I Hate Atheists

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James R said:
cool skill:

This is your last warning. The next time I have to edit personal insults from you, you will be banned for three days.
I am perfectly aware of your rules.
If others are allowed to break them, I should be too.
If people are allowed to insult me, I am allowed to insult back.
It is not fair to ban me instead of those that started it.
I did not start the bashing.
A thread that bashes religion was started. "I hate Christians."
Therefore, I bashed atheists.
Since one is allowed to bash and instult religion, one is allowed to bash and insult atheists.
cool skill said:
I am perfectly aware of your rules.
If others are allowed to break them, I should be too.
If people are allowed to insult me, I am allowed to insult back.
It is not fair to ban me instead of those that started it.
I did not start the bashing.
A thread that bashes religion was started. "I hate Christians."
Therefore, I bashed atheists.
Since one is allowed to bash and instult religion, one is allowed to bash and insult atheists.

cool: Although I disagree with you on some things, herein, I could not agree more with your logic.
quid pro quo is only fair.
And there I was thinking a christian would be above all that. It's odd isn't it? So much time spent bashing everything an atheist stands for only to then go right to their level instead of maintaining some of that decent, moral christian attitude you would have us believe is so righteous.

However, there is not a problem with your first post - other than it's complete bollocks and something you'd expect from a child. The problem I believe stems from the vulgur outbursts you showed later on in the thread - most of which were completely uncalled for and do not in any way show you have a presentable reason to dislike or 'hate' atheists.

If you do really dislike/hate atheists then I would merely advise that you not instantly act exactly like you would accuse them of acting. If anything that would make you look more like them.. no?
scorpius: or shut the fuck up
M*W: Everyone in my house wondered why I was laughing so hard! They thought I was doing something illegal! You made my day! Everyone on this forum needs to read this site! Thanks!
Jan Ardena:

It is not a natural position for an atheist to be anti-religious any more than it is natural for a theist to be religious. But the atheists who take the time to debate or discuss subjects of a spiritual nature are under pressure to be anti-religious. In short they are resenfully anti-God and anti-christ, and anyone who is not resentful. This is the business of secular-humanism and satanism.

Since religions are based on belief in gods, of course atheists are anti-religious. How could they not be? Some may be resentful, but I think they are a minority. It would be just as true to claim that all Christians are resentful of atheists.

Are you attempting to equate secular humanism and satanism? The two are very different, you know.

The atheist falsely believes that you cannot have a religion that does not believe in God, gods, or some kind of supernatural subject (they will always point you to the dictionary definition of religion to prove their point).

Dictionaries record how words are used. The word "religion" is used to denote a belief in supernatural powers, forces or personages. Are you trying to redefine the word? What is your preferred definition?

We can see how the Christian ‘organised’ religion has diminished to the point where it will allow homosexual men to be priests and bishops,while knowing their actions are an abomination to God, according to their religious code. Religion is vastly becoming a man-centered ideal, a more secular organisation such as secular humanism which is an atheist organisation.

Secular humanists believe that governments, in particular, don't have the right to impose religion upon the people. That is different from advocating non-belief in gods. It is probably true that many secular humanists are atheists, but that does not make atheism a central tenet of secular humanism. And secular humanism isn't an "organisation", either. It's a philosophy.

That is because ‘secular-humanism and Satanism are materially powerful in the world today, and like any other organised religion, it needs masses of people under its control.

Neither secular humanism nor satanism hold much sway among most of the people in the world today. Most people in the world follow major religions such as Christianity or Hinduism.

Some atheists cannot understand why someone would argue against their understanding. They think it a forgone conclusion that God was made up by primitives, that Jesus (if he existed) was an ordinary guy, that Darwins specific theory of evolution (macro-evolution) is undisputed fact, that all religious people are mentally-ill, that Albert Einstein was an atheist, and so much more.

Yes, that's perfectly true of some atheists. Are you attempting to tar all atheists with the same brush? Are all Christians alike, too?
glaucon said:
cool: Although I disagree with you on some things, herein, I could not agree more with your logic.
quid pro quo is only fair.
the thread, "I hate xians" was not about bashing the xians it was about Waters jealousy, cool skill drew first blood without even reading the opening thread.
this thread is the exact opposite as it is openly against atheist, so quid pro quo, does not work here.
cool skill said:
If others are allowed to break them, I should be too.
If people are allowed to insult me, I am allowed to insult back.
It is not fair to ban me instead of those that started it.
Ah - the old "turn the other cheek" interpretation is obviously by-passed for the more satisfying "eye for an eye"?
Sarkus said:
Ah - the old "turn the other cheek" interpretation is obviously by-passed for the more satisfying "eye for an eye"?

Of course. It will take long for some people to be able to understand and do what Jesus teached. People are still evolving and the old laws still haven't changed.
God dammned christian filth....theyv allready won...they are why this discourse is taking place..aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
audible said:
the thread, "I hate xians" was not about bashing the xians it was about Waters jealousy, cool skill drew first blood without even reading the opening thread.
this thread is the exact opposite as it is openly against atheist, so quid pro quo, does not work here.

Agreed, and Cool Skill seems to be the only one who continually bashes a false generalization and insults people directly. In that thread as in this, he seems to be the only one foaming at the mouth with the bitter taste of bile spittling from his raging lips. Something should have been done about him long ago, but somehow he's skated through unscathed.

2900+ posts and he hasn't learned a thing. That's really very sad.

The Christian values of empathy and compassion surely go ignored in his Christian world.
cool skill said:
This is like the "I Hate Christians" thread:

Instead it's about atheists.

1. Atheists are resentfully anti-religious.
2. Atheists incorrectly believe that they are not a religion.
3. Atheists incorrectly believe in the ‘absence of belief’ myth.
4. Atheists are self righteous.
5. Atheists impose their beliefs and doctrine upon others more than any other religion.
6. Atheists are blind fanatics.
7. Atheists argue for the sake of winning without intention of coming to conclusion.
8. Atheists cry and complain about anything religious.
9. Atheists are emotionally unstable.
10. Atheists discriminate against religious.
11. Atheists are control freaks.
12. Atheists are closed minded and ignorant.
13. Atheists have little grip on reality.
14. Atheists have no concept of logic.
15. Atheists only wish to attack without intention of coming to conclusion.

I believe you are accomplishing nothing for the Kingdom of God. You are actually hurting the cause, in my opinion. :(
Ebed El Olam
Get real.
I already proved "9. Atheists are emotionally unstable."
It's the reason why atheists are so biased.
James R says nothing when all others bash and insult, but when I do it, I get threatened. People are bashing and insulting, yet of course, I may not do so in return. They are allowed to bash and insult me, but I am not allowed to reply in return.
Thanks for proving my point.

audible said:
the thread, "I hate xians" was not about bashing the xians
One more persecuted christian to add to the pile. It might be worth joining a christian forum where you can spread your intolerance and hatred happily with other persecuted christians.

Btw, I'm kinda still waiting on an answer as to why you think my earlier statement was wrong. I didn't insult you, I was very polite and yet the best you could do was tell me I'm a neanderthal while not even spelling it right. I notice it's a trend with you, just leaving "wrong" as a response to someones comment/question - which just shows you have no interest in discussion whatsoever. If you think I'm wrong, don't just say "wrong", tell me why.
Mr. Skill said:
They are allowed to bash and insult me, but I am not allowed to reply in return.

I think that people on both sides of the argument are just amazed that you equate criticism of a belief with personal insults and impetuous remarks about individuals.

What you refer to as "bashing" by atheists is no where near similar to your behavior. Indeed, I don't recall anyone singling you out prior to your insults and diatribes directed toward various individuals in this forum. Like I said before, if you have that much of an aversion about atheists, you would do well to avoid the Religion sub-forum of a Science message board.

Peace to you.
Bla bla bla bla. If you have no desire to provide an intelligent reply, I suggest you exit.
I've proven my point.
Athiests are bias.

SnakeLord said:
It might be worth joining a christian forum
Yes because this forum is bias. That is because James is bias, and typically allows his religion to affect his who he attacks. Everybody has done their share of insults and bashing. Every one of Skin Walker's posts is targeted to trolling with no particular bit of productivity.

"One more persecuted christian added to the pile" reflects the pure bias of the atheist religion. I have proven that atheists are not interested in productive discussion about their take on religion. They only wish to harrass and as you say "persecute" without any intelligent discussion. If all your interested in is throwing people to some imaginary pile, and not acutally interested in intelligent discussion, I have again proven my point.
15. Atheists only wish to attack without intention of coming to conclusion.
SkinWalker said:
I think that people on both sides of the argument are just amazed that you equate criticism of a belief with personal insults and impetuous remarks about individuals.

What you refer to as "bashing" by atheists is no where near similar to your behavior. Indeed, I don't recall anyone singling you out prior to your insults and diatribes directed toward various individuals in this forum. Like I said before, if you have that much of an aversion about atheists, you would do well to avoid the Religion sub-forum of a Science message board.

Peace to you.

If I could just interject here for a moment Skin old chap, I believe an important consideration you may have overlooked when formulating your response may actually have been the course of the outcome of your last most resent encounter.

Whenever entering into this sort of confrontation, it's always vitally important to remember that Fool Skill, being junctioned with a water based elemental Guardian Force, is immune completely to most traditional forms of cast Reason such a Consideration, Tolerance, Counterpoint and all forms of Sense and will invariably counter-attack to any form of Reason immediately with a devastatingly moist combination of Drone, Shortness, Quibble, Pants and Crab instantly on any member of your party foolish enough to try, reducing the will to live in all and giving most an annoying little head ache right at the back of the eyes.

In order to get around this, before entering battle, first make sure at least one of your party has the ability to cast Triple on all and immediately follow through by having them cast Earwax, Blind and Booze Goggles on all your party members which, although it doesn't entirely protect anyone, it will at least mean that they don't have to listen to, read or think the very worst of what will inevitably follow.

Which it will, usually accompanied with Phlegm and/or Distain.

If any of your junctioned Guardian Forces have leaned the ability to cast Reason, try summoning Irifit and get him to cast Shut The Fuck Up at the soonest possible juncture, and repeat. Frequently and often.

It doesn't actually do the slightest bit of good of course, but curiously one never gets tired of hearing someone say it. Frequently and often and very, very loudly.

If all else fails, just hold down the R1 and R2 shoulder buttons on your control pad or cast Why Bother and just get the hell out of Dodge before Fool utters a word.

I trust this little walk-through proves useful for future reference. There is a FAQ page dealing with common problems associated with this type of level boss elsewhere on the site, it's called The Membership Rules.

Good luck, and don't let this minor set back spoil your enjoyment of Someone Else's Final Fantasy X3.

Cheery-bye ;)
Mr. Skill said:
Bla bla bla bla. If you have no desire to provide an intelligent reply, I suggest you exit.
I've proven my point.
Athiests are bias.

You haven't proven anything. All you've done is continue to restate, "atheists are bias[ed]" and other similarly unfounded assertions.

Several of us have tried repeatedly to engage in intelligent discussion. Yet all we get in return is "I've proven...," "blah bla bla bla," "Wrong," "this forum is bias," etc.

You've answered no direct questions that attempted to discuss your assertions. Most of these questions were not insulting. The only way they could have been inferred as overly critical is if one is not secure in their beliefs.

If anyone should exit this thread, it should be the thread starter who refuses to participate in the very discussion he/she began.

Peace to you.
cool skill said:
Get real.
I already proved "9. Atheists are emotionally unstable."
It's the reason why atheists are so biased.
James R says nothing when all others bash and insult, but when I do it, I get threatened. People are bashing and insulting, yet of course, I may not do so in return. They are allowed to bash and insult me, but I am not allowed to reply in return.
Thanks for proving my point.
No no no my friend. Show Christ's love. Let them bash us. We need to show them the love, and the wisdom behind God.
Ebed El Olam :)
SkinWalker said:
If anyone should exit this thread, it should be the thread starter who refuses to participate in the very discussion he/she began.
The only person that should exit is anybody that is only here to troll with no point whatsoever. Thus far, your posts for the most part are just intended to harrass and troll with no intention for practical discussion. Get lost.
Ebed said:
Let them bash us. We need to show them the love, and the wisdom behind God.
You are irrelevant.
They already have bashed. It's the only thing they know how to do.
As you can clearly see, atheists are allowed to make personal insults, but anything against atheists is not allowed.
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