I´ve seen the begin of the World End

Clockwood said:
The ability to stay on topic appears to be nearing extinction.

Candy is great.. I like candy... Do you liek candy?...

the ned of the world is commnig thoguh its pridicted in the bible the tribulation now im chritions but if it happnes as its siad im sitll gonan be here because i doubt it all. But belvie me the wrold is commnig to the end as we know it.
The End Of The World Means..."the Change"....we Need More Meditation, We Need Figth With Our Devil. He Is Inside Of Us And We Can Fight With Wherever Weapon. Why? Because It Is Necesary To Be Vibration In 1/8. At The Moment Our Vibration Is 1/3, It´s Too Bad.....more Meditation Or The End Of The World Is For You Not For The People That Practice Meditation.....
You need to lay off the "Shift" key.

Also, what to you mean by 1/8? 8Hz? if you shake really really fast you can get there. Keep Trying!
Some hippies think the cataclysm can be avoided, humanity just needs to evolve, bad people will be purged, etc etc... But please, look around. There's no fixing it. Just find a way to enjoy the horror.
The true of the real way is:

First of all we need to practice meditation

After this

Expel every ego that you have been keeping into your bodies.

Be Active
Thank you, Zakzuk....

I appreciate your posts...
don't be put off by the naysayers and detractors...
I know the truth of what you say..

these people are normal scientists, they cannot
prove one way or another what you say...

the paranormal cannot be investigated by normal science...
it's a contradiction in terms...
they don't understand the multiverse of existence...
and that our soul exists in a timeless realm...

there is a community of psychics that have been correlating this data
we live a multitude of lives concurrently...
but the soul is timeless...our lives are scattered throughout time
the viewing points may be random...as we are the 'clouded ones'...
but you know when you are viewing a direct life platform

other dreams are convergents of multiple timelines, and are confusing
other clear-view platforms can be past, future or present...
and not necessarily in this realm

it will be too late before they see that SETI is laughing behind it's hand
you cannot contact 4th density beings with 3rd density equipment
they spy on the real researchers to justify their funding

don't worry...the actions of the agents of concealment are all recorded
everything is recorded...DNA..mirror-image in the timeless matrix
but all entities will merge at the level they have achieved
eliminate all fear...and realise that this is but one step in open college
your soul knows all...it connects to the one spirit
for unlimited access between the timeless and all manifestation

the junk DNA may unlock for some in a random fashion..
but when the frequency is nigh we will all have the gift

Zakzuk said:
Only exist 3 class of aliens......

1. Bad aliens: they would like to control the world, it seem through the human, They have made some enconters of fourth class, and it seem to be an devil act, they are driven by the devil hand.

2. Good aliens: they would like to impruve humans spitual.

3. Neutral aliens: they would like to take some natural resourses of the world.

But the conclusion is never, never put in your body a microship or bars code....nerver my friend this is the devil mark.

ye are paranoid
i think you need to take holiday
don go to jerusalem
try a hill station
Yes, we are in the end of the time.

Look the news: floods for any place, the poor people for everywhere, the contamination for everywhere, the war for any place.

If you want to know what I mean, just look this direction http://www.thesecretofthestars.com/profecias1.htm

It´s in spanish, but may be you can translate.

See you everybody in the darkness of endness.
HA!...it's so interesting, because it seems everyone's vision of how the world is going to end is completly different from the other. so how can we know which vision is correct?............i guess we can't!

Throughout history there have been people saying the end is near. Well in a sense it is for we all die within 100 years or so, so thats when the world will end for all of us. We seem to forget that we need to try and bring about a positive way of healing the Earth while we are here to try and maje it last for the generations to come. If we take advantage of Earth today tomorrow there won't be much for our childrens, childrens to have a very good world in which to live.
ZakZuk Can be summed up in this


Except replace the guy in the picture with a hippie.
The war is going to have two blocks...

The first one is:
USA - European Union - Israel

The second block is:
All Arabs - China - Russia - North Korea

This sound likes the last battle of the world.

And to finish off a big red planet is coming soon, directly to our planet. It won´t smash against our planet, but It is going to pass near. You know It´s going to destabilize our orbit. It´s catastrophic.

I am not pesimist, because I have a work, girls, party and more,,,,,,,I smoke marihuana when I want. But the future of the end is coming.

My friends I just want to know one think.....


because, I don´t want yo be part of any, only my block,


when the war will begin and step by step the human resourses die....The two block are going to take with force evevy body.

I am not a solider, I don´t like a war. I just want peace in the world. And for this reason I want to make a block to defend our peace and freedom "take care with the next invent.....the hand´s microchip.......it´s the devil´s mark"

See you soon
OMG, we're all gonna die! I can't believe it! The hippies were right! Praise nostra damus! Get out of these government war conspiracies on go on to real ones.
Im trying to follow this as best I can...so to recap there are three aliens...we can call them larry curly and moe..and they are having an end of the world block party bash with girls and marijauna..they are also passing out hand chips that will detonate and begin the end of the world so in order to survive you have to be at the correct aliens block party and pass on the chip when it goes round...somehow the news of this celebration reached the ears of arabs who are angry and decide to blow up a mountain...mabye an effort to make our natural resources less accessible to the neutral alien - BUT its okay!! so long as your at the right block party and pass up on the chip implant you will survive the end of the world..which somehow isnt the end cuz there is a war afterwards and the survivors are all soldiers who love peace and dont want to fight....that about sum it up? Or is there a magical word that only the chosen know that will be revealed at the right time to the truely worthy . . . ?