i am saudi&muslim girl i want to clearfy my relegion

saudi girl

Registered Member
i am new member in this forume .. sorry my english language is not that good but i'll try to clearfy my religion (islam) to you by posting these links ..

this site is for priest & preacher enter islam

this site is for christian educated woman enter islam named Merry Watson and after islam named Khadija Watson .

i realy realy realy hope u understand islam as it is not as your media picture it

i watch opra and see how she hates muslim and thinks that all of us are terrorests and women are forced by men to be coverd ...


it is alie

the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men

i am muslim woman and cover my self when i want to get out of my house and i am happy with this and proud of my self


i have many things and facts i want to show but i dont know where to begin.
I KEEP ASKING MY LADY TO WEAR A BURKA.... but she says no.

she is catholic.. and a free western woman.

what should i do?

im asking you as a muslim woman.

the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men

Do you have evidence that your god commands this? Or do you simply take the word of a writer who claimed his words were divine and not hallucination, delusion or lie? Surely we have more evidence of these three human characters more so than we have of "divine inspiration."
Do you have evidence that your god commands this? Or do you simply take the word of a writer who claimed his words were divine and not hallucination, delusion or lie? Surely we have more evidence of these three human characters more so than we have of "divine inspiration."

You are missing the point.

There does not NEED to be any command from God for a decent and good woman to wish to remain modest while in public.

Then we can examine the Social Good which accrues to a Society were women are decent and modest in public. We can ask whether Muslim Society has even a fraction of the domestic abuses and sex crimes that are so common in the West where every girl thinks it her duty to flaunt her sexuality and to be in constant state of Presentation for Mounting. And then they complain they are treated like 'sexual objects'... yeah right.

The point doesn't seem to be about a wish to remain modest or not but whether such actions were commanded by a deity or were more believably commanded by men claiming to write on behalf a deity.

Islam appears clearly to be a religion designed by men for the benefit of men. That many Muslim women accept their severely repressed roles indicates the the vast extent of the indioctrination they have absorbed.
How does it benefit the men for the women to conceal their beauty? Are they all monks?
men are not all monks..... but are pigs.

hence the reason for the burka... because the beauty of women is such as to CAUSE men to think of sex...

to sin in their minds and hearts.

to have desire and visual fantasies in ones mind about women you see.

men are pigs, and cannot help but behave this way.

the burka.... allows women to be... a person... and not a sexual object.
since we as men, have no idea what she looks like...
is she hot?
or is she old and butt ugly?

no way to know.
no way or reason to have sinful thoughts.

in the west... we accept sinful thoughts.... as normal.

in the east, mohammed found a way to solve this specific problem.
but the solution in itself causes problems.

i personnaly like the idea of atleast face veils.... but then again, im not a woman... im a piggish man who cant control his own mind.

which is the fundmental foundation to the problem itself.

the burka... is like a bandaid... and it is my belief that it does not serve the long term benefit of the peoples...
because it prevents cultural evolution of the minds of any given country and community into minds which CAN CONTROL THEMSELVES.

and such an evolution should be incouraged.

and our piggish nature needs to be confronted directly, not hidden behind burkas.

(BUT I STILL want my lady to wear one.)
B.. b.. but.. women are pigs too! If we translate 'pigs' as 'attracted to the opposite sex'.

("But what about Islamic lesbians?" I hear you cry. Simple: there are none.)
Do you have evidence that your god commands this? Or do you simply take the word of a writer who claimed his words were divine and not hallucination, delusion or lie? Surely we have more evidence of these three human characters more so than we have of "divine inspiration."

Islam is a religion that strongly believes in so many other religions, such as Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. The only problem as believed in Islam that in these religions what supposed to be holy books (words of god) are not any more. People have dared and played with these words to match their desires. I believe that the fact that the words in the Bible for example got manipulated with some people through the history is not doubtable. What even is more weird is that even these days you may find two editions published (one after another) in the same with some different words between them ?!?!?!?!

