I AM an Astrologer!

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Yes its fascinating isn't it. I take it that some of the Americans here are fans of George Dubya the cross-eyed Texan warmonger, unelected, inarticulate, who epitomises the arrogance of American foreign policy. So for all the yanks here placate yourselves with further evidence that he does at least have fire well represented.


Does a combination of a lot of fire and air signify the preponderance of hot air?
Billy Chyldyshe said:
“ Originally Posted by Enmos
Uhm that wasnt me i guess.

It matters where you got the charts, because it matters how they are made. Seems to me you dont know how they are made. If thats true how can you rely on them, for all you know someone just made them up. ”

No its was Oli.

Seemingly he can't remember his birthdate. Try looking at a birth certificate, Ol!

Can you please answer the question !? :mad:
Hey, SciForum people!

This Chyldyshe character is nothing but a fraud, fake and troll. He's just posting this junk here to pull everyone's chain. He's no more of an astrologer than I am an astronaut.

You'll get nothing meaningful from him because he doesn't HAVE anything meaningful to say - he's just pulling your chain and is enjoying watching you squirm while you are honestly trying to get something out of him.

Best to just ignore him, this whole thread and forget it.
I dont think anyone seriously thinks he will come up with anything. Its clear hes
drowning like a rat when he comes up against the less gullible people though.
Thats the whole point...you don't need to do anything but come up with a person in the public eye who negates the entire thing.

Its merely a case of plucking a well known personality out of the air.

Seems that's all what Astrology is about, picking stuff out of the air. But, we knew that already. Can you tell us anything new?

I then win the point again...and so it continues...I keep winning and the scientists keep losing.

Huzzah! All hail the big winner! Scientists everywhere are green with envy and wish they were you.

They have to lose because these are immutable laws - they cannot be wrong

And those would be the immutable laws of Astrology?

Wow, I'm waaaay out of my league on this one. :shrug:
Allthough this is a pseudoscience subforum, Billy has clearly issued a claim of objective truth (vs. a speculation, hypothesis, or even abstract theory) and failed to provide any evidence for it. I saw James R. tell MattMar to produce evidence for one of his wacky claims in another thread or face being banned. Maybe the same is applicable to Billy?
Astrology is a pseudo-science in the fact that a person get into the psychology of another person. Psychology, by definition is the science of mind and behavior. With astrology you can study and understand people and their behaviors according to their charts. When you see that certain paths are coming up in their charts, you let them know, but the person is free to choose. But sometimes I believe that it is a fate or a destiny thing...
Sapph : practicing astrology for over 20 yrs...
Astrology is a pseudo-science in the fact that a person get into the psychology of another person.
To be proven, or even demonstrated with any reliability.

Psychology, by definition is the science of mind and behavior.
Correction, psychology is not yet a science.

With astrology you can study and understand people and their behaviors according to their charts.
How do their "charts" give an indication of their behaviour?

When you see that certain paths are coming up in their charts, you let them know, but the person is free to choose. But sometimes I believe that it is a fate or a destiny thing...
If it's fate or destiny then there is no choice, neh?

Sapph : practicing astrology for over 20 yrs...
Maybe you'd like to show us how and why it "works"?
Alright, you first must know your time of birth, place and then give your date...

No you've missed the point: I'm not asking for a reading, I'm asking for evidence that it does work and why.
Objective evidence: not a reading that is, as are all I've seen, so nebulous as to be made to fit by the reader due to their own interpretation of it.
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Astrology is a pseudo-science in the fact that a person get into the psychology of another person.

Actually, Astrology is a pseudoscience in that it has nothing to do with science, nature, or anything else other than complete guesswork.

With astrology you can study and understand people and their behaviors according to their charts.

Incorrect, you can study and understand people based on their behaviors. Charts are merely guesswork based no mumbo-jumbo.
Why do you debunk it if you haven't studied it? There is a doctor who set out to debunk it and ended up writing a book in praise of it and how he uses it to help people in his practice...
Astrology can be understood as a philosophy that helps to explain life, rather than a type of mysticism that can be used as a predictive tool. Instead of discussing what the Planets do to us, we can explain ourselves based on Planetary indications.
The Signs work the same way: Each of the twelve Signs is a unique combination of one of the four Elements and one of the three Qualities. The Elements and Qualities demonstrate that we are all part of the environment. There is a connection between all living things and all matter on this Planet.
Astrology ties humans together: We are all faced with the same Planetary interactions, and we are all part of the same cycles
My challenge is, can you debunk it without ever studying it. You don't learn after just a few days, maybe you could in months, but a good astrologer takes years to study and then you never stop learning.
Hey, SciForum people!

This Chyldyshe character is nothing but a fraud, fake and troll. He's just posting this junk here to pull everyone's chain. He's no more of an astrologer than I am an astronaut.

You'll get nothing meaningful from him because he doesn't HAVE anything meaningful to say - he's just pulling your chain and is enjoying watching you squirm while you are honestly trying to get something out of him.

Best to just ignore him, this whole thread and forget it.

One wonders why you bothered to post then. Do the other members ordinarily follow orders off you and then completely ignore them?

Lets get it straight...our friend Oli is so terrified he can't even muster up the courage to post his birthdate. Its a rather timorous response don't you think?

Is he a man or or a mouse...better pass him the cheese.
Why do you debunk it if you haven't studied it? There is a doctor who set out to debunk it and ended up writing a book in praise of it and how he uses it to help people in his practice...

Hans Eysenck? Gauquelin?

Both took an overly scientific approach and hedged their bets by suggesting there was 'a core of truth' in astrology. Personally I'm not keen of seeing it as some psychological tool and its certainly not about fate but more about how to use your free will.

The response so far has been typical...mere insults, name calling, childish behaviour. The type of arrogance one expects of those rather to enthralled by science and space ships etc..
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My challenge is, can you debunk it without ever studying it. You don't learn after just a few days, maybe you could in months, but a good astrologer takes years to study and then you never stop learning.

You understand my approach presumably. There are lots of variables and genetic, environmental factors aren't mutually exculsive from astrology..all three are entwined. The argument is as silly as that of Nature v Nurture. Neither blank each other out they are both combined in various amounts according to the person. Its not something easily quantified.

To get results you'd have to take it to an extreme and the majority exist in a fairly neutral condition..i mean we dont want to become extremely powerful, wealthy, famous...we're perfectly contented to just saunter along...the aforementioned are the oddities. You cant get more odd than Hitler for example which is why he works so well as a case study:)
Lets get it straight...our friend Oli is so terrified he can't even muster up the courage to post his birthdate. Its a rather timorous response don't you think?
Actually, let's really get this straight...
Why should I bother posting my birth date since you have shown no basis whatsoever to these claims.
And of course, if you were anywhere near half as smart as you claim to be you'd have checked my profile...
Rather stupid response, don't you think?

Is he a man or or a mouse...better pass him the cheese.
Are you a braggart or a scientist?

Oh yeah - I'm accused of being terrified because I couldn't be bothered to post my birth date:
A) Double standard? How many times have you been asked to post the rationale, and not done so? So we can therefore safely assume you're terrified?
B) IF you produce a chart and IF it is 100% correct what would it prove? That wild shots in the dark sometimes hit the target.
Methodology, data, rationale, explanation... try it.
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