I dont see the pont in religion

Do you know anyplace other than religion where morality is a focus?

Societal consensus or just being an everyday good person.

And just an additional point, religious people don't get their morals from religion. Morals change, and religions change with it. It's why christians now ignore half of the bible. If only we could get muslims to ignore half of the Koran.
You actually have a place called athiest.org? What do they talk about?

I thought that was obvious:

How to avoid stampedes....

For the OP: Religion is a spiritual crunch for dealing with the hardness of life....
Societal consensus or just being an everyday good person.

And just an additional point, religious people don't get their morals from religion. Morals change, and religions change with it. It's why christians now ignore half of the bible. If only we could get muslims to ignore half of the Koran.

Morals don't change. People's ideas about what morality means changes. Its why the British who wrote of Arabs as sodomites now have gay parades.

There has been no successful atheist society. They were all failures. The only surviving societies are all derived from religion.
Morals don't change. People's ideas about what morality means changes. Its why the British who wrote of Arabs as sodomites now have gay parades.

Ok. Either way religion is no gold standard for morality.

There has been no successful atheist society. They were all failures. The only surviving societies are all derived from religion.

Yes, forced atheism will always be a failure. Organic atheism will improve societies from their roots of enforced religion.
Organic athiesm? Hilarious.

Ever heard of teh Carvakas? Its a failed organic atheism movement.
Organic athiesm? Hilarious.

Ever heard of teh Carvakas? Its a failed organic atheism movement.

The most peaceful societies, most healthiest societies in the world today have a large percentage of atheism that is not forced by the government.
The most peaceful societies, most healthiest societies in the world today have a large percentage of atheism that is not forced by the government.

But they cannot form a successful society on their own. I think its because they lack a basic understanding of what religion contributes to society.

Ain-i-Akbari, written by Abul Fazl, the famous historian of Akbar's court, mentions a symposium of philosophers of all faiths held in 1578 at Akbar's insistence. Some Cārvāka thinkers are said to have participated in this symposium.[14]

Under the heading "Nastika," Abul Fazl has referred to the good work, judicious administration, and welfare schemes that were emphasized by the Cārvāka lawmakers. Somadeva has also mentioned the Cārvāka method of defeating the enemies of the nation. However, the so called peasant religions or opinions never told that you should not live happily, rather they said that the means of happiness is giving up which goes in contradiction to carvaka, who said the material pleasure are enough to give happiness to the material body.

PS the same peaceful societies get their peace by occupying defenseless nations.
yes i understand that, but i still dont see the pint in it all. ....

because some people have such pointless crappy lives that its nice to know that someone somewhere loves them. That at some point in their life it will get better.
Yes, its lame, yes its a crutch, but it is what it is. I would never take hope away from anyone just to make myself feel smarter/superior.
because some people have such pointless crappy lives that its nice to know that someone somewhere loves them. That at some point in their life it will get better.
Yes, its lame, yes its a crutch, but it is what it is. I would never take hope away from anyone just to make myself feel smarter/superior.

Your daughter has a pointless crappy life?
LOL, considering all the wailing that went on this morning when I made her make her bed, she would tell you yes.
She doesn't need religion, she just likes it. There are many people that do need it and I understand that.
because some people have such pointless crappy lives that its nice to know that someone somewhere loves them. That at some point in their life it will get better.
Yes, its lame, yes its a crutch, but it is what it is. I would never take hope away from anyone just to make myself feel smarter/superior.

It is not taking hope away.
after all that ive read im still not convinced... i beleive that without religion humans can actuly thrive to a point to where we can ensure our survival. people need to realize that there is no life after death, there is no heaven or hell.. its just death... our mentle stte ceases to exist. as for the morals, that is comon sence, we dont need to be preached about it, as long as weretaught at a young age on what is right and wrong and understand it... we will b set. there is so much bullshit goin on in this country caused by religion, in the work-space, in schools, and in our goverment. in the history of religion and war... nearly 80% of all wars were started by religion... and out of that 80% nearly 75% of that was caused by people trying to convert others to theyre religion.
I do not think wars are started by religion. I believe wars are justified by religion. Wars start for economic reasons.

Some people have religion to meet emotional needs, such as the need to be accepted. Some people need religion in order to not feel lonely. Others desire a sense of higher purpose.

I am religious for self improvement. I need religion to get past some troubles that I have had and be happy.
What the hell is organic atheism ?

It's when atheism occurrs in society without it being forced by dictatorships. ie. communism.

But they cannot form a successful society on their own. I think its because they lack a basic understanding of what religion contributes to society.

Well it's unfair to assume atheists could not start a society on their own since there were no atheists when civilisation was beginning.

Society is better with high levels of 'organic' atheism, so even if they couldn't be there when civilisation was beginning, they are certainly improving a society that was handed to them by religious folk.

PS the same peaceful societies get their peace by occupying defenseless nations.

I wouldn't call America or the UK as the best example of peaceful societies. And it's worth noting that America (90% religious) probably 90% of citizens supported the Iraq war whereas about 50% of the uk (50% religious) was largly against it.

I'm spotting a trend.

The pont in religion must surely be the famous Pont d'Avignon
which was built in response to the command of angels
in the town that belonged to the Popes
was the home of the Popes during the 14th Century
and only became French territory in 1791.

As you can see, it doesn't really lead anywhere!
Thanks Kenny :)

The Dutch are hardly examples of peace. :rolleyes:

From colonizing to the "intervention" in Afghanistan, they have never been able to keep out of other peoples freedoms.

The biggest massacres in the world in the world have been by atheists. All their attempts at creating a society have been failures. And yet, they expect people to have faith in their ability to do it. Based on what?