Humans with partial brain mass can still kick ET's butt!

ahhhh nothin like a BET's brains on a big mac eh Monkey?

That settles once and for all, the dispute of where to get BET's brains on a burger.
ElectricFetus said:

What reseach??? your references are not scientific and have no credentials. My references from medical journal database on hydranencephaly and hydrancephaly (both are the same thing) shows that few with it live to the age of 1!, let alone the fact that none that survive longer have much mental function. My review from the medical journal database of hemispherectomies shows that even with half the brain remove mental function is dimension in most cases, and that only in some young children can mental and motor function return to a almost normal state.

Your beliefs have been debunked! You have no credible referenced to your claims and I have even present a theory on why you people believe what you believe: You have confused hydrocephalus for hydrancephaly, hydrocephalus being only the build up of cerebral fluid in the head with the brain intack, some with hydrocephalus can live perfectly normal lives it just people might make fun of there oversized head.


Please someone close this thread I have debunked it, but I doubt they will listen they haven't yet.
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regurgitation is gross !


i would like to take a minute to explain something :

the topic of this thread (or should i say title) is very valid.

We (Humans) are the primary inhabitants of this Earth, and thus so, we are entitled to immunity from interference of our conscious destinies.

this means that Aliens cannot do anything to us OVERTLY, UNLESS WE GIVE THEM PERMISSION. I know this sounds stupid, but it is the way the universe works.

Races of Aliens (who are 'People' also) that advance far enough, get oppurtunities to visit other worlds, and perhaps even partake in the creation/monitoring/advancement of said worlds. This would be a great experience for the peoples who get such a chance, BUT:

-imagine how it feels to the primitive race of the said planet, who is not yet familiar with such advanced forms of life, intellect, and methodology. they must be considerably frightened, uneasy- to say the least.


so, realize that you hold the power in your own choice. U can banish these beings if they scare you, they should understand.

BUT UNDERSTAND that whatever ORIENTATION YOU ARE, IS WHO YOU WILL BE CALLING. realize this, it is very crucial.

take care

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Good post Zonabi
Any human with half a brain and some common sense can discover the deception and fight against it. The deceivers and liars just get so upset when you just laugh at them and their lame attempts to twist the information or control it now.

I think there was plenty of evidence presented of people with only partial brain mass that still led not only “normal” lives, but most of the known cases led even “above normal” intelligent lives.

Your choice, and the few others that deny the proof posted, to ignore it.
ya aaah where is that evidence? From what you did show me I was able to disprove it very effectively.
if thats what u think perhaps its true, at least for you.

"nothings for sure; that's the only thing i know for sure"
I've come across this concept and decided to look deeper into it. I want to find the resources and actual accounts that are referred to of people living with either of these issues. here's one link of many more I intend on discovering.
I'll be doing a number of differnt searches.. I think I'll keep track of the search criteria so that others may replicate that, or get ideas of their own.

Another thing I did was to look up in the terms
seems that hyrancephaly is a mispelling though it did find items when I searched a large number of scientific journals through my university library
there was:

Other research that I've found has led me to question much of what is generally accepted concerning consciousness. And even though I too hold the general human tendacy to jump on something immediately, I do then get past it and look further.
Something I found recently was as study that found for any action of consciouss will, the activity begins first in the brain, then comes the idea "i'm going to..." then of course comes the action, followed by the experience of that action.
ElectricFetus said:

What reseach??? your references are not scientific and have no credentials. My references from medical journal database on hydranencephaly and hydrancephaly (both are the same thing) shows that few with it live to the age of 1!, let alone the fact that none that survive longer have much mental function. My review from the medical journal database of hemispherectomies shows that even with half the brain remove mental function is dimension in most cases, and that only in some young children can mental and motor function return to a almost normal state.

Your beliefs have been debunked! You have no credible referenced to your claims and I have even present a theory on why you people believe what you believe: You have confused hydrocephalus for hydrancephaly, hydrocephalus being only the build up of cerebral fluid in the head with the brain intack, some with hydrocephalus can live perfectly normal lives it just people might make fun of there oversized head.


Please someone close this thread I have debunked it, but I doubt they will listen they haven't yet.
FieryIce said:
The campus doctor at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. was treating a math major, when he noticed that the student’s head was a little larger than normal. He referred the student to neurology professor John Lorber, who gave the student a CAT scan and discovered he has virtually no brain at all, despite having an IQ of 126 and doing well in college.

Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity, as is normally the case, the student has only a tiny bit of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column.

And he’s not the only one. In 1970 in New York, an autopsy of a man who died at age 35 showed he had practically no brain at all. He wasn’t academic, but had a perfectly normal life as a building janitor, and was a popular figure in his neighborhood. He read the newspaper daily.

Professor Lorber has found several hundred people who have similar conditions. Some he describes as having “no detectable brain,” yet they have scored up to 120 on IQ tests.

OCF, you have not debunked shit, seems you have a burr up your butt that you just can't handle. Grow up and get over it. You have a definite problem with the entire concept that a human that is born with a fraction of brain matter can surpass you in intelligence. But then again, that is not surprising.

I find your attention span amusing.
I already mention how that is not medically validated. What is medically validated and has been reviewed and repeated many times more is all the research I linked to which shows that your claims are complete BS.

By the way If a medically unvalidated case of hydrocephalus can cause above normal intelligence, then explain why thousands of other cases of hydrocephalus result in severe metal retardation and are rarely survivable?

By the way my IQ is above 127 so no I don’t feel threatened. :D
Frankly, I don't really give a damn about your opinion. Discussing anything with you is pointless.
FieryIce, I am curious. Do you hold any conventional scientific views, or are most/all in the category that ElectircFetus would categorise as pseudo-science?
FieryIce said:
Ophiolite, from the posture of your question, your point is...?
On re-reading my question I can see where it could be misinterpreted. I shall try to clarify. I don't have a point, I am simply curious.
For example, I would subscribe to the majority of the 'conventional' scientific positions. A notable exception would be on the origin of life, where I lean strongly to the Holye/Wickramasinghe view. I have colleagues who rigidly 'toe the party line' in regard to anything and everything. And I know others who seek out the more extreme positions with delight or sometimes because they feel the underlyng ethos of science is somehow flawed.
I was curious as to where you stood on this spectrum. If you feel the question was intrusive please accept my apologies and ignore it.