I believe I have disproven Atheism. Tell me, do you see any flaws?

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Look, Satyr, there are two kinds of perfect. The first kind, God's kind, is what I call mastery. Basically what this means is that you yourself can do no wrong if you aren't intending on doing wrong. The second kind is what I call being a puppet of perfection. Basically, this is when you are not only perfect, but the state of being perfect removes your free will, your ability to desire. This is the kind of perfect that you are talking about.
Another way that you are wrong is that what you believe, or what you said you believe, at least, is pure faith. Faith is basically belief without proof. When you can tell me why I am wrong without resorting to your illogical bullshit (yes, you swore too, so you may not report me for this), your arguement may have some validity. You are like Buddha in that you claim so many things that you have shown no effort, no thinking, in order to conclude. There is a difference between religion and philosophy: Religion is like a story, while philosophy is the point, the plot, and the truth of/in the story. I suggest YOU stop pulling things out of YOUR ass. And about the fact that I do not know why God chose to make something imperfect, I ask you when I claimed I did know.

And to (Q): Your flaws that you point out are not fatal to my theory. The great military strategist Sun Tzu once said "Know thy enemy as thyself," which I believe is a very wise thing to say. You assume that you have won simply because you see not what I mean, and you thus feel that it is nonsense. I believe you should think less literally about what I say, and we'll both get progress.
Since Satyr has given up for now...

Look, Satyr, there are two kinds of perfect. The first kind, God's kind, is what I call mastery. Basically what this means is that you yourself can do no wrong if you aren't intending on doing wrong. The second kind is what I call being a puppet of perfection. Basically, this is when you are not only perfect, but the state of being perfect removes your free will, your ability to desire. This is the kind of perfect that you are talking about.

Perfect (adj):
1. conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type
2. excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement
4. entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings

There are 22 contextual and pronunciative uses of the word "perfect" ironically ;) , most of which are not applicable here.

Using these descriptions of perfect, we can see that there is ONE perception of perfect. There is no such thing as a puppet perfection...puppet perfection is NOT perfect.

Further, if you have the penchant to intend wrong - not the ability mind you - you are NOT perfect. Therefore your "if" clause belies a state of perfection.

Arguably, perfection should eliminate the ability to do anything incorrectly as well, for to do anything incorrectly is imperfect. BUT, this is a side topic.

Perfect, and omnipotent are not necessarily related. I can imagine a perfectly omnipotent being that is a perfect jackass (eg Q on Star Trek...all copyrights to Paramount and relevant owners).

Another way that you are wrong is that what you believe, or what you said you believe, at least, is pure faith. Faith is basically belief without proof. When you can tell me why I am wrong without resorting to your illogical bullshit (yes, you swore too, so you may not report me for this), your arguement may have some validity. You are like Buddha in that you claim so many things that you have shown no effort, no thinking, in order to conclude. There is a difference between religion and philosophy: Religion is like a story, while philosophy is the point, the plot, and the truth of/in the story. I suggest YOU stop pulling things out of YOUR ass. And about the fact that I do not know why God chose to make something imperfect, I ask you when I claimed I did know.

Faith is an illogical belief...belief without proof. You have tried to corral Satyr into the arena that you excel in by refusing to accept the opposite of your postulations: logic. In doing so, you are attempting to appear superior when in fact, Satyr, Q et al. have already out-logic-ed you.

Conversational: Satyr stated no belief in his last post, he was just asking you logical rejoinder questions to your own claims, and pointing out your own fallacies.

And to (Q): Your flaws that you point out are not fatal to my theory. The great military strategist Sun Tzu once said "Know thy enemy as thyself," which I believe is a very wise thing to say. You assume that you have won simply because you see not what I mean, and you thus feel that it is nonsense. I believe you should think less literally about what I say, and we'll both get progress.

But...Rokkon, you're doing exactly the same thing that you accuse (Q) of. You believe you're winning because you see not what Q means, thus you feel that it is nonsense. Perhaps if you were to think a little more about your own assumptions we'll all progress.
And to (Q): Your flaws that you point out are not fatal to my theory. The great military strategist Sun Tzu once said "Know thy enemy as thyself," which I believe is a very wise thing to say. You assume that you have won simply because you see not what I mean, and you thus feel that it is nonsense. I believe you should think less literally about what I say, and we'll both get progress.

I've neither lost nor won. You on the other hand have lost in that you fail to understand that which you attempt to explain. No one gives a crap about Sun Tzu when it comes to your theory, which is complete nonsense, btw.
I understand perfectly what I am trying to say! I may sound like a complete idiot when I say this, and believe me, I would think that way if I was on your side, but I must say that YOU JUST DON'T GET WHAT I AM SAYING!!! All of the teachers at my highschool agreed with my theory, even though one of them tried to prepare me for this by assuming the role of a skeptic, later admitting to be on my side. That same teacher is a PhD. None of you here have shown near as much logic in what you say or what you see in what I say as what these teachers have proven to me that I have in the feedback that they gave me. They didn't just suck up to me, they told me I was right AND WHY I was right. You all assume what is virtually illogical. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for even venturing here with what you can do as thinkers. But if you refuse to believe what I just said, then YOU ALL CAN DO JUST THAT. I'm just sick and tired of having to deal with people like you EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE. It is people like you that make me wish I could renounce my very humanity. Seriously. If you wanted to impress me, then too bad, you did just the opposite. I am infuriated that the EXISTENCE of people like you is even legal. I shall remain here though, if only just to piss everyone off with my ranting.
I would never say you're wrong, but it's just speculation. The real world is often counterintuitive, so common sense is not the best tool for figuring out the truth.

An interesting childish tantrum that I suspect will remove the last vestiges of any credibiliy you might have had.
All of the teachers at my highschool agreed with my theory

By all means, have your teachers sign up here and we'll tell them why you're wrong, no problem.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves for even venturing here with what you can do as thinkers.

You asked to have your flaws pointed out, and we obliged. They still remain flaws.

But if you refuse to believe what I just said, then YOU ALL CAN DO JUST THAT.

You didn't ask us to believe you, that is entirely a different story.

I'm just sick and tired of having to deal with people like you EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE.

That statement speaks volumes about you, doesn't it?

I shall remain here though, if only just to piss everyone off with my ranting.

We await, amused.
The tone of this thread has now significantly deteriorated.

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