Humans with partial brain mass can still kick ET's butt!

That guestimation has no real basis in fact. It might be derived from the fact that only 10% of brain
cells are neurons, but that in no way means the rest of your brain just sits around, twiddling its thumbs.

:m: Peace.
Yet based on the FACTS that people have lived “normal” lives with less than 10% brain mass obviously indicates HUMANS have a far greater “POTENTIAL” than ever before thought. Or maybe some would like to have us THINK we have far less potential.

ETI’s that are losers can kiss my donkey. Hey you winners out there, thanks for the help and the competency to understand these things. Humans are so capable and have the capacity to really help when given the chance. But probe this you bad ET’s not all people are struck with “incompetence” syndrome, NOT like the sushi and OCF are.
craterchains (Norval said:
Yet based on the FACTS that people have lived “normal” lives with less than 10% brain mass...

"Facts" that you consistantly avoid bringing to the discussion.

:m: Peace.
You are really pathetic sushi. Not a whim of originality to you. At least Fiery and I have brought some real original ideas and investigative work to this discussion, even OCF did some homework. Obviously you did not.

Toss the fish to the seagulls ,,,,,,,, back to working on my tan lines. ( I meant boat)
Always easier to refute the person than to provide the facts.
I knew that would be the case - thanks for proving I'm psychic.

;) Peace.
********** hydrancephaly **********

You may want to actually read the thread squishyfish?
(Need glasses?) Fiery Ice was too kind to you all in posting a link I think. Way too kind.

The apparent "incompetencey syndrome" is doing well at scifo.
Yah - Whitley Streiber's Unknown Country. The pinnacle of scientific journals. :rolleyes:

Have you read any papers by Professor Lorber? Can you tell me where, as I would
be happy to read over them out for myself. You did your homework, right?

:m: Peace.
craterchains (Norval,

What fact? I just proved you wrong and that there is no one that lived fine with 10% of thier brain or less recorded in medical science! What has happened is that some people (like you) have confused hydranencephaly which causes extreme metal retardation and is usually lethal by the within months of birth, with hydrocephalus which in some cases cause nothing more then a enlarge skull. But the confusion was made and now there is a small culture of kooks that think people can live fine without much of a brain; Stupid them (and you) for not being able to tell science from rumor and gossip.

please review my post above for reference including on the 10% brain myth.
craterchains (Norval said:
Yet based on the FACTS that people have lived “normal” lives with less than 10% brain mass obviously indicates HUMANS have a far greater “POTENTIAL” than ever before thought. Or maybe some would like to have us THINK we have far less potential.

ETI’s that are losers can kiss my donkey. Hey you winners out there, thanks for the help and the competency to understand these things. Humans are so capable and have the capacity to really help when given the chance. But probe this you bad ET’s not all people are struck with “incompetence” syndrome, NOT like the sushi and OCF are.

That incompetency syndrome, can be identified to the mid to late 1970's and getting much worse in present years. It seems to have struck people in all walks of life, dispite their educational background. This incompetency syndrome is amazing to see in so many individuals. Actually it is a concern because it is so rampant.
This incompetence syndrome is amazing to see in so many individuals. Actually it is a concern because it is so rampant.

Yes seeing you and craterchains (Norval with it brings tears to my eyes, how I pity you.
Are we making a mistake here in the basic assumption that ones like WCF, Persol, Goofyfish etc. actually have half a brain? When the research states that these humans with just a fraction of a brain at the end of the brain stem have been tested to have an IQ of 120 or better and hold professional employment and are not social mix fits.

What reseach??? your references are not scientific and have no credentials. My references from medical journal database on hydranencephaly and hydrancephaly (both are the same thing) shows that few with it live to the age of 1!, let alone the fact that none that survive longer have much mental function. My review from the medical journal database of hemispherectomies shows that even with half the brain remove mental function is dimension in most cases, and that only in some young children can mental and motor function return to a almost normal state.

Your beliefs have been debunked! You have no credible referenced to your claims and I have even present a theory on why you people believe what you believe: You have confused hydrocephalus for hydrancephaly, hydrocephalus being only the build up of cerebral fluid in the head with the brain intack, some with hydrocephalus can live perfectly normal lives it just people might make fun of there oversized head.



Please close this thread I have debunked it, but I doubt they will listen they haven't yet.
WCF it does not matter what journel you read, the fact remains, these humans born with a fraction of a brain can and do live past 1 year old, recorded cases of many that lead average to above average lives. I posted the facts about these individuals, even having an Intelligence Quatiant 120 and higher. What is your problem?
Like I have said before, just look WCF, it is all there.
I did look and there is no medically or scientifically recorded cases of them living beyond 1 with normal mental function! There is recorded cases of dragons eating people but that does not mean it happened. Like I said you have stated no vaild evidence, this thread is debunked.
The Incompetence Syndrome infects the ability to cross relate concepts along specific lines of reasoning. Not to be confused with obvious “denial tactics”. Also not to be confused with the normal inability to understand concepts beyond ones knowledge base. That is called ignoring the facts. The medical records available on the net are accessible by any that want to search them out. With out resorting to the paranormal or pseudo science sites for a rehash of the medical papers published on the topic.

If ones can’t search these medical documents out on the web for themselves and resort to asking for the URL’s, then what is the real reason for asking? Is it to discover our sources? How many web sources have been removed for topics such as this? NEVER give your main sources up for deletion.
And did I not search this stuff my self??? It seems your the one suffering from "Incompetence Syndrome" as you cannot pull up a medical record without me having done it for you!
craterchains (Norval said:
If ones can’t search these medical documents out on the web for themselves and resort to asking for the URL’s, then what is the real reason for asking? Is it to discover our sources? How many web sources have been removed for topics such as this? NEVER give your main sources up for deletion.

Perhaps expanding your knowledge base beyond the web and look at actual books in a library or read through copies of the JAMA and other medical journals where full information can be obtained (in context) with cross references, bibliographies and footnotes would be an intelligent option.
Hold on a sec. Craterchains, from the title of this thread i gather you are saying humans, even with 10% of their brains, are still smarter than extraterrestial aliens. i assume you have studied extraterrestials before to find them dumber than a person with 10% brains. Care to announce your findings?

If that were true, i guess people with 10% brains are smarter than aliens who can start interplanetary wars and drop nukes to form craterchains, something humans with 100% brains can't do at present.
A plant with no brain can eat a fly with a miniscule brain.

(venus fly trap)

If you go to mcDonalds in Roswell on sunday you can eat alien brain burgers.

I hope that this disinformation settles the dispute.