I Hate Atheists

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In other words, when the hard questions and criticisms are raised, they're "trolling" and not worthy of answering, eh? If one begins a discussion as the thread starter, then refuses to legitimately participate -replying with irrational comments and insults instead, wouldn't that imply that the thread starter is merely trolling? In fact, I think it is safe to say that the very topic of the thread, "I Hate Atheists," is a trolling statement itself.

Ironically, we're actually attempting to be serious and discuss the topic at hand. You simply refuse to participate in the discussion that you started.
Really? Try answering this:
Why is it that all the people that throw outright insults and bash in this thread are allowed to do so, but I am not.

A single prime example out of the many:
Mr Anonymous said:
important to remember that Fool Skill, being junctioned with

He can insult me, and call me names. EVERYBODY is allowed to do so, but I am not.
How is that not bias?
You've got my vote to close, James R. The thread starter has shown no intention of engaging in rational or serious discussion, evidenced by the lack of legitimate response to legitimate query.
Yes because this forum is bias. That is because James is bias, and typically allows his religion to affect his who he attacks.

For arguments sake let's just say that's true.. I would simply advise that you find a more suited forum with people who are bias in your favour.

Whether you're right or wrong, if that's what you truly believe then I would suggest you try christianrus.com or something more in tune with your set of views.

However, if this forum and James were biased, no believers would be here surely? There's Woody who goes round dooming everyone who disagrees with him to hell, there's johnahmed who thinks all atheists are animal turd in this very thread and yet was not picked on by this supposedly bias forum mod.

It is the way in which you do things which causes you to get yourself into problems. You started a thread with no evidential basis and even now on page 3 have not managed to even make one worthwhile dicusssion or debate to anything. If anyone disagrees and gives a reason to, you say "wrong" and then call them a retard. You might be young, but even at 12 you should understand that things just don't go smoothly when you employ that method.

On my first post I explained things very simply for you to which you responded "wrong", called us all neanderthals and thought that was somehow a worthwhile rebuttal to my post. After that you launched a quick offensive against anyone who dared disagree with your original, highly ignorant, post.

If you take the time to digest, understand what I'm saying and ammend how you approach a forum post, you'll find your time here suffers a lot less hassle.

Everybody has done their share of insults and bashing.

Ok, let's go through it from the first post...

post 1: Cool skill provides a list of debateable reasons as to why he hates atheists.

post 2: Earthly Vagabond responds asking you to give some reasons and a more rounded argument.

post 3: Huwy states that atheists do have logic and explains how and why - thus negating number 14 in your list.

post 4: Cris thinks your claims dont have much merit and decides that theres nothing really worth commenting on.

post 5: Earthly Vagabond replies to Huwy

post 6: I describe how you can rid the world of the people you hate.

post 7: Jayleew likes the quote I used and talks about another thread

post 8: Silent Serenity tells us all that atheists only bitch and moan, (insult)?

post 9: Roman tells us he hates everyone.

post 10: johnahmed states that all atheists are dog shit, (insult to atheists).

yada yada.. The you come along again and start calling people retards and answering anything asked with "wrong", "wrong", and "double wrong". You'll find there are no atheists insulting you. There are no atheists insulting johnahmed or silent serenity. Nope, just a bunch of religious people insulting us.

Dood, you're wrong, wrong and double wrong.

Every one of Skin Walker's posts is targeted to trolling with no particular bit of productivity.

If only you would let go of your pride for one second and pay attention to his posts.

"One more persecuted christian added to the pile" reflects the pure bias of the atheist religion.

No it doesn't. You're playing the victim, and that is a common role taken on by christians. I've seen it countless times before. You say something they can't debate, ask something they can't answer and a lot of the time they will instantly become the victim and claim they're being persecuted unfairly.

Sure it's a stereotype, but stereotypes are generally quite accurate. It's how they become stereotypes in the first place.

I have proven that atheists are not interested in productive discussion about their take on religion.

You haven't done anything of the sort. "Wrong", "wrong", "double wrong" does not count as proof of anything other than your inability to engage in intelligent debate. And while the atheists have been trying to engage you in productive discussion, you have managed nothing other than 1 word replies and vulgur insults.

They only wish to harrass and as you say "persecute" without any intelligent discussion.

You've got it all backwards. Perhaps it would serve some use to you to go back and read the thread through from start to finish, of course paying some attention this time round.

I wish you the best of luck.
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