Lord, and all.
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