I hate Christians

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the sea
Registered Senior Member
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

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I am fully aware that this thread will most likely get closed or deleted, due to the hateful nature of it.

I could have made a perfectly sound argument, supported theologically, sociologically, historically etc..

And argument that would look well and objective -- and be completely impersonal.

An argument that would completely miss the point and dress up true feelings into something tolerable.

But lets' face it: Religion and God are personal matters. At some point, I got so far as to become full and ill of all those impersonal, objective arguments.

Talking about God isn't something where afterwards, you could nicely sit down and have your lunch in peace. It doesn't work that way, and no amount of mental acrobatics won't make it so.

I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.
Hi water,

You’ve come a long way. Nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. But if you love and accept yourself enough, you need never hate anybody else. Discarding organised religion is the first step in self-acceptance and self-love. Any religion or doctrine that preaches the redemption of only a select few, and talks in terms of eternal damnation does not deserve to be taken seriously.

In a nutshell to summarise the morality of Christianity, whatever the circumstances from a historical perspective, the atrocities committed (as described) by the Christian god in the OT is unforgivable and unnecessary. Christian doctrine states that this god is also Jesus.

Therefore, whatever this religion stands for, or says it stand for, is not what I stand for. You cannot love with the one hand and kill with the other. DISCARD. So maybe one should rather feel sorry for Christians who are happy, or blind enough to worship a god of this nature.

Sounds like a personal problem. The only real advice I can think of is to stop worrying about what God thinks.
I don't believe in a god, so I don't hate christians because a nonexistant entity nonexistantly loves them more than me.
I hate them because they fail to realize the truth: there is no god. deities and the like were though up by humans in a time when we understood nothing of our surroundings, and had to concoct reasons as to why "x" happened. We have gone a long way since then, but some people (christians, etc.) prefer to stay in the intellectual dark age...
Hapsburg said:
I don't believe in a god, so I don't hate christians because a nonexistant entity nonexistantly loves them more than me.
I hate them because they fail to realize the truth: there is no god. deities and the like were though up by humans in a time when we understood nothing of our surroundings, and had to concoct reasons as to why "x" happened. We have gone a long way since then, but some people (christians, etc.) prefer to stay in the intellectual dark age...

You have proven a negative? How?
stretched said:
You’ve come a long way.

What is this supposed to mean?

Nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. But if you love and accept yourself enough, you need never hate anybody else. Discarding organised religion is the first step in self-acceptance and self-love. Any religion or doctrine that preaches the redemption of only a select few, and talks in terms of eternal damnation does not deserve to be taken seriously.

Why not? It's mere observation. Evolution theory preaches survival of the fittest, natural selection -- so how can we seriously oppose any non-universalist view if we accept evolution?!

In a nutshell to summarise the morality of Christianity, whatever the circumstances from a historical perspective, the atrocities committed (as described) by the Christian god in the OT is unforgivable and unnecessary. Christian doctrine states that this god is also Jesus.

You would have a case if this god would do BOTH harm and WELL to the SAME person, at the same time, preferrably.

And on what basis can you judge anything to be "unforgivable and unnecessary"?

Therefore, whatever this religion stands for, or says it stand for, is not what I stand for.

And? What authority do you have, and over whom?

You cannot love with the one hand and kill with the other.

Where do you live? Because it isn't planet earth.

You have let modern woossiness infect you and take over you.

DISCARD. So maybe one should rather feel sorry for Christians who are happy, or blind enough to worship a god of this nature.

Neither you nor I know fully what they know.

And, yah, that's awfully nice of you. Preach "But if you love and accept yourself enough, you need never hate anybody else." and then preach pitying others.
Romans 2:9-11
There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism.

Acts 10:34-35
Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.​
So I don't know what you would base your argument on. Based on who you are now, you are no more nor less condemned because of sin than any Christian had ever been. It is because God's love shown in Christ that we follow Him and call ourselves Christians. Not because He called us Christians and then loved us.
Water, if you're not a Christian, then is your God the same one as theirs?
If not then why does it matter that their God loves them more than you?

If they are the same God then why do you feel that it loves them more than you? What makes you think that?

