I dont see the pont in religion

honestly i dont... every time i mention someting bout me bein anti-religous. people call me satanis and shyt like that... i am former satanist, but now i just hate all religions.. it brings nothing to ou society but discusion and arguement. there is no god, there is no devil, theres no reasonto get down to our knees and worship anything. if humans get rid of religion it wll pen the doors to so any options and opertunities, more time to think about how we can better our lives and help our race survive in this universe. but with religion in the way we spend too much time worrying bout if its right or wrong to learn certain things. id say we'd b better with out it.

All humans have a wide array of psychologial needs ranging from socialization to identity and religion is a quick and easy path towards meeting alot of those needs.
There is no need for religion . you can be civil ,good and successful with no religion at all .
religion is a myth full of contradictions and it became a mixture of politics ,business ,control ,power and other agendas . Certainly one day we shall have no religion at all since people will see that religion is a mere hoax .
There is no need for religion. you can be civil ,good and successful with no religion at all.
religion is a myth full of contradictions and it became a mixture of politics ,business ,control ,power and other agendas. Certainly one day we shall have no religion at all since people will see that religion is a mere hoax.
M*W: That's where religion is heading (at least the hoax of christianity). It's about time. I only hope to see it in my lifetime.
There is huge point in religion. It is an affirmation of man's ideas; it is a guide to right and wrong. Without it, there would be no morality.

There is much morality outside religion . Religion does not show you what is right and what is wrong . If you have a conscience you will know the difference between the two .
M*W: Off topic, but Norsefire, have you battened down your hatches waiting for Eduordo? Is there anybody else out there in sciforums land who is in the path of the storm in the Gulf? Let me hear from you! In the meantime, I'll be shutting down my computer. Stay dry!

~ M*W
honestly i dont... every time i mention someting bout me bein anti-religous. people call me satanis and shyt like that... i am former satanist, but now i just hate all religions.. it brings nothing to ou society but discusion and arguement. there is no god, there is no devil, theres no reasonto get down to our knees and worship anything. if humans get rid of religion it wll pen the doors to so any options and opertunities, more time to think about how we can better our lives and help our race survive in this universe. but with religion in the way we spend too much time worrying bout if its right or wrong to learn certain things. id say we'd b better with out it.

Crowd control.
no, i see no name for it... not agnstic, not atheist... just humans behaving the way we should be, the way evolution brought us up to be... personaly, i just want peace in the world.. for man kind to get along for once in history... not fight over whs gods better, or whos lands bigger, or who has the most money... we all just need to swallow our pride, get rid of our beleifs, and actuly work together to help our kind, our planet, and our universe... now let me ask you... is that honestly too much to ask for? is it?
no, i see no name for it... not agnstic, not atheist... just humans behaving the way we should be, the way evolution brought us up to be... personaly, i just want peace in the world.. for man kind to get along for once in history... not fight over whs gods better, or whos lands bigger, or who has the most money... we all just need to swallow our pride, get rid of our beleifs, and actuly work together to help our kind, our planet, and our universe... now let me ask you... is that honestly too much to ask for? is it?
The way evolution brought us up was to fight one another for survival of the fittest.
That includes the fittest beliefs.
no we havent.. we just fooled ourselves that we have evoled more than before, only beacuse we developed language and we have technology
M*W: Off topic, but Norsefire, have you battened down your hatches waiting for Eduordo? Is there anybody else out there in sciforums land who is in the path of the storm in the Gulf? Let me hear from you! In the meantime, I'll be shutting down my computer. Stay dry!

~ M*W

Turns out it was nothing to worry about:)
honestly i dont... every time i mention someting bout me bein anti-religous. people call me satanis and shyt like that... i am former satanist, but now i just hate all religions...

lol, I could not possibly comprehend why they would call you that how strange. :bugeye:

it brings nothing to ou society but discusion and arguement. there is no god, there is no devil, theres no reasonto get down to our knees and worship anything. if humans get rid of religion it wll pen the doors to so any options and opertunities, more time to think about how we can better our lives and help our race survive in this universe. but with religion in the way we spend too much time worrying bout if its right or wrong to learn certain things. id say we'd b better with out it

It brings many people happiness and hope for the future, religion can be used in a positive or negative way depending on the person or group as individuals making choices. Anything in the hands of humans can be destructive or dangerous I dont see how being a moderate muslim, christian or buddhist is harming people, but it does give those believersjoy and hope, and also meaning.
