I cant feel my life

Enmos is right.

I wouldn't personally aim for children until I'd spent many years with a partner, during that time I would have to prove my own faithfulness and usefulness to them as well as Identifying their mutual feelings and actions. I'd have to prove that I could keep my environment clean and safe (rather than the number of extension cables, dust traps, monitors, stacks etc)

After all with children you need eyes in the back of your head, no sharp objects lying around, no cables that can be pulled to cause heavy objects to fall or increase chances of electrocution etc.

There is then the necessity to understand how to nurture a child, obviously teaching them things and what not to do as a parent (like no smacking etc) Those sorts of decisions can't be done alone, they have to be considered by a partner to make sure you do what is best for a child.

So no wham, bam, thankyou mam and a phonecall 9 months later.
Stryder...I dont live with my parents. But I cant go against their judgement for me to continue school, which takes up most of my time.

What I really should do is go get a job (which is easy for me) and make money to save for a car. But I dont want to end taking classes. So I am stuck riding buses.

Sometimes it's best to live for a moment, than exist for a lifetime. I don't mean do something completely wreckless, however sometimes you just have to do something sporadic. It's a useful method of dealing with the Chaos that infuses everyone's life, since we truly don't have control over our own actions most of the time, usually decision making is actually placed upon strangers we've never met.

An example of this is gaining a job or placement in education, it's not necessarily those you interact with at the end of the day that make the decision, it could be shareholders, directors, Education grants, Deans etc that make the overall decision that you are acceptable for whatever position they have. You can of course spend many years to make yourself look acceptable, but then there is potentially a whole load of other people looking to fit that same position with equal skills or prior training. I guess you can say its an interesting "Interpretation" in the long run.

I guess if you don't want to do it wrecklessly then check it out with simple mathematics.

  • find out if Your rent + busfare is >= renting a property closer to your school.

If it's higher over a year, then you are better off paying a higher rent near the school *if* it equals less.

If you walk 2 miles anyway, then you know you have already a range around the school you can look for. If you get yourself a pushbike you can extend the mileage a little. You don't have to leave so early in the morning or get home so late at night which will benefit your health as well as your ability to study. (I would suggest that your Grade's would be slightly impaired by being tired, along with of course your esteem level)
hello there I'm new to these forums been reading for a while and this is my new post.

For some strange reason, Ive been thinking alot about this. Every day that passes and every thing that I do right after that I feel like I have done nothing and accomplished nothing. Its like a feeling of emptiness and this has been going on for the past few months. Its making me more lazy and getting me depressed. For example If I travel to my neighboring city and comeback during the weekend I feel like it was all a haze and a blur like more of a dream than reality.

1. It's depression.
2. It's reality, life is actually empty, consciousness is an illusion, nothing is truly meaningful or significant.
Enmos is right.
not a really

because it is measuring culture against reality

I wouldn't personally aim for children until I'd spent many years with a partner, during that time I would have to prove my own faithfulness and usefulness to them as well as Identifying their mutual feelings and actions. I'd have to prove that I could keep my environment clean and safe (rather than the number of extension cables, dust traps, monitors, stacks etc)

After all with children you need eyes in the back of your head, no sharp objects lying around, no cables that can be pulled to cause heavy objects to fall or increase chances of electrocution etc.

There is then the necessity to understand how to nurture a child, obviously teaching them things and what not to do as a parent (like no smacking etc) Those sorts of decisions can't be done alone, they have to be considered by a partner to make sure you do what is best for a child.

So no wham, bam, thankyou mam and a phonecall 9 months later.

heck i can't wait for that call, from my offspring, because then i can look in the mirror and say, hey 'wholelineage'.... we gonna live a little longer!

it is the minds of people today, that measure cultural requisites to life's importance, when in reality you willl be dead long before the child in most cases and the more you make the greater diversity and chance you and your lineage have to live longer.

but as most like to look and compare their short time and fun with others.

think about instinct when considering life.......... either make babies or convey what ever good to existence you can,because that is your life after this period.

Each night we practice death; the period of choice upon the mass is no longer there. But when you wake up in the morning you have another chance to contibute for life (your life).... best use them wake ups with all you got cause one day, you will run out of chances.
not a really

because it is measuring culture against reality

heck i can't wait for that call, from my offspring, because then i can look in the mirror and say, hey 'wholelineage'.... we gonna live a little longer!

it is the minds of people today, that measure cultural requisites to life's importance, when in reality you willl be dead long before the child in most cases and the more you make the greater diversity and chance you and your lineage have to live longer.

but as most like to look and compare their short time and fun with others.

think about instinct when considering life.......... either make babies or convey what ever good to existence you can,because that is your life after this period.

Each night we practice death; the period of choice upon the mass is no longer there. But when you wake up in the morning you have another chance to contibute for life (your life).... best use them wake ups with all you got cause one day, you will run out of chances.

Ah but that's the point, it's not just about contributing a life to the world but a life that's given a good education, a stable environment to grow in and the ability to carry all the best traits of a couple forwards beyond their own years. It shouldn't just be about spreading your gene's out for the continuation of your genetic line, while it's something that exists in a Darwinism interpretation it tends to add to the dilapidation of society through an idoicracy.
I'll take this opportunity, while Draqon is dazed and confused, to say that.. hrm never mind.
Ah but that's the point, it's not just about contributing a life to the world
first, start right there, contributing life to the world (existence). a whole bunch can be grounded in that 'choice'

but a life that's given a good education, a stable environment to grow in and the ability to carry all the best traits
is a duty like a lion and cubs

of a couple forwards beyond their own years.
that was too deep..... can you slow that one up for me

are you suggesting, you want to live for a bit before doing the wild thing?

It shouldn't just be about spreading your gene's out for the continuation of your genetic line, while it's something that exists in a Darwinism interpretation it tends to add to the dilapidation of society through an idoicracy.
you make it sound like nature is ugly when reducing it down to human interpretation

you a bag of rock that can choose, how many lives can you create?

plant trees (whole universe of life because of that choice for example)

to do something as simple as teach a child to toe their shoes, could be passed on for generations.

imagine teaching them what life is

from that seed forward, you the gardener who started the wheel

If you are not interested in making babies, there is life to give (contribute to existence, follow the rules).

bad: loss to the common. (take more than need: selfish by intent)

the rest is easy

did we already discuss what life is? Energy continuing in time: good last a long time, bad be fading early.

If your kid and all munchkins, learn them rules early..... and then be able to ground it in all science, in most all beliefs, and nature tooooo...

makes for a good phootur

as simple as reality is, you got it

and you can bet the farm on it