Quran (holy book of Islam) have never ever been changed not even a single word (western specialists (professors) in both Europe and America agree that this is true and no doubt about it). You may find ancient books (published) more than 1200 years in Spain, Turkey and some other places in the world and they all match with what we have today. God said in on of the verses in Quran that this book will be protected by him and it will never get changed till the end of this life. So far this is correct and obviously it will stay for ever.



The point doesn't seem to be about a wish to remain modest or not but whether such actions were commanded by a deity or were more believably commanded by men claiming to write on behalf a deity.."

The main problem in here actually is very simple. People are talking about things they’ve never seen or experienced. Aisha (the prophet’s wife) (which many tend to fabricate stupid stories about her marriage with the prophet) was in a position of power even after the death of the prophet that every one dreamed with such one. People used to come to her seeking for a better understanding of Islam. She was in a position that most of men will die for. Abu Baker (the second man after the prophet) used to ask her permeation regarding some issues and of course this was not because she was the prophet’s wife but because of the knowledge about Islam she gained that made her in such honored position. Aisha is just an example (of course there were/are plenty) so you understand that the commands were not made by a man. My own opinion, it is very simple if we see the social life in both the WEST and EAST.

The point doesn't seem to be about a wish to remain modest or not but whether such actions were commanded by a deity or were more believably commanded by men claiming to write on behalf a deity.

Islam appears clearly to be a religion designed by men for the benefit of men. That many Muslim women accept their severely repressed roles indicates the the vast extent of the indioctrination they have absorbed.

So what of women who perceive a benefit of adhering to muslim values?
Actually it is not just a western muslim thing - it is a traditional distinction between eastern and western culture - and comments like this ring of cultural egocentralism
How does it benefit the men for the women to conceal their beauty? Are they all monks?

Perhaps they have different standards of beauty - I remember hearing an argument of sorts between an eastern and a western woman - they were no so much arguing but pointing out each others cultural strengths. The eastern woman said "You western women are powerful. You are bold and independant and have more career options" The western woman replied "No you eastern women are more powerful - you can keep your husbands".

If an eastern woman appears to be making a conscious effort to conceal her beauty before you it is probably because you are not her husband.

Do you have evidence that your god commands this? Or do you simply take the word of a writer who claimed his words were divine and not hallucination, delusion or lie? Surely we have more evidence of these three human characters more so than we have of "divine inspiration."

Saudigirl said: "the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men"

No, what you feel to realize is that it is a command from men who folowed a strict patriarchial system...not from God.
I believe in God and follow the ancient egyptian spiritual beliefs and if one thing..it's allowed me to apreciate a balanced approach between male and female and realize the absolute nonsense of religous dogma that exists in the 3 abrahamic faiths regarding how women should pray, be humble and submissive,remain covered up in public,etc.
Not matter how people try to sugarcoat this ,it is oppression..plain and simple.
Unless someone can provide conclusive proof that God issued such a idiotic command ( such as a video recording ,etc and yes I realize this technology did not exist then:) ,- then it remains in the realm of man written b/s that reflected the ignorance of the day.
You are missing the point.

There does not NEED to be any command from God for a decent and good woman to wish to remain modest while in public.

Then we can examine the Social Good which accrues to a Society were women are decent and modest in public. We can ask whether Muslim Society has even a fraction of the domestic abuses and sex crimes that are so common in the West where every girl thinks it her duty to flaunt her sexuality and to be in constant state of Presentation for Mounting. And then they complain they are treated like 'sexual objects'... yeah right.

Some Muslim society punish the rape victim, maybe we could expect some unreported sex crimes. But I do agree with your point about western women being sex object and of low moral standards.

Saudigirl said: "the woman her self want to be covered because it is a command from ALLAh, not from men"

No, what you feel to realize is that it is a command from men who folowed a strict patriarchial system...not from God.
as opposed to a command from a man (such as yourself) who also follows a similar system

- I find it amusing that here is a woman saying she is doing something because it is an instruction from god and suddenly she is swarmed by men telling her to do otherwise because it is actually a command from man she is following - so in other words she is doomed either way, with or without the burka, to follow the commands of men?

