I believe I have disproven Atheism. Tell me, do you see any flaws?

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I think Cris was referring to just the 'bondange' of logic that you alluded to.
Drug abuse is another issue with its own psychological ramifications and is incomparable and of no use to this discussion.

Be thankful you don't know any better than to answer my statement like that.
Be very thankful.
*Booga booga*

If I read your ominous sounding response correctly, you seem to say that I have no experience with drug abuse.

Very true, I have absolutely no personal frame of reference with it. I am quite sure (academically) that persons under the relentless fist of narcotics suffer greatly and their plight seems literally like a mental cage.

However, you were speaking of a 'bondage' of logic that is 'trapping' Cris from 'knowing' the christian way. There is no way that this can be anywhere near comparable with what I understand to be the effects of substance abuse. None. Cris is just a logical human who does not accept the words of an old compendium with no evidence.
TheVisitor, there is no bondage, that is all part of your delusion.
*Booga booga*
- I think Cris was referring to just the 'bondange' of logic that you alluded to. Drug abuse is another issue with its own psychological ramifications and is incomparable and of no use to this discussion.

There is correlation.
Let me try to explain.
There is something called a "spiritual experience"
This happens in the Christian experience when God reveals the supernatural nature of Himself and the soul to a person.
They see the existence of a whole other reality that is hidden from the eyes of the uninitiated.

Native America Indians in some cases use drugs like peyote to see "other" realities, and some tribes even once made it a requirement of manhood.
Books like "A Separate Reality" describe this somewhat as revealing a spiritual reality most "White man" will never see.

I'm not saying these two things are the same.
Christianity for one doesn't involve the use of drugs.
Whats revealed in the Christian experience is the Holy Spirit of God, and the exposing of unclean spirits influence on the believers life up to that point that they were before unaware of.

The Native American experience is a frightening exposure of spirits that lie under the surface of the lives of men also.
The main exercise is to open the eyes of the person to the supernatural and inform them that once they have seen that dimension, IT has also seen that they "see".
They are taught they must find a spiritual "ally" and stand up to the various spiritual "foes" that are bent on destroying them.
From that point they can never go back, and as one that has become aware of these spirits existence, they are a danger to the spirits dominion over the unsuspecting, and have become a target for destruction and can never turn their back.
They are from that point a warrior in the spiritual war for life.

Christianity from the bible teaches many elements of this the same.
Once enlightened, they are not to turn and try to go back, or they will be destroyed.
Put on the "whole Armour of God"....the Sword of the Spirit, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, Feet Shod with the Preparations of the Gospel, and more...
Jesus said; In that day you shall know; "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, I in You and You in Me."

So while attempting to explain this, I am in no way advocating or condoning the use of drugs.
I am saying they can be used to open up a dangerous gateway to the spirit realm and like Pandora's box.......once opened you may never close.
In American culture its a recreation activity, and no thought is taken to the fact they may have unwittingly commited themselves to a battle to the death.
They find far too late they have been bound, and tied like a slave to a spiritual master, a P.O.W in a war they never even knew existed.
We all fall, whether we know it or not on one side or the other.
There is no neutral ground.
Jesus said "who's not for me, is against me".

The reference then, you say I was making was in no way limited to the small explanation you provided and then dismissed.
I really think you had no idea what I meant, not that its really you're fault...I didn't take the time to explain it in full....as you see its getting a little lengthy.

It's not the bondage of "logic" I was referring to exactly.
There is a blindness to the spiritual caused by the overpowering of the carnal mind present in the human spirit thats comes from the physical strength of the body.
It uses logic but it is not logic itself.

Nothing can come out of your body that can do you any good.
The whole Armour of God is supernatural.
Love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, faith....
It's entirely supernatural.

Think of Morpheus training Neo in "The Matrix" when he said...
"Do you think my physical strength has anything to do with my abilities in here?
That movie was written as an allegory of the Christian experience.