Is it because of what the Christians believe about their God?

However, if you truly believe in whatever you believe in then it should make no difference what other people believe in, even if it's about the same entity/thing/God/whatever, as you "believe" your own beliefs to be true, regardless of what other people claim.

Other people's beliefs will only worry you / concern you if your own beliefs are failing and you are starting to feel that maybe the others (in this case, the Christians), have a better path - or some such thing.
I do not hate Christians. Why hate anyone?

I only pity them, as there is no God...he would contradict himself far too much for plausibility. (At least there certainly cannot be the christian version of god.)

water said:
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

As I'd think you to be aware of, anyone who tells you they have insight as to god's preference is uhm... well you know. So your premise is flawed.

Further, I'd think that if "god" were "just" then "he" would love you more than a christian who claimed god loves christians more.

There is no higher blasphemy IMO though, than to speak of "what god would think"... ...as if what "god" might "think" could be remotely comprehensible to humans. Unbelievable arrogance births such ponderance if asserted as more than folly.

There are no answers to questions of god(s).
Originally Posted by water
I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Wow :eek: That's an incredible statement, if it is your true feelings?

2 Peter 3
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Its really weird why most people would talk about God by personifying him (even the him here is that we just use to use it, not that "he" is male or female or anything corresponding to it)..... but it is really bothering!!

Assuming "he" had human in nature than he wouldn't be perfect, would he?
So the idea of God "loving someone" or "hating him/her" isn't accurate becuase you would be attributing human character to who, theologically speaking, aint human in anyway.....

What really matters in this aspect is what you do, to any religion you belong, what is your response to the tests and different situations you might face during your life time, and what you know and what you don't know is a major factor...........

So, the concept of "God's love to someone" is "silly", and its only a christian concept used to win more converts, but not having any logical backing.

After all, do they have any "covenant" that they might reveil to show the "Devine love" the possess!! I doubt anyone has such a thing.
Water, when I first read your post I thought it was a joke poking fun at the way that many people who call themselves Christians behave and/or profess.

I've come to know a thing or two about God through rebirth in Christ, so I indeed call myself a Christian, and I do know very certainly that God does not love me or anyone else more than He loves you.

And isn't what you've said paradoxical? In that if you truly believe what you've attested to, then in doing so, you have actually defined yourself to be a Christian. A confused one, but one none the less.

If you were to come to know God then it would be obvious to you through your interaction with Him that what you're saying is not true. You would know and understand, like I do, that He loves all of us the same...infinitely and unconditionally.


water said:
It is logic that says you cannot prove a negative.
No, it is logic that a deity that "created everything" and "has always existed" DOES NOT EXIST, especially when we are presented with viable, tangible, and more realistic theories and facts such as the Big Bang and Evolution.
water said:
I am fully aware that this thread will most likely get closed or deleted, due to the hateful nature of it.
Then why did you post it?

water said:
Talking about God isn't something where afterwards, you could nicely sit down and have your lunch in peace. It doesn't work that way, and no amount of mental acrobatics won't make it so.
I have on many occasions done just that. God is a word, and abstraction that means different things to different people. At lunch with my Christian friends, we often joke about what God said to Bill Gates, or something similar.
The word God only means something heavy when you add context to it, mainly emotions. But if the people you´re around think the same way you do there´s a lot less of that.

It´s when we start taking ideas and ideals and lording them over our fellow humans that all that nasty emotional brawling starts. If you keep a sense of humor and notice your own fallability then it hurts a lot less.
(by ¨you¨ and ¨your¨ I don´t mean ¨you specifically¨)
Lori_7 said:
[snip]He loves all of us the same...infinitely and unconditionally.

*waves* hi, new here and all that jazz... browsing but HAD to chime in on this one. How does one come to believe that the Christian God loves everyone infinitely and unconditionally?
water said:
God loves them more than me.
Wrong. Proof?
You obviously have no reason for hating Christians.
It's ok. I'm sure Christians hate you too.
I suggest you go and be another follower of atheism.
You'll fit right in perfectly well with them. Most atheists hate Christians just like you. Atheists usually have no understanding of anything, and cry and complain everytime religion is preached.
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