Not matter how people try to sugarcoat this ,it is oppression..plain and simple.

How many muslim countries have you been to?

Unless someone can provide conclusive proof that God issued such a idiotic command ( such as a video recording ,etc and yes I realize this technology did not exist then:) ,- then it remains in the realm of man written b/s that reflected the ignorance of the day.

regarding the bold
For a theist, scripture fulfills such a requirement

regarding the italics
and what evidence do we have that your gender values will not meet similar consignments to posterity?
Allah says in the Holy Quran for the woman to lower her gaze and to cover herself, it is then defined who she does not have to cover in front of and is free to dress in a modest way, namely any male relative who she would not be able to marry. She is further told in another chapter to cover herself when going outside of her house. Both of these references can be found in chapters 24:31 called Surah (meaning chapter) An-Nur and in chapter 33:59, Surah Al-Ahzab.

What is interesting is that it is not the Muslim women themselves who are complaining about their covering. Many of our new sisters to Islam in the United States and Europe have stated time and again how protected and modest they feel when going outside and have notice that those men in which they need to interact with, even though they are not Muslims usually treat them with respect and dignity. The Muslim woman's covering also affords her protection from men and by men.

Many Muslim women look upon the modern sexy, tight fitting and short clothing of the non-Muslim woman as being vulgar and sleazy. She finds it hard to understand why a woman would have such low self esteem as to want to appeal to any mans eyes other than her husbands. Or to have many sex partners when virginity and modesty are the highest thing that any woman, Muslim or not, can bestow upon her husband. She can't understand why the men in the family (fathers, husbands or brothers) would allow and even approve of the women in his family whom he should be protecting, to go outside the house, to say nothing of going to school or work with such little clothes to cover their body. And then to be shocked or surprised when the woman or girl is raped!
Human civilisation is catergorized according to the degree women exhibit chastity and satisfaction just like men exhibit self control and a sense of responsibility - in the absence of which unwanted progeny are created, which is the greatest contribution society can make towards its downfall in the immediate future (or alternatively abortion can be widely promulgated, which isn't particularly indicative of advanced culture either .....)
It isn't about sex, although that is a component, it is about power and domination, something that usually outweighs sex.

In the male dominated, authoritarian, possessive, culture that gave birth to Islam, it was inevitable that women would be repressed and treated as property. When enveloped in a violent ruthless religious paradigm, the weak (women) have correspondingly become indoctrinated.

It is not a west vs east issuse, but a matter of individual freedoms. My life values are about freedom for everyone.
You are being lied to. Sexuality is a healthy part of being human. Seeing a pretty girl is no excuse to rape her! It is all the men's fault if this happens. You act like rape is a natural response, and that men have no responsibility for their own actions!

You imply that people in the west mistrust Islam because we don't understand it. What if we do understand it? What if we do understand that being a homosexual means a death sentance in Islamic law? What if we do understand that you can't marry another person who is not a Muslim, even if you are in love, and the penalty is death. Women here can do anything they want. Men designed Islam in a way that appealed to them, and women are considered a lesser authority, why? Women are humans, they can be intelligent, they can drive a car, learn karate, fight in war, they can do anything a man can do, but instead you become virtual slaves to the wishes of men. You brainwash your children to believe that Jews are evil. You forbid them to learn the truth, that all people are animals, evolved from apes, and we came from fish in the ocean. I dislike all religions, but Islam especially so. So called terrorists are not extreme, they just have faith in their religion, a faith in irrationality made possible by so-called moderate indoctrination.

You are probably not a terrorist yourself, but your religion lays the foundation for believing that paradise awaits the suicide bomber. There enough various texts in the Koran to support being a terrorist. Like the Bible, it depends what part you want to pay attention to.