The spiritual mind does not deny ones using logic, it just requires one to use the filter of God's Spirit through having one's senses exercised in the discernment of good and evil to cast down anything that exalts itself against God.
You realize logic, memory, imagination, reasoning ect... are things that can be used to deceive you and are not immune to the manipulation of these spirits.
Once you see this, logic ties it together very well.....it just doesn't control you, you control it, or more likely withstand it.
If you can just remain standing in this battle and not fall, you are doing well and owe the glory and credit all to God.

People that don't see any of this often use terms like delusional or fantasy to describe a realm they can't possibly understand.
That's to be expected.
There are forces at work very few of the people I'm chatting with here realize even exist.
It's not a bunch of Booga, Booga.
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However, you were speaking of a 'bondage' of logic that is 'trapping' Cris from 'knowing' the christian way.

If, by christian way, you are referring to what I am trying to teach, you have guessed incorrectly. I am not a christian. Here's a hint: Look at the words under my name.

Yet you are unable to show that any of that is any different to being deluded, which is far more believable than anything you have said.
If, by christian way, you are referring to what I am trying to teach, you have guessed incorrectly. I am not a christian. Here's a hint: Look at the words under my name.
You should try to investigate the ideas, not teach, because you have to have a concise and unambiguous idea to teach.
Perhaps you could go one step at a time before you rush off into "I have proven the existence of God" - it is quite likely that the most significant milestone of human cognitive history that proof would be might require a little clarification and some scrutiny.
Nothing can come out of your body that can do you any good.
The whole Armour of God is supernatural.
Love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, faith. It's entirely supernatural.
this is so blasé. Without our bodies we wouldn't be here typing, so, practically speaking this anti-human thing is useless.

People that don't see any of this often use terms like delusional or fantasy to describe a realm they can't possibly understand.
That's to be expected.
There are forces at work very few of the people I'm chatting with here realize even exist.
It's not a bunch of Booga, Booga.
"You can't understand this, but it is real." I hate this kind of religious talk. Please come down from the high-horse and realize the obvious fact that the people who don't understand the "forces" are going to think it is bullshit, so you are effectively saying nothing when you speak this way. I hate to be a jerk, but please - don't add any more misunderstandings about christianity and christians to the list - it has enough already.
To Cole Grey: I am taking this one step at a time. Believe it or not, this thread was created because I wanted to see if anyone could give me any flaws that would force me to take this theory in another direction (in other words, flaws that I couldn't defend my theory against). Also, I wanted to challenge myself by defending my theory. While I have given up on explaining it, I haven't given up on the theory itself. As for my post, you seem to have missed the point. The point was that I am not a christian, and I don't like it when people assume false ideas about me.
Believe it or not, this thread was created because I wanted to see if anyone could give me any flaws that would force me to take this theory in another direction (in other words, flaws that I couldn't defend my theory against).

And, those flaws have been pointed out leading to the conclusion Rokkon has misunderstandings about the subject matter.

Also, I wanted to challenge myself by defending my theory. While I have given up on explaining it, I haven't given up on the theory itself.

In other words, Rokkon refuses to listen to those who point out the flaws and instead wishes to continue defending his misunderstandings.
To (Q): You would make a good lawyer, because you are very good at bending the words that describe the truth to make them into the lies (even if you don't know this, what you say certainly isn't true) that you want others to believe, and with the world being what it is today, every person out their who needs to borrow other people's ideas in order to have any ideas at all will most definitely believe you. Also, if you had been reading, I have responded to these people who you claim I don't even pay attention to. It's just that (and I have admitted this several times already) I am not good at using words. The definition of listen is "to try to hear; to pay attention, take heed..." You don't even know what I am thinking, or perhaps you are right and I was never listening at all and just typed randomly, coincidentially typing up what a non-liar would say to be an attempted answer? I would flame you, however there are many people out there who simply cannot be bothered to report the minor rule violations such as RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, BLATANT HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY, HARRASSMENT, ETC. because they are too busy reporting the unspeakably evil violation that is SWEARLESS NAME CALLING.
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To (Q): You would make a good lawyer, because you are very good at bending the words that describe the truth to make them into the lies (even if you don't know this, what you say certainly isn't true) that you want others to believe, and with the world being what it is today, every person out their who needs to borrow other people's ideas in order to have any ideas at all will most definitely believe you. Also, if you had been reading, I have responded to these people who you claim I don't even pay attention to. It's just that (and I have admitted this several times already) I am not good at using words. The definition of listen is "to try to hear; to pay attention, take heed..." You don't even know what I am thinking, or perhaps you are right and I was never listening at all and just typed randomly, coincidentially typing up what a non-liar would say to be an attempted answer? I would flame you, however there are many people out there who simply cannot be bothered to report the minor violations of rules such as RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, BLATANT HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY, HARRASSMENT, ETC. because they are too busy reporting the unspeakably evil violation that is SWEARLESS NAME CALLING.

And yet, your theory is complete bunk, while you continue to ignore those who would point out the flaws YOU yourself asked.

Why then, would you bother asking if all you do is ignore?
Tell me, what makes you think I ignore these people? And this time, GIVE EXAMPLES!!! And don't even think about counting times when I didn't answer a question that wasn't asked to me.
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TheVisitor, yet you are unable to show that any of that is any different to being deluded, which is far more believable than anything you have said.

I practically wrote a book with my previous post, to carefully explain my position after I was mis-interpreted before.

And you answer with a one liner comeback.

You disappoint me especially for someone with over 7,000 posts here.

I have been the system operator on a large board, and the editor of a news column....

You're going to have to do better than that.

Don't just say I'm wrong.

Tell me exactly where I'm wrong, and kindly tell us all what is right if you think that's so easily done.

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And George W Bush is the president of the United States...

So what are you saying....too much then?
A little over the top, maybe?

But somebody has to stand up for....

In GOD we trust.......forever.

Hi ho Silver......up, up and away.
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I practically wrote a book with my previous post, to carefully explain my position after I was mis-interpreted before.

And you answer with a one liner comeback.

You disappoint me especially for someone with over 7,000 posts here.

I have been the system operator on a large board, and the editor of a news column....

Your going to have to do better than that.

Don't just say I'm wrong.

Tell me exactly where I'm wrong, and kindly tell us all what is right if you think that's so easily done.

There is nothing you said that cannot be explained naturally. That you choose to believe there is something supernatural in the total absence of any factual support means that such a position cannot be differentiated from simple and more credible delusion.

I do not see that I can say again much more clearly. I have read your text carefully and it is primarily baseless assertions, and totally consistent with someone deluded about what is real or possible.
While I have given up on explaining it, I haven't given up on the theory itself. As for my post, you seem to have missed the point. The point was that I am not a christian, and I don't like it when people assume false ideas about me.
I didn't miss anything.
Also, good for you, great, just don't use the word "teach" until you have your idea worked out for yourself into a system that is communicable and consistent.
If you see any flaws with this, please tell me,

How about that you can not disprove atheism? You COULD prove theism by presenting evidence for 1 (repeat, at least one) god, but you can not disprove a negative in this case...

But I will give you a cookie for trying....
How about that you can not disprove atheism? You COULD prove theism by presenting evidence for 1 (repeat, at least one) god, but you can not disprove a negative in this case...

But I will give you a cookie for trying....

Yeah, that was my conclusion pretty much also.

I don't think you can disprove atheism with logic alone short of real evidence.

If anything as a theist myself I'll admit that because I suspect it's set up that way intentionally...but that's another subject kind of.

I'm trying to walk carefully here, I don't want to lose another five posts today...:bugeye:

My observation was he did a darn good job of describing eternity, and the effect that an eternal being, and the very condition of that place...location, existence would be static.
Unchanging....that observation sparked a memory that caused me to look up some things.
What I found remarkably described a static, unchanging position that is unapproachable for what was as yet an unknown reason to me.

I thought his statement on eternity, especially if derived from just a string of thoughts tied together with logic was uncanny.
It's one of those things I'll be adding to my list of pieces to the puzzle.
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