I dont see the pont in religion

M*W: Off topic, but Norsefire, have you battened down your hatches waiting for Eduordo? Is there anybody else out there in sciforums land who is in the path of the storm in the Gulf? Let me hear from you! In the meantime, I'll be shutting down my computer. Stay dry!

~ M*W

Its just all in the master plan.:)
It brings many people happiness and hope for the future, religion can be used in a positive or negative way depending on the person or group as individuals making choices. Anything in the hands of humans can be destructive or dangerous I dont see how being a moderate muslim, christian or buddhist is harming people, but it does give those believersjoy and hope, and also meaning.

Yeah, well said, well said.

Oh no, wait... You're talking crap.

Do you realize how many posts I read on this forum that cite the "joy, hope, meaning"? Too fucking much.

Honestly, if you keep repeating that, I may start to believe it and desperately start charging to the nearest place of worship to see if I can find whatever it is this mean old atheist is missing. Because that's the ace religion has up it's sleeve doesn't it? Makes people believe they have to belong to it or be missing out on something important.

As for the moderate crap. If there were no moderates then there'd be no fundamentalists. And even if there were fundamentalists and no moderates, we could more easily battle fundamentalism and tolerate none of it. But with all the moderates in the way the rational line becomes blurred, and we actually start pandering to these loons.
Yeah, well said, well said.

Oh no, wait... You're talking crap.

Do you realize how many posts I read on this forum that cite the "joy, hope, meaning"? Too fucking much.

Honestly, if you keep repeating that, I may start to believe it and desperately start charging to the nearest place of worship to see if I can find whatever it is this mean old atheist is missing. Because that's the ace religion has up it's sleeve doesn't it? Makes people believe they have to belong to it or be missing out on something important.

As for the moderate crap. If there were no moderates then there'd be no fundamentalists. And even if there were fundamentalists and no moderates, we could more easily battle fundamentalism and tolerate none of it. But with all the moderates in the way the rational line becomes blurred, and we actually start pandering to these loons.

If you can find a way to have faith in eternal life and God and truley believe it's real you will feel good. put some effort into finding god and lose the attitude, let god into your life. I can't fully believe yet but I experienced that feeling for a short period, I realised people need a connection with god to experience true happiness, wel also have to make the connection on our side. Just give it a try or something I can't prove god to anybody, I can only prove Gods existence to myself, just like the rest of you.

People should be allowed to live life as they please aslong as they don't harm others, try to help each other instead of take from each other. we all have our own path to finding God, extreamists who choose to harm others do not respect life or god. Each person has to strive to be good not just read ancient texts and listen blindly to written words. If people go to war over religion then they are stupid and ignorant, Atheists, and all sub-types of Theists need to come together and work on improving this planet and achieving some amazing things. I don't think bickering is worthwhile, what would we achieve that is productive, we could share knowledge, insight, thoughts and things we observe, that way wisdom can be shared but we should try to help one another instead of oppose.

If you can find a way to have faith in eternal life and God and truley believe it's real you will feel good. put some effort into finding god and lose the attitude, let god into your life. I can't fully believe yet but I experienced that feeling for a short period, I realised people need a connection with god to experience true happiness, wel also have to make the connection on our side. Just give it a try or something I can't prove god to anybody, I can only prove Gods existence to myself, just like the rest of you.

How is it I know this feeling you experienced for a short period? Could this be because I'm a fucking human being just like you? Could this be the same feeling Richard Dawkins opened with in "The God Delusion"? The difference between me and you is that I don't need bullshit to be the enabler of these so-called transcendental feelings. It has nothing to do with god, nothing to do with faith.

You are barking up the wrong tree and looking like a fool in the process.
The problem is that everyone is deluded. I would go so far as to say that an individual would have a very rough time surviving without it. In 90% of the cases religion is a minor delusion in that it does not have a negative impact on one's life.

And in fact may not be a delusion at all. I am really undecided on where\with whom this particular delusion lies. Is Dawkins deluded, was Darwin deluded? I cannot say with 100% certainty.
Dawkins and Darwin could very well be deluded; why? They use reason. Now, you may ask "well, how are they deluded then"? Think about it though: by using "reason", they confine themselves only to what they can sense and only the material world around them. Therefore, for all we know, there is a God specifically deluding them into believe there is no God! That's an irrational and illogical theory...........but that's exactly the point!
I get it... You're saying the more we understand the world around us, the more delusional we are becoming. Great logic!

I get it... You're saying the more we understand the world around us, the more delusional we are becoming. Great logic!

No, but what I am saying is, how do we know we aren't "understanding" precisely what something wants us to understand? i.e, we "understand" the world only on a path, as in, we are lead to "understand" the world from only a single point.
honestly i dont... every time i mention someting bout me bein anti-religous. people call me satanis and shyt like that... i am former satanist, but now i just hate all religions.. it brings nothing to ou society but discusion and arguement. there is no god, there is no devil, theres no reasonto get down to our knees and worship anything. if humans get rid of religion it wll pen the doors to so any options and opertunities, more time to think about how we can better our lives and help our race survive in this universe. but with religion in the way we spend too much time worrying bout if its right or wrong to learn certain things. id say we'd b better with out it.
Just live your life. The reason comes when it comes. Actually everything comes when it comes. Don't worry so much.