I dont see the pont in religion


Registered Member
honestly i dont... every time i mention someting bout me bein anti-religous. people call me satanis and shyt like that... i am former satanist, but now i just hate all religions.. it brings nothing to ou society but discusion and arguement. there is no god, there is no devil, theres no reasonto get down to our knees and worship anything. if humans get rid of religion it wll pen the doors to so any options and opertunities, more time to think about how we can better our lives and help our race survive in this universe. but with religion in the way we spend too much time worrying bout if its right or wrong to learn certain things. id say we'd b better with out it.
i dont follow any religion, but i wud like for other people to see my veiws and join me... in mot one to go at things alone lol... altho i have been all my life
i dont follow any religion, but i wud like for other people to see my veiws and join me... in mot one to go at things alone lol... altho i have been all my life

Other peoples' needs are different, your help is not needed. Do not force your beliefs into others. Some people need religion and some do not.
you tell me not to force my beleifs onto others... yet thats what the christain church is mostly known for, pushing theyre beleifs onto others to join em... so how am i any difrent from them? in my eyes religion is just man kind looking for a shoulder to lean on in bad times of theyre life, due to the fact that they dont want to acept the truth that theyre alone in this world in the end
you tell me not to force my beleifs onto others... yet thats what the christain church is mostly known for, pushing theyre beleifs onto others to join em... so how am i any difrent from them? in my eyes religion is just man kind looking for a shoulder to lean on in bad times of theyre life, due to the fact that they dont want to acept the truth that theyre alone in this world in the end

A church, that exists, a Christian church existance does not mean they are correct in the acts.

If one does evil, do you do evil as well?

There is no one truth for us all, we are all different and so are our needs.
yes i understand that, but i still dont see the pint in it all. i mean do people really need religion to cure a disease? do they need religion to get a job? do they need religion to tend to the household? if death is the only reason y they need religion then that isnt a really good reason... death is a natural state of life, and should not m mourned over, it should be envy'd. people sould remember the good times that person had and rejoyce over what theyve done.
yes i understand that, but i still dont see the pint in it all. i mean do people really need religion to cure a disease? do they need religion to get a job? do they need religion to tend to the household? if death is the only reason y they need religion then that isnt a really good reason... death is a natural state of life, and should not m mourned over, it should be envy'd. people sould remember the good times that person had and rejoyce over what theyve done.

If death was envied, we would be all dead, for something to be envied needs full trust in it and belief.

People are different, some need religion, some do not.

People do not need to do something, they got a set number of years to live and they choose themselves what to do with those years of life.

Yes some people need religion to find their way and guidance in daily life. Some are leaders, some are sheep, some want to be in between. Religion is not a truth serum which can be drank by us all and expected to have same result.
altho i still dont see the point, i will say this. i am hoestly sick and tired of fake "faith" people... the kind of people that say they know about theyre religion, yet theyve never read a page of theyre religions book, yet they go on to say they know everything about it.
altho i still dont see the point, i will say this. i am hoestly sick and tired of fake "faith" people... the kind of people that say they know about theyre religion, yet theyve never read a page of theyre religions book, yet they go on to say they know everything about it.

Then just avoid them whenever possible. Usually if you just don't bother them, they won't bother you.
There is huge point in religion. It is an affirmation of man's ideas; it is a guide to right and wrong. Without it, there would be no morality.
There is huge point in religion. It is an affirmation of man's ideas; it is a guide to right and wrong. Without it, there would be no morality.

Thank you, Norsefire. I have just submitted your statement to atheist.org for the post of the month.

That quote is shoe-in, although they may not accept it since it didn't originate on their forum.

Good luck, though.
You actually have a place called athiest.org? What do they talk about? All the things they don't believe in?

Just several weeks after I became Acting President of American Atheists, I discovered that the roof on the American Atheists Center in Cranford, New Jersey had been leaking for some time and water had already done considerable damage to books and other materials in our stock room. Worse yet, there were indications that the part of the roof covering the Charles E. Stevens American Atheist Library & Archives (C.E.S.A.A.L.A.) was also failing and that the special climate-controlled, fire suppression-protected rooms housing the rarest materials were in grave danger. As American Atheists officers and staff were in the very act of hiring a contractor to replace the roof, a heavy rainstorm penetrated the ceiling of the library itself, bringing down some ceiling tiles. Fortunately, prescient staff at the Center had covered the ranks of books with enormous sheets of plastic film and no serious damage was done. At the moment that I am writing this, the repair of the roof is nearly complete....

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Uh apparently not. :eek:

Kadark speaks truth

I love how atheists have a need to talk about what they don't believe in.
There is huge point in religion. It is an affirmation of man's ideas; it is a guide to right and wrong. Without it, there would be no morality.

Still repeating the same old crap? Religion is built around morals, not the other way round. ie. morals existed before religion, and sure would exist without it. So stop talking shit.
Do you know anyplace other than religion where morality is a focus?