I Hate Atheists

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“ Originally Posted by Silas
It's true, I do find myself illogically saying "My God!" or "Jesus Christ!" ”

cool skill:This is a prime example of: 1. Atheists are resentfully anti-religious.
Most people don’t care to notice something on movies or wherever when somebody says God or Jesus. Of course, because it is irrelevant. Most people are not so petty to give thought to any media or situation that mentions prayer or God. Only the atheists make huge deals out of nothing. It is rationalized that saying “My God” is illogical, and then rationalized that it shouldn’t be. How about rationalizing that it is no big deal? Only an atheist would take notice of saying something because of their resentment.

EV: There is no logical reason to say "my God" because:
If you are an atheist:
You dont believe in a god.
If you are Jewish or Christian:
it is pretty close to breaking the commandment about taking the Lord's name in vain, if you believe it doesn't. (remember Christians, Jesus is God)
If you are Muslim:
I believe that you would still look to the Bible even if not as much as the Quran to form your ideology. (correct me if I am wrong though)
If you are polytheistic:
You would more likely refer to gods rather than one.
Hence there is very little logic behind it.

That is also why I would get petty as well about one of those exclamatory statements.
It may not be such a petty deal to you now though.

Would you care to explain how you think it's wrong?

Completely invalid.
Fallacy. Mythology.

When you have the decency and maturity to actually debate issues instead of displaying this gross self righteousness that you accuse everyone else of, then we can get into a discussion. Right now it doesn't seem worth the effort. You clearly have nothing to say.
cool skill said:
1. Atheists are resentfully anti-religious.
could be b/c your religions (well Xianity and Islam at least) teach to hate all those who believe differently?
even your retard prez said he doesnt consider atheists citizens nor patriots!

and you make shit like this .. www.evilbible.com/ ..your guide in life
2. Atheists incorrectly believe that they are not a religion.
do yourself a favor and look up a meaning of "RELIGION" in the dictionary,otherwise you'll look like a retard here
4. Atheists are self righteous.
so YOU personaly KNOW all atheists in the world do you?
5. Atheists impose their beliefs and doctrine upon others more than any other religion.
atheists have NO beliefs or doctrine....dumbass
atheism is a LACK of belief in all gods
6. Atheists are blind fanatics.
more nonsense
7. Atheists argue for the sake of winning without intention of coming to conclusion.
so you argue for the sake of losing then?
get used to it,..youre losing pretty badly :p
8. Atheists cry and complain about anything religious.
if anything I PITTY you fools
9. Atheists are emotionally unstable.
again you know all atheists in the world.
btw HOW would you explain that 99% of criminals in prisons(do your own search) are God fearing religious people
10. Atheists discriminate against religious.
how ...,provide an example

...or shut the fuck up
11. Atheists are control freaks.
yes I am proud to say I am in control of my life,
tell me when you drive for example are you 100% in control or is God in charge?
12. Atheists are closed minded and ignorant.
unlike theists who explore all scientific discoveries and EVIDENCE such as evolutionary evidence with open mind,huh?
13. Atheists have little grip on reality.
unlike theists,who BELIEVE have FAITH in something for which theres no evidence!
14. Atheists have no concept of logic.
DEFINE logic!
Saying "my god" is nothing different than speaking about "santa clause" in December. I don't believe in Santa, but I sing Xmas Carols.

Also, a polytheistic person would be very likely to speak in terms of "my god," and is evidenced by looking at the Atrahasis story. In that, Atrahasis (the original Noah and hero of the story) confered with "his god," Ea, when the other gods had become frustrated with noisy, overpopulated mankind and sent plagues, famine, drought, etc. to them. Oh, and flood... after all, the Atrahasis epic is the early version of the Noah's flood myth.

Atrahasis identified and personalized Ea because Ea took pity on Man and kept intervening in the attempts to eradicate Man.
Originally Posted by Huwy
well, i would say atheist do have a sense of logic.
They use logic, as opposed to doctrine. They also use science as a tool in their debates, which (unlike an irrelevant book written 2000 years ago and translated through 4-5 languages) can contribute to a conversation.

EarthlyVagabond said:
I assume that you are referring to the Bible. If you are, it has also been translated directly from Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Some translations are just paraphrased, but other can tend to hold their own against many old writings. Also, discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls show that it has been accurately translated for centuries fron the original languages..
it doesnt matter what language the bible was translated from,
you cannot use it to prove god ,son of god or any other such fancy claim,
its called HEARSAY!
its INADMISIBLE as evidence for the simple reason WE havent seen,tested JCs claimed miracles first hand.
do drop in on the conversation at www.infidels.org Biblical critisism etc..sometime
jayleew said:
Unfortunately, atheists will never understand why we Christians choose to be irrational, until they see the value of being a friend of God.
let me guess
you are scared of that imaginary thing called Hell,
and you want to have allmighty friend who can make miracles for ya?
am I right ;)
I highly disagree with atheist, who have to see everything with their eyes.
You cant see air but you know it's there. I think it's a shame that atheist have so little faith in life. Atheist who think their self-righteous are blinded by their lack of faith. This is why their always trying to look with their eyes and not their heart.
johnahmed said:
The live of athiests are of that of a group of microbial insects,they never see the bigger picture.
ok then genius do tell...WHAT is the Big picture :rolleyes:
dont suggest kissing some imaginary deitys arse though,we do have more DIGNITY than [deleted]
All i will say is that if you believe that your existance is due to pure randomenness and that there is no real purpose of your existance
no we dont believe,
we KNOW that our only purpose is WHAT we give our lifes.
then realy u have no right to claim any morality
fyi kiddo..morality comes from people,
did your parents or preachers in your church told you that unbelievers are evil wrong and must be hated,
or did you come up with that idea on your own?
did god told you to hate others who believe differently?
just like the insects and bacteria wich we kill every day with out even realising.
well guess what [deleted],we wont be demonized or thought of as being less than you,when in fact it was atheists/free thinkers who were on the forefront of every modern advancement be it science medicine or many other improvements of human lifes while [deleted] were always clinging to your stupid superstitions hoping that god will get you thru everything

because your life is worthless,
.. if you KNEW this life is ALL you have ,..which we know,
then thats why its all the more important,precious and all the more meaningfull
and guess what it is,..no afterlife no heaven no souls.
you live you die,lights out get used to it :p
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Conspiracy said:
I highly disagree with atheist, who have to see everything with their eyes.
You cant see air but you know it's there.
and your point is?
I sure hope you dont expect us to believe in god with that stupid analogy?
btw this air you cant see can be physicaly felt!
I think it's a shame that atheist have so little faith in life.
atheist have no faith in AFTERLIFE,Gods and nonexistent things which we are unable to see feel measure,test..
so obviously we have to come to conclusion they dont exist!
Atheist who think their self-righteous are blinded by their lack of faith.
on the contrary our lack of faith makes us more reasonable,logical
faith is believing in something as real without having any evidence for it
This is why their always trying to look with their eyes and not their heart.
heart is just a muscle that pumps blood. ;)
scorpius said:
[edited to remove personal insults]we wont be demonized or thought of as being less than you,when in fact it was atheists/free thinkers who were on the forefront of every modern advancement be it science medicine or many other improvements of human lifes while you religious retards were always clinging to your stupid superstitions hoping that god will get you thru everything

Your wrong, plain wrong. We don't hope God will get us thru everything. We all are God's children and God is like our parent. A parent doesn't want to let go of their childs hand when they are learning to walk, but has to so they will learn. God loves all of us even atheist and wants to see his children succeed. It takes a little effort on our part though. It's how we grow as human beings. God can also be a convienient source of hope when one is in doubt or in darkness. I have no right to judge atheist and say their going to hell. Thats the beauty of Christianity, everyone is equal. Think of Christianity as less of a religion and more of a way to live life. Christianity teaches us to value our lives as if we were sacred temples. So you see, even Christians and atheist have something in common, we both value life. If you don't value your life, you don't value yourself.
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Conspiracy:this is not strictly on topic, however you mentioned.
conspiracy said:
We all are God's children and God is like our parent. A parent doesn't want to let go of their childs hand when they are learning to walk, but has to so they will learn. God loves all of us
god judges, god decides. well read this.

Free will. Christians believe that people who do not accept Jesus as the son of God will go to Hell.?
Hell is a place defined in the New Testament of the bible which did not exist in the Old Testament.?
Christians believe that it is not wrong for their god to send his creations to Hell because their god gave mankind "free will". ?
Free will, according to Christians, is man's innate ability to know right from wrong and make his own choices freely without intervention from their god until they are judged by their god after death.?

Problem 1. Judgment and punishment.
The holy bible describes God as omniscient, omnipotent and loving ?. Most Christians are very fond of saying how loving their god is?. If a god is all powerful, and all knowing, then he knows exactly what a person will do before he even creates them?. Before the Christian god creates a man with a soul, he knows whether or not that man will go to Hell. He is omniscient and He created Hell?. The Christian god then makes people anyway, even though he knows he will send most of them to Hell?. Free Will as defined by the Christians is therefore quite completely impossible by their definition of their god?. Why would a loving god make men and send them to hell for being exactly what he created them to be? He is perfect, so he certainly doesn't do it by accident. A god can not be loving, omniscient, omnipotent and send people to Hell. They are mutually exclusive.

Problem 2. Ethnic Upbringing.
How can Christians use free will as an excuse for their god sending people to Hell who do not believe in Jesus as the Christ? People born to Muslim parents in a Muslim country where belief in the Muslim faith is a law will almost certainly not grow up to be Christans. Why would this loving god of theirs create men and send them to Hell for growing up to be a good Muslim citizens? If the man is born in a Muslim country to Muslim parents, the chances of him changing his faith to Christianity is lower than his chances of winning the Lotto. Most people stay in the faith that they were raised in. Perhaps not the same sect, but still the same god. 99% of these "Good Christians" would be "Good Muslims" if they had been born in Iran/iraq etc Then they would be going to Hell, too. how fair is that coming from your loving god?.

Problem 3. Knowing right from wrong.
Through basic psychology we know that violence can be increased or lessened by stimulating different areas of the brain. We know that people's moods can be altered by introducing drugs, prescription or otherwise, to the brain. We know that children are extremely effected at a subconscious level by the interactions with their family and community at a very young age. How is it that the soul of a person, which is supposed to be innately aware of good and evil, so easily manipulated with material things such as Prozac?

In short, we know for a fact that each and every adult is a product of the sums of their genetic brain structure, their very early formative years, and random luck such as being born to extremely violent, crime ridden, poverty stricken neighborhoods, or to extremely affluent parents who are politically connected with the community.

Therefore, a person who is born into an underprivileged drug addicted, and abusive family will have an enormous chance of leading a life full of angry resentment and serious brushes with the law as well as violating the ten commandments with wild abandon. Such a person would be much more likely to go to Hell than a fortunate soul who is born to an extremely well adjusted suburban upper-middle class family which raises their children in the Christian church.

Go ask all the "evil monsters" who deserve the death penalty in America's prisons about their childhoods. While you're at it, check out their IQ's. IQ tests are not at all a test of education. They contain no vocabulary or math question, but simply are comprised of problem solving exercises. Low IQ's indicate an inability to think in a logical manner, and therefore to create rational thoughts and decisions. Have you ever met an atheist with a low IQ? Have you ever met a relgious Fundamentalist with a high IQ? Do retarded people go to hell for not being good Christians? If not, then at what particular IQ level does this god start issuing exemptions? Why is it that this Christian god who professes to love the poor drops the greatest statistical chances of being patently violent and "ungodly" upon the poor people He supposedly loves so much?

The religious say it all the time. "There, but for the grace of God, go I." If they consider it God's grace that they were not so afflicted, then how is it that they can forgive their god for so afflicting others? How can a man who's children survived a hurricane say that God was watching out for them and offer prayers of thanks when his neighbor's children are dead from the same storm? Did those other children not deserve God's love so much as his? It is not conceptually sound that children who endure hell on earth should be sent to hell after death by a god who professes to love them so.

with thanks waronfaith.
audible said:
Conspiracy:this is not strictly on topic, however you mentioned.
god judges, god decides. well read this.

Free will. Christians believe that people who do not accept Jesus as the son of God will go to Hell.?

I don't think your going to hell. And the Baptist say that those who don't accept Jesus are going to hell, I am a Catholic. So before you go saying Christians claim the faithless go to hell, try going to a highschool Christian Theology class. We are taught that everyone can be saved. Im deeply sorry if you met a Christian who thinks this way that non Christians go to hell, but remember, it's not all Christians who believe this, only certain branches of Christianity. Which is why Im proud to be catholic and not baptist.
We are taught that everyone can be saved

Can be saved? As in.. they're not actually saved by default and would actually end up in hell if they couldn't be saved?

You've put yourself into a hole.
SnakeLord said:
Would you care to explain how you think it's wrong?
What's so hard? There will always be neandrethal atheists until the end.

SnakeLord said:
When you have the decency and maturity to actually debate issues instead of displaying this gross self righteousness that you accuse everyone else of, then we can get into a discussion. Right now it doesn't seem worth the effort. You clearly have nothing to say.
Good. Go home and cry about it.
Neanderthal is a label applied to a long extinct hominid. It wouldn't apply to modern humans. But even as a metaphor or even a simile, "neanderthal" says nothing with regard to SnakeLord's request that you "explain ho you think it's wrong." Which leaves you without substance. Yet again.
cool skill said:
The post quoted here has been deleted.

Cool Skill, I think I speak for even the theistic members of sciforums when I say that your rudeness and irrational behavior is largely unwelcome. While it was amusing at first, it is now I realize that your goal is probably to make the board look unfavorable to new members and to discourage them from posting in or starting threads critical of religion for fear of being unfairly attacked by yourself or someone like you (none appear to exist that stoop to your lows, however).

While, I'm quite able to deal with your juvenile insults and rude comments, either by ignoring them or even actually clicking the "ignore this user" link, that doesn't change the poor image and overall attitude that your sensless, rude, and irrational comments present to new or even vetern members.

My opinion has little to do with your theistic beliefs or whether I find them rational or irrational. It has everything to do with your behavior. I, and many other atheists on this board, hold little or no animosity toward most or all members of this board who call themselves "theist" or even "Christian." I freely admit I enjoy engaging in debate and discussion with or even against them, but I hold no grudges toward any of them based on their religions. Indeed, I willingly defend their rights to hold whatever beliefs they have and will be the first to speak out in their defense should those rights ever be infringed upon.

However, I do resent and hold contemptable those that seek to belittle and insult others of beliefs contrary to their own for no other rational reason than they simply don't believe as they do. Your disagreement with the atheist worldview is legitimate. Your actions and behavior -the methods you use to voice those disagreements- are reprehensible. Particularly when sensible and rational discussion is possible in making your points.

If you are so opposed to atheism and atheist arguments for their worldviews, why bother engaging in discussions with them? Particularly when it is apparent that you are ill-equiped to discuss or debate these worldviews in a rational manner. Several members have asked you to quantify or qualify your simple assertions that atheists/atheism is wrong, yet the substance and quality of your responses are limited to the comments above.

Sciforums is a science-based message board. It follows that science-minded people will be attracted to it. It also is no stretch of reason to understand that those that are science-minded are typically critical thinkers and therefore many of these will be agnostic or atheist. At the very least they will question concepts of god and theism.

If this is unsatisfactory for you, I suggest -and I don't think I'm alone- that you avoid the Religion Subforum at Sciforums.

Thank you, Cool Skill. Peace to you.
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cool skill:

This is your last warning. The next time I have to edit personal insults from you, you will be banned for three days.
Atheists are resentfully anti-religious.

It is not a natural position for an atheist to be anti-religious any more than it is natural for a theist to be religious. But the atheists who take the time to debate or discuss subjects of a spiritual nature are under pressure to be anti-religious. In short they are resenfully anti-God and anti-christ, and anyone who is not resentful. This is the business of secular-humanism and satanism.

Atheists incorrectly believe that they are not a religion.

Atheism is no more a religion than theism, but there are organisations for both camps which comprises of belief systems. The atheist falsely believes that you cannot have a religion that does not believe in God, gods, or some kind of supernatural subject (they will always point you to the dictionary definition of religion to prove their point). But the fact is ‘religion’ is a system of how life is to be lived and surrendering to God is one method. We can see how the Christian ‘organised’ religion has diminished to the point where it will allow homosexual men to be priests and bishops,while knowing their actions are an abomination to God, according to their religious code. Religion is vastly becoming a man-centered ideal, a more secular organisation such as secular humanism which is an atheist organisation.

Atheists incorrectly believe in the ‘absence of belief’ myth.

Atheists do not ‘believe in’ God, theists do, nothing more nothing less.

Atheists impose their beliefs and doctrine upon others more than any other religion.

That is because ‘secular-humanism and Satanism are materially powerful in the world today, and like any other organised religion, it needs masses of people under its control.

Atheists are blind fanatics.

Some are, some aren’t.

Atheists argue for the sake of winning without intention of coming to conclusion.

Some atheists cannot understand why someone would argue against their understanding. They think it a forgone conclusion that God was made up by primitives, that Jesus (if he existed) was an ordinary guy, that Darwins specific theory of evolution (macro-evolution) is undisputed fact, that all religious people are mentally-ill, that Albert Einstein was an atheist, and so much more.

Atheists cry and complain about anything religious.

This is the secular humanist/Satanist aspect to some atheists mentality.

Atheists discriminate against religious.

When the institution of Christianity was at its most powerful, it did too. To be more precise, they discriminated against other religions. Blatant discrimination is a characteristic of powerful, 'materialistic', organisations in general.

Atheists are closed minded and ignorant.
Atheists have little grip on reality.

These two can apply to anyone.

Atheists only wish to attack without intention of coming to conclusion

They are defending their belief system, that is their business. It doesn’t matter what is discussed, if it does not fall into their belief system, it is invalid. It is the same with every institutionalised religion. There is no reasoning.

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:
But the atheists who take the time to debate or discuss subjects of a spiritual nature are under pressure to be anti-religious.

Couldn't it be that there are atheists who are generally very tolerant of the religious (i.e. christians), but enjoy the opportunity to debate and discuss their worldviews in a public forum that offers some anonymity, such as sciforums? A person who appears militantly atheist here, might, in actuality, seem very tolerant in person. I like to think I am, at any rate. Many of my Christian friends (as well as friends of other religions) don't even know I'm atheist. The ones that do, or suspect that I am, appear to trust me enough to share their own personal thoughts and feelings on a variety of subjects, including religion.

Jan Ardena said:
In short they are resentfully anti-God and anti-christ, and [of] anyone who is not resentful. This is the business of secular-humanism and satanism.

It may be the business of "satanism," I really cannot comment much on that religion, but it certainly is not the business of humanism. What is Humanism?

Jan Ardena said:
Atheism is no more a religion than theism, but there are organisations for both camps which comprises of belief systems. The atheist falsely believes that you cannot have a religion that does not believe in God, gods, or some kind of supernatural subject (they will always point you to the dictionary definition of religion to prove their point). But the fact is ‘religion’ is a system of how life is to be lived and surrendering to God is one method.

What you're speaking of is a worldview. All relgions have them, but they are not diagnostic of being religious. Being religious implies worship and desire to appeal to the supernatural. Being religious implies the use of ritual and defining the sacred and the profane as it relates to one's life.

I'll agree that there are those atheists that can act religious in their zeal and fanaticism (even myself at times), but atheism in the strictist sense of the word is not religion. It is the absence of religion and the absence of the supernatural as a means of worship.

All people of the world are born atheist just as they are born naked. They only don the clothing of their religions after it is placed on their backs by their respective cultures. Whether that clothing is a dress, a sari, a burka, a loincloth, or a pair of faded jeans will depend on the culture and family. The atheist either never dons his clothing or later choses to remove it and greet the world as naked as he/she was born.

Jan Ardena said:
Religion is vastly becoming a man-centered ideal, a more secular organisation such as secular humanism which is an atheist organisation.

Modern religions that are, in the words of Robert Bellah, post-axial are all "man-centered" and patriarchal by definition. Women do not get a fair shake in the Bible nor the Koran and certainly not in the Torah (first five books of the Bible). Nor does religious heirarchy make organized modern religions welcome to female members of its elite. A look at the number of women "cardinals, preists," and "popes" and even the number of women pastors of Protestant faiths that claim to be equal will qualify that assertion.

Jan Ardena said:
Atheists do not ‘believe in’ God, theists do, nothing more nothing less.

Partially correct. Theists believe in god(s), not necessarily God, the latter implying the Judeo-Christian deity. Theism also includes polytheism as well as monotheism and even a believer in Quetzalcoatl would be considered a theist. Beyond that, I fully agree with your statement above.

Jan Ardena said:
That is because ‘secular-humanism and Satanism are materially powerful in the world today, and like any other organised religion, it needs masses of people under its control.

I don't believe either of the above entities are "materially powerful" at all. Secular Humanism, as a single entity with a common source of wealth doesn't exist. Humanist organizations today are loosely connected, desparate for donation and membership dues, and have little to no lobbying power with any world government. Organized religions, on the other hand, are quite the opposite. I wish that a Humanist organization had the power, wealth, and lobbying potential of the so-called Religious Right, for example. This would provide a much needed rational voice in our society.

As to the "material power" of satanism, I see no evidence that satanism even exists beyond the counter-culture of a few teens and young adults or a very few people who seek to cash in on their curiousity and need to rebel. Satanism is very likely the invisible "other" of of Christian organizations, used in much the same manner as "terrorist" and "communist" has been by the government in motivating followers (voters) in rallying behind the leadership. No evidence points to any organized "satanist" movement that has any real wealth or power.

Jan Ardena said:
Some atheists cannot understand why someone would argue against their understanding.

Others may not be able to, but I can understand it. I've examined the beliefs and worldviews of many people of the world. The more I examine, the more I see a similarity between their beliefs and mainstream religions like Christianity and Islam.

Jan Ardena said:
They think it a forgone conclusion that God was made up by primitives,

I believe that this is a conclusion based on evidence. Ancient religion, worldviews and rituals are an area of anthropology/archaeology that I have a special interest in. When religions are examined from modernity and traced back through historical records and beyond into the archaeological record in prehistory, one thing stands clear: a steady rise of complexity in the evolution of religion. From early ancestor worship, to the association of the divine with living elites, to recognition of pantheons of gods that tend to divide and segregate societies and cultures, to the realization that a monotheistic worldview would be the only way to keep a culture together.

Jan Ardena said:
that Jesus (if he existed) was an ordinary guy,

There is no evidence to suggest that he could have been anything but an "ordinary guy" with regard to physiology. However, if he existed, he was probably a very extraordinary guy with regard to personality -otherwise he would not have had the cult folowing he did. I have a lot of respect for Jesus Christ as a figure, whether he be mythological or actual (assuming that the biblical account is accurate).

Jan Ardena said:
that Darwins specific theory of evolution (macro-evolution) is undisputed fact,

Evolution happened. Much, much evidence indicates it to be so from many, many fields of science. In each field (chemistry, biology, astronomy, archaeology, paleontology, geology, etc.), the data that is known are complimentary and convergent. Such certainty is rare in many things we readily accept as "truths."

Jan Ardena said:
that all religious people are mentally-ill,

That would be an illogical assumption, since it would imply that the majority of the world was mentally ill. However, the human need to believe is probably a mental predisposition, but perhaps a necessary one.

Jan Ardena said:
that Albert Einstein was an atheist,

Einstein does appear to have been an atheist. An extremely agnostic person to say the least.

Jan Ardena said:
They are defending their belief system, that is their business. It doesn’t matter what is discussed, if it does not fall into their belief system, it is invalid. It is the same with every institutionalised religion. There is no reasoning.

I disagree. I *do* think that the beliefs and worldviews of others are equally valid and that they all deserve to have the opportunity to pursue those beliefs without persecution by the majority. The majority voice in any society needs a vocal and critical balance, either from within or without. This is what many who consider themselves atheist or agnostic do with regard to Christianity, the defacto majority of the religions in the United States. Other religions and their worldviews are suppressed and ridiculed by Christianity as invalid and their religious freedoms are frequently oppressed by Christian domination.

Christians argue for "creation" being taught as alternatives to evolution, but it is only the "christian" version of creation that they want taught. They argue for the "right" to allow school falculty to lead prayers in public schools, but it is only the "christian" version of prayer that they want led. They argue the right to display religious idols and icons in front of public buildings, but it is only "christian" idols and icons that are acceptable. And so on.

Jan Ardena said:
Jan Ardena.

I must say, it is a pleasure to engage in a genuine discussion with someone who believes differently than myself, and without insults and jabs regarding one's intellect. I respect your belief in your religion and, to some extent, I'm actually trying to understand it from your perspective, even if it seems that my mind is completely made up.

Thank you for your patience in this forum.
I'm an atheist, but none of the things you describe. I personally don't care whether or not you believe in a deity, or how and where you practice your religion. I don't consider theists less intelligent, or anywhere below me at all. I am sympathetic to the reasons why someone would believe, so I don't criticize them or admonish them. I don't feel the need to mock or debate religion or mysticism with anyone whatsoever, as one persons beliefs are personal to them and not any of my business. I do like to discuss religion with those who can do it rationally, which most people (atheists and theists alike) cannot seem to handle. Especially on this forum.

Atheism however, is not a religion because it does not share a common belief with others, but there is simply a lack of belief. I don't understand why people insist that we are a group of people with a shared commonality that would bring us together, it is more that we are less likely to come together on anything because we do not share the common bond of belief. I don't mention my atheism to anyone I meet because it is not an issue. I simply don't believe. It's really that easy to understand.

I do know a lot of rabid atheists as much as I know rabid religious zealots. I avoid both types to the best of my ability because they are equally blind, self-righteous, unsympathetic, uncaring, and close-minded. I simply choose not to associate with these people because they do not have my best interest in mind, only their own agenda and purpose. I do, however have a very firm grip on reality regardless of someone else's need to tell me that I do not. Point being that no one is right or wrong, and that we could never know the truth until we have personally experienced it. For all I know, we might not exist at all, except in our own minds and you are all people I have made up to interact with. Who are you to tell me that this might be wrong? Both sides need to lighten up and stop trying to "save" each other. It's a ridiculous business that will only frustrate you